13 research outputs found

    The single-cell transcriptional landscape of lung carcinoid tumors

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    Lung carcinoid tumors, also referred to as pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors or lung carcinoids, are rare neoplasms of the lung with a more favorable prognosis than other subtypes of lung cancer. Still, some patients suffer from relapsed disease and metastatic spread. Several recent single-cell studies have provided detailed insights into the cellular heterogeneity of more common lung cancers, such as adeno- and squamous cell carcinoma. However, the characteristics of lung carcinoids on the single-cell level are yet completely unknown. To study the cellular composition and single-cell gene expression profiles in lung carcinoids, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing to three lung carcinoid tumor samples and normal lung tissue. The single-cell transcriptomes of carcinoid tumor cells reflected intertumoral heterogeneity associated with clinicopathological features, such as tumor necrosis and proliferation index. The immune microenvironment was specifically enriched in non-inflammatory monocyte-derived myeloid cells. Tumor-associated endothelial cells were characterized by distinct gene expression profiles. A spectrum of vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes predominated the stromal microenvironment. We found a small proportion of myofibroblasts exhibiting features reminiscent of cancer-associated fibroblasts. Stromal and immune cells exhibited potential paracrine interactions which may shape the microenvironment via NOTCH, VEGF, TGFβ and JAK/STAT signaling. Moreover, single-cell gene signatures of pericytes and myofibroblasts demonstrated prognostic value in bulk gene expression data. Here, we provide first comprehensive insights into the cellular composition and single-cell gene expression profiles in lung carcinoids, demonstrating the non-inflammatory and vessel-rich nature of their tumor microenvironment, and outlining relevant intercellular interactions which could serve as future therapeutic targets

    Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals distinct tumor microenvironmental patterns in lung adenocarcinoma

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    Recent developments in immuno-oncology demonstrate that not only cancer cells, but also the tumor microenvironment can guide precision medicine. A comprehensive and in-depth characterization of the tumor microenvironment is challenging since its cell populations are diverse and can be important even if scarce. To identify clinically relevant microenvironmental and cancer features, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing to ten human lung adenocarcinomas and ten normal control tissues. Our analyses revealed heterogeneous carcinoma cell transcriptomes reflecting histological grade and oncogenic pathway activities, and two distinct microenvironmental patterns. The immune-activated CP(2)E microenvironment was composed of cancer-associated myofibroblasts, proinflammatory monocyte-derived macrophages, plasmacytoid dendritic cells and exhausted CD8+ T cells, and was prognostically unfavorable. In contrast, the inert N(3)MC microenvironment was characterized by normal-like myofibroblasts, non-inflammatory monocyte-derived macrophages, NK cells, myeloid dendritic cells and conventional T cells, and was associated with a favorable prognosis. Microenvironmental marker genes and signatures identified in single-cell profiles had progonostic value in bulk tumor profiles. In summary, single-cell RNA profiling of lung adenocarcinoma provides additional prognostic information based on the microenvironment, and may help to predict therapy response and to reveal possible target cell populations for future therapeutic approaches

    Human alveolar progenitors generate dual lineage bronchioalveolar organoids

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    Mechanisms of epithelial renewal in the alveolar compartment remain incompletely understood. To this end, we aimed to characterize alveolar progenitors. Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis of the HTII-280(+)/EpCAM(+) population from adult human lung revealed subclusters enriched for adult stem cell signature (ASCS) genes. We found that alveolar progenitors in organoid culture in vitro show phenotypic lineage plasticity as they can yield alveolar or bronchial cell-type progeny. The direction of the differentiation is dependent on the presence of the GSK-3β inhibitor, CHIR99021. By RNA-seq profiling of GSK-3β knockdown organoids we identified additional candidate target genes of the inhibitor, among others FOXM1 and EGF. This gives evidence of Wnt pathway independent regulatory mechanisms of alveolar specification. Following influenza A virus (IAV) infection organoids showed a similar response as lung tissue explants which confirms their suitability for studies of sequelae of pathogen-host interaction

    Development and systematic evaluation of decellularization protocols in different application models for diaphragmatic tissue engineering

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    BACKGROUND: Tissue engineered bioscaffolds based on decellularized composites have gained increasing interest for treatment of various diaphragmatic impairments, including muscular atrophies and diaphragmatic hernias. Detergent-enzymatic treatment (DET) constitutes a standard strategy for diaphragmatic decellularization. However, there is scarce data on comparing DET protocols with different substances in distinct application models in their ability to maximize cellular removal while minimizing extracellular matrix (ECM) damage. METHODS: We decellularized diaphragms of male Sprague Dawley rats with 1 % or 0.1 % sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 4 % sodium deoxycholate (SDC) by orbital shaking (OS) or retrograde perfusion (RP) through the vena cava. We evaluated decellularized diaphragmatic samples by (1) quantitative analysis including DNA quantification and biomechanical testing, (2) qualitative and semiquantitative analysis by proteomics, as well as (3) qualitative assessment with macroscopic and microscopic evaluation by histological staining, immunohistochemistry and scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: All protocols produced decellularized matrices with micro- and ultramorphologically intact architecture and adequate biomechanical performance with gradual differences. The proteomic profile of decellularized matrices contained a broad range of primal core and ECM-associated proteins similar to native muscle. While no outstanding preference for one singular protocol was determinable, SDS-treated samples showed slightly beneficial properties in comparison to SDC-processed counterparts. Both application modalities proved suitable for DET. CONCLUSION: DET with SDS or SDC via orbital shaking or retrograde perfusion constitute suitable methods to produce adequately decellularized matrices with characteristically preserved proteomic composition. Exposing compositional and functional specifics of variously treated grafts may enable establishing an ideal processing strategy to sustain valuable tissue characteristics and optimize consecutive recellularization. This aims to design an optimal bioscaffold for future transplantation in quantitative and qualitative diaphragmatic defects

    SPASM: Segmentation of sparse and arbitrarily oriented cardiac mri data using a 3D-ASM

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    Abstract. In this paper, a new technique (SPASM) based on a 3D-ASM is presented for automatic segmentation of cardiac MRI image data sets consisting of multiple planes with different orientations, and with large undersampled regions. SPASM was applied to sparsely sampled and radially oriented cardiac LV image data. Performance of SPASM has been compared to results from other methods reported in literature. The accuracy of SPASM is comparable to these other methods, but SPASM uses considerably less image data.