2,534 research outputs found

    Paediatric treatment costs and the HIV epidemic

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    A CAJM on pediatric treatment costs and the effects of HIV pandemic in Malawi.As the AIDS epidemic puts additional strains on the already overburdened health care systems in sub-Saharan Africa, it becomes more important to estimate the cost of the epidemic in terms of health personnel and drug treatments. A retrospective review of 250 randomly selected paediatric admissions to a referral hospital in Malawi was undertaken. Groupings of “pos- sible/probable AIDS” and “probably not AIDS” were used in a comparative analysis of treatment costs. Estimated costs of treatments were significantly lower than those calculated in a study from Zimbabwe using different methodology. Meningitis was the most expensive condition to treat and accounted for a greater percentage of overall cost than either acute respiratory infection, diarihoeal disease or measles

    Position clamping of optically trapped microscopic non-spherical probes

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    We investigate the degree of control that can be exercised over an optically trapped microscopic non-spherical force probe. By position clamping translational and rotational modes in different ways, we are able to dramatically improve the position resolution of our probe with no reduction in sensitivity. We also demonstrate control over rotational-translational coupling, and exhibit a mechanism whereby the average centre of rotation of the probe can be displaced away from its centre

    Glacial geomorphology of the Neutral Hills Uplands, southeast Alberta, Canada: The process-form imprints of dynamic ice streams and surging ice lobes

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    The Neutral Hills Uplands of southern Alberta, Canada is an area of complex and varied glacial landforms dominated by glacitectonic compressional structures but also containing expansive areas of hummocky terrain and kame and kettle topography. It lies between the strongly streamlined trunks of the former Central Alberta (CAIS) and Maskwa palaeo-ice streams of the SW Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) and hence comprises an inter-ice stream regional moraine zone, constructed at around 15.5 cal ka BP. This study aimed to compile a regional map of the glacial geomorphology of central southeast Alberta in order to decipher the landform-sediment signatures of overprinted ice stream margins in terrestrial continental environments, and to refine the palaeoglaciological reconstructions for the southwest LIS. Detailed mapping from LiDAR and aerial imagery identifies distinctive glacial landsystems diagnostic of the partial overprinting of cross-cutting ice stream trunks and fast flow lobes. Widespread evidence of surge-diagnostic features indicates that the ice streams experienced repeated flow instabilities, consistent with the broader scenario of a highly dynamic and unstable SW LIS, characterised by markedly transitory and cross-cutting palaeo-ice streams. The inter-ice stream moraine zone is characterised by spectacular glacitectonic compression of bedrock, cupola hill construction and mega raft displacement but also displays evidence of multi-phase stagnant ice melt-out, where partially overprinted surge lobes advanced into large areas of buried glacier ice. Contemporaneous ice melting led to the widespread development of glacier karst and the production of eskers at a range of scales, the largest of which record deranged drainage patterns indicative of ice-walled channel sedimentation controlled by the regional bedrock slope towards the northeast. These process-form regimes have created a significant local relief that is a product of not only glacitectonic compression of bedrock but also the creation and melting of a melange of ice and bedrock/sediment blocks of variable ice volume, which are representative of former buried snout ice with a glacier karst system that was repeatedly proglacially thrust due to surging. Widespread evidence for subglacial channel cutting is likely strongly linked to the transitory, surging and cross-cutting nature of the palaeo-ice streams in the region, whereby ice streams switched on and surged in response to the build-up, migration and marginal outbursts of subglacial water reservoirs. In addition to the reduced basal friction caused by the low permeability of the Cretaceous bedrock, pressurized groundwater and potentially also shallow biogenic gas deposits were likely important to the process-form regimes of surging lobes of soft-bedded ice streams in a region where ice flow was against an adverse bed slope; a scenario that gave rise to a variety of enigmatic landforms such as doughnuts, doughnut chains, apparent blow-out features and possible till eskers, as well as glacitectonic mega-rafts

    Old dog begging for new tricks: current practices and future directions in the diagnosis of delayed antimicrobial hypersensitivity

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    Purpose of review: Antimicrobials are a leading cause of severe T cell-mediated adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The purpose of this review is to address the current understanding of antimicrobial cross-reactivity and the ready availability of and evidence for in-vitro, in-vivo, and ex-vivo diagnostics for T cell-mediated ADRs. Recent findings: Recent literature has evaluated the efficacy of traditional antibiotic allergy management, including patch testing, skin prick testing, intradermal testing, and oral challenge. Although patch and intradermal testing are specific for the diagnosis of immune-mediated ADRs, they suffer from drug-specific limitations in sensitivity. The use of ex-vivo diagnostics, especially enzyme-linked immunospot, has been highlighted as a promising new approach to assigning causality. Knowledge of true rates of antimicrobial cross-reactivity aids empirical antibiotic choice in the setting of previous immune-mediated ADRs. Summary: In an era of increasing antimicrobial resistance and use of broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy, ensuring patients are assigned the correct ‘allergy label’ is essential. Re-exposure to implicated antimicrobials, especially in the setting of severe adverse cutaneous reaction, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The process through which an antibiotic label gets assigned, acted on and maintained is still imprecise. Predicting T cell-mediated ADRs via personalized approaches, including human leukocyte antigen-typing, may pave future pathways to safer antimicrobial prescribing guidelines

    Operator algebra quantum homogeneous spaces of universal gauge groups

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    In this paper, we quantize universal gauge groups such as SU(\infty), as well as their homogeneous spaces, in the sigma-C*-algebra setting. More precisely, we propose concise definitions of sigma-C*-quantum groups and sigma-C*-quantum homogeneous spaces and explain these concepts here. At the same time, we put these definitions in the mathematical context of countably compactly generated spaces as well as C*-compact quantum groups and homogeneous spaces. We also study the representable K-theory of these spaces and compute it for the quantum homogeneous spaces associated to the universal gauge group SU(\infty).Comment: 14 pages. Merged with [arXiv:1011.1073

    Fast Electron Driven Modes in the Current Rise in Alcator C-Mod

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    Unravelling the relative roles of top-down and bottom-up forces driving population change in an oceanic predator

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    In the open ocean ecosystem, climate and anthropogenic changes have driven biological change at both ends of the food chain. Understanding how the population dynamics of pelagic predators are simultaneously influenced by nutrient-driven processes acting from the “bottom-up” and predator-driven processes acting from the “top-down” is therefore considered an urgent task. Using a state-space demographic model, we evaluated the population trajectory of an oceanic predator, the macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus), and numerically assessed the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down drivers acting through different demographic rates. The population trajectory was considerably more sensitive to changes in top-down control of survival compared to bottom-up control of survival or productivity. This study integrates a unique set of demographic and covariate data and highlights the benefits of using a single estimation framework to examine the links between covariates, demographic rates and population dynamic

    Absolute Calibration of a 200 MeV Proton Polarimeter for Use with the Brookhaven Linac

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 81-14339 and by Indiana Universit

    Fitness costs of animal medication: antiparasitic plant chemicals reduce fitness of monarch butterfly hosts

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134230/1/jane12558_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134230/2/jane12558.pd

    Chiral Supergravitons Interacting with a 0-Brane N-Extended NSR Super-Virasoro Group

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    We continue the development of the actions, S_{AFF}, by examining the cases where there are N fermionic degrees of freedom associated with a 0-brane. These actions correspond to the interaction of the N-extended super Virasoro algebra with the supergraviton and the associated SO(N) gauge field that accompanies the supermultiplet. The superfield formalism is used throughout so that supersymmetry is explicit.Comment: PACS: 04.65.+e, 11.15.-q, 11.25.-w, 12.60.
