1,034 research outputs found

    Blended Learning in University Education: Activities, Results and Quality

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    Mononchid nematodes from Spain : six known species and Miconchus baeticus sp. n. occurring in southern fir forests

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    Cet article traite de nématodes Mononchides présents dans les forêts de sapins (#Abies pinsapo Boiss.) d'Espagne méridionale et donne la description et l'illustration d'une nouvelle espèces, #Miconchus baeticus sp. n., collectée dans une zone naturelle protégée (Sierra de las Nieves). #M. baeticusestprincipalementcaracteˊriseˊparlesdentsdorsaleetventrosublateˊralesenpositionsuprabasale,lesdentsderemplacementtoujourspreˊsenteschezladulteaˋlinteˊrieurdesdentsfonctionnelles,lesapexdesdentslocaliseˊsaˋ3142 est principalement caractérisé par les dents dorsale et ventrosublatérales en position suprabasale, les dents de remplacement toujours présentes chez l'adulte à l'intérieur des dents fonctionnelles, les apex des dents localisés à 31-42% à partir de la base de la cavité buccale, la présence de papilles pré- et postvulvaires, la queue allongée-conoïde avec une extrémité subtronquée et les "filières" s'ouvrant terminalement. #Clarkus papillatus, #Coomansus parvus, #Prionchulus muscorum, #Mylonchulus brachyuris, #Anatonchus ginglymodontus et #Miconchus studeri$ sont également signalés. (Résumé d'auteur

    The occurrence and distribution of Xiphinema species (Nematoda : Dorylaimida) in spanish fir woodlands

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    Une étude comparative a été réalisée en vue de définir l'influence des facteurs édaphiques sur la présence et l'abondance relative de quatre espèces de #Xiphinema observées dans le sol de cinq forêts de sapin (#Abies pinsapo Boiss) du sud de l'Espagne. Les prélèvements ont été effectués de façon saisonnière pendant une année. Afin de relier la présence des espèces avec les caractéristiques de l'habitat et mettre en évidence leur mode de répartition dans les aires étudiées, les méthodes d'analyses univariées (analyse linéaire de la variance) et multivariées (analyses en grappe et de correspondance) ont été utilisées. La répartition de trois des espèces s'est révélée correspondre aux gradients de texture du sol. #X. sphaerocephalum montre ses plus grandes fréquence et abondance relative dans les sols à roche-mère calcaire, mais n'a pas été trouvé sur les péridotites, c'est-à-dire dans des sols plus sableux, préférant les textures plutôt limoneuses. #X. pachtaicum est rencontré dans les sols à texture argileuse plus nettement soumis aux conditions climatiques méditerranéennes. La répartition de #X. diversicaudatum est très nettement liée aux sols acides de texture plus sableuse avec un taux élevé d'argile fine. #X. turcicum, enfin, n'est rencontré que très rarement et en faible nombre, aussi sa répartition dans ces sols demeure-t-elle obscure. (Résumé d'auteur

    Influence of type 2 diabetes mellitus on liver histology among morbidly obese individuals: a cross-sectional study

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become a public health concern. It encompasses a wide spectrum of histological abnormalities and has close relationships with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This study sought to compare13417983sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Distributed Energy Resources Parameter Monitoring in Microgrids Using Blockchain and Edge Computing

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    An increased share of distributed renewable energy sources requires flexible tools for providing reliable and cheap electricity. Smart meters provide information at the consumer level, which could be used as the main source for real-time energy micro-transactions, however, one of the main concerns about direct transactions is information security. Conventional electricity markets rely on centralized information exchange, nevertheless, when intra-day, distributed, electricity consumption and production exchanges are required between customers, this approach might not be enough. This paper presents a proof-of-concept for using Blockchain as a tool for managing the operational transactions in a DC microgrid. The distributed nature of this technology provides an inherently safer approach, by providing an immutable database for transaction history. One of the challenges of using this technology, however, is the required computing power at the nodes and the limited capacity available in the smart meter. To overcome these issues, the authors used a distributed computing technology,-edge computing-, where computation and storage are located closer to the customer, to improve response times by handling the required computational tasks of the Blockchain tool. This approach proved not only to be practically viable but also, offers important insights about the scalability and capabilities of the technology. © 2020 IEEE

    Improvement of Production Line in the Automotive Industry Through Lean Philosophy

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    This work refers to concepts and definitions of Lean Philosophy. The main targets were to study how waste reduction can be achieved on a production scenario, by identifying added-value operations, enhance productivity, levelling and over-processing reduction. The project behind this study is a massive one, which involves the installation of seven final production lines and more seven pre-assembly lines, being considered by the company, a project that must be as profitable as possible. After implementation and validation, costs were evaluated and the savings reached 10,9 % (2 159 000 €) considering all costs of industrialization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multivariate statistical analysis applied to water quality of a tropical Coastal Lagoon, Cartagena, Colombian Caribbean

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    Coastal lagoons are one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, because of population growth, habitat destruction, pollution, wastewater, overexploitation and invasive species which are the main causes of their degradation. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the water quality behavior in a stressed coastal lagoon in Cartagena, Colombian Caribbean. Environmental data was analyzed using hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and also Principal components analysis (PCA). The study was focused on water parameters such as dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), salinity, pH, total dissolved solids, total coliforms (TC), Fecal coliforms (FC), ammonium (NH4+) and total phosphorus (TP). The analysis was conducted in line with the Colombian national water standard. Results showed that BOD5, COD, phosphorus, and coliforms are out of the limits permitted for these variables in Colombia and are reaching levels that may be a threat to human health. Principal components analysis detected five components that explained 79.4% of the variance of data and showed that anthropogenic and temporal factors might be affecting the variation of the parameters. © 2020, Gadjah Mada University. All rights reserved.Fundacion Universitaria Konrad LorenzThe authors would like to thank Fundacion Universitaria Tecnologico Comfenalco, University of Cartagena and SENA for financially supporting this research

    Milk production of lacaune sheep with different degrees of crossing with manchega sheep in a commercial flock in Spain

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the grade of crossbreeding (Lacaune x Manchega) and environmental factors on milk production in a commercial flock in Spain. A total of 5769 milk production records of sheep with different degrees of purity of the Lacaune breed crossed with Manchega were used as follows: 100% Lacaune (n = 2960), 7/8 Lacaune (n = 502), 13/16 Lacaune (n = 306), 3/4 (n = 1288), 5/8 Lacaune (n = 441) and 1/2 Lacaune: Manchega (n = 272). Additional available information included the number of parity (1 to 8), litter size (single or multiple), and the season of the year of lambing (spring, summer, autumn and winter). A mixed model was used to evaluate the level of crossbreeding and environmental factors on milk production. The 100% Lacaune sheep presented the highest milk production with respect to the F1 Lacaune x Manchega sheep (p < 0.01), showing that as the degree of gene absorption increases with the Manchega breed, it presents lower milk yield. The 100%, 13/16, and 3/4 Lacaune genotypes had the highest milk yields with respect to the 1/2 Lacaune/Manchega breed (p < 0.001). The Lacaune registered on average 181.1 L in a period adjusted to 160 days of lactation (1.13 L/ day). Likewise, the parity number, litter size, and season of lambing effects showed significant differences (p < 0.01). It was concluded that 13/16 and 3/4 Lacaune/Manchega ewes presented the highest milk yields with respect to the other crosses