756 research outputs found


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    This article is a detailed description of the lives of white Youths during the Second War of Independence in South Africa. The plight of children confined in concentration camps all over the country, the high death rate due to malnutrition and the outbreak of disease in the camps are analysed and the attention is focussed on the allarming fact that whereas 6189 burghers died during this war, a total of 27, 927 men, women and children died in concentration camps during the same period. It can thus safely be said that it was much safer at the front than in a concentration camp. Examples of extraordinary valour by young children were numerous during this war and some of these are related in the article

    A Star Harbouring a Wormhole at its Core

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    We consider a configuration consisting of a wormhole filled by a perfect fluid. Such a model can be applied to describe stars as well as neutron stars with a nontrivial topology. The presence of a tunnel allows for motion of the fluid, including oscillations near the core of the system. Choosing the polytropic equation of state for the perfect fluid, we obtain static regular solutions. Based on these solutions, we consider small radial oscillations of the configuration and show that the solutions are stable with respect to linear perturbations in the external region.Comment: abstract was change

    AMH in PCOS: Controlling the ovary, placenta, or brain?

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a very heterogeneous disease of which the exact pathophysiological mechanisms remain unknown. In PCOS, serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels are significantly increased. AMH is a member of the transforming growth factor β family and is expressed by growing follicles in the ovaries. In PCOS, the transcriptional regulation of AMH and AMHR2 is altered, increasing and prolonging its temporal expression pattern. Moreover, the recently discovered extragonadal effects of AMH suggest that there might be a crosstalk between the ovary–placenta–brain. This review summarizes the recent findings concerning AMH and its role in the etiology of PCOS

    Genes involved in carotene synthesis and mating in Blakeslea trispora

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    Mating of Blakeslea trispora and other molds of the order Mucorales requires the interaction of mycelia of opposite sex, (+) and (-), leading to the development of specialized structures and to an enhanced accumulation of beta-carotene. Industry obtains beta-carotene by co-cultivating appropriate strains of Blakeslea (mated cultures). Gene transcription in single and mated cultures was assayed by cDNA-AFLP, a technique to observe the differential expression of subsets of mRNA fragments. Overexpression in mated cultures is about ten times more frequent than underexpression. We obtained and sequenced fragments of 97 candidate genes that appeared to be overexpressed during mating and confirmed four of them by reverse transcription and real-time PCR. Comparisons with gene sequences from other organisms suggest functions in carotene biosynthesis (4 genes), energy metabolism (8), cell wall synthesis (1), transfer of acetyl groups (1), and regulatory processes (10). Sodium acetate inhibited sexual overexpression in about two-thirds of the candidate genes and acted as a signal with broad effects on the metabolism and the morphology of mated cultures. Our work offers new materials for the study of carotene biosynthesis and its regulation and for the improvement of carotene production with Mucorales

    Anti-Müllerian Hormone and Ovarian Reserve: Update on Assessing Ovarian Function

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    CONTEXT: Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) is produced by granulosa cells of small, growing follicles in the ovary. Serum AMH levels strongly correlate with the number of growing follicles, and therefore AMH has received increasing attention as a marker for ovarian reserve. This review summarizes recent findings and limitations in the application of serum AMH in ovarian reserve assessment. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A PubMed search was conducted to find recent literature on the measurements and use of serum AMH as a marker for ovarian reserve. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Serum AMH levels are measured to assess the "functional ovarian reserve," a term that is preferred over "ovarian reserve," since AMH levels reflect the pool of growing follicles that potentially can ovulate. Serum AMH levels are used in individualized follicle-stimulating hormone dosing protocols and may predict the r

    Regulation of ovarian function: the role of anti-Mullerian hormone

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    Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), also known as Mullerian inhibiting substance, is a member of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily of growth and differentiation factors. In contrast to other members of the family, which exert a broad range of functions in multiple tissues, the principal function of AMH is to induce regression of the Mullerian ducts during male sex differentiation. However, the patterns of expression of AMH and its type II receptor in the postnatal ovary indicate that AMH may play an important role in ovarian folliculogenesis. This review describes several in vivo and in vitro studies showing that AMH participates in two critical selection points of follicle development: it inhibits the recruitment of primordial follicles into the pool of growing follicles and also decreases the responsiveness of growing follicles to FSH

    Anti-Mullerian Hormone: Molecular Mechanism of Action

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    During early fetal development. the primitive urogenital system is bipotential and can develop into a male or female direction, depending on the chromosomal sex of the fetus. In this chapter, regulatory factors of sex determination and differentiation are described. The roles of two testicular hormones, testosterone and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), which are essential for proper differentiation of the internal genitalia, are discussed

    Het nieuwe filmauteurscontractenrecht

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    Op 12 februari 2015 is het wetsvoorstel Auteurscontractenrecht aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer. Het wetsvoorstel is inmiddels in behandeling bij de Eerste Kamer. Het wetsvoorstel treedt mogelijk op 1 juli 2015 in werking en als dat niet gehaald wordt op 1 januari 2016. Het recht op een proportionele billijke vergoeding voor de ‘belangrijke makers’ van filmwerken was het heetste hangijzer van het nieuwe auteurscontractenrecht. Het heeft een ingewikkelde totstandkomingsgeschiedenis en zal in de praktijk de nodige vragen oproepen. In deze bijdrage wordt getracht een en ander in kaart te brengen
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