34 research outputs found

    Paleobiology of titanosaurs: reproduction, development, histology, pneumaticity, locomotion and neuroanatomy from the South American fossil record

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    Fil: García, Rodolfo A.. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología. Museo Provincial Carlos Ameghino. Cipolletti; ArgentinaFil: Salgado, Leonardo. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología. General Roca. Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Mariela. Inibioma-Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Bariloche. Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Cerda, Ignacio A.. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología. Museo Provincial Carlos Ameghino. Cipolletti; ArgentinaFil: Carabajal, Ariana Paulina. Museo Carmen Funes. Plaza Huincul. Neuquén; ArgentinaFil: Otero, Alejandro. Museo de La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Coria, Rodolfo A.. Instituto de Paleobiología y Geología. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Neuquén; ArgentinaFil: Fiorelli, Lucas E.. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica. Anillaco. La Rioja; Argentin

    Braincase anatomy of Almadasuchus figarii

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    Almadasuchus figarii is a basal crocodylomorph recovered from the Upper Jurassic levels of the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation (Oxfordian–Tithonian) of Chubut, Argentina. This taxon is represented by cranial remains, which consist of partial snout and palatal remains; an excellently preserved posterior region of the skull; and isolated postcranial remains. The skull of the only specimen of the monotypic Almadasuchus was restudied using high‐resolution computed micro tomography. Almadasuchus has an apomorphic condition in its skull shared with the closest relatives of crocodyliforms (i.e. hallopodids) where the quadrates are sutured to the laterosphenoids and the otoccipital contacts the quadrate posterolaterally, reorganizing the exit of several cranial nerves (e.g. vagus foramen) and the entry of blood vessels (e.g. internal carotids) on the occipital surface of the skull. The endocast is tubular, as previously reported in thalattosuchians, but has a marked posterior step, and a strongly projected floccular recess as in other basal crocodylomorphs. Internally, the skull of Almadasuchus is heavily pneumatized, where different air cavities invade the bones of the suspensorium and braincase, both on its dorsal or ventral parts. Almadasuchus has a large basioccipital recess, which is formed by cavities that excavate the basioccipital and the posterior surface of the basisphenoid, and unlike other crocodylomorphs is connected with the basisphenoid pneumatizations. Ventral to the otic capsule, a pneumatic cavity surrounded by the otoccipital and basisphenoid is identified as the rhomboidal recess. The quadrate of Almadasuchus is highly pneumatized, being completely hollow, and the dorsal pneumatizations of the braincase are formed by the mastoid and facial antra, and a laterosphenoid cavity (trigeminal diverticulum). To better understand the origins of pneumatic features in living crocodylomorphs we studied cranial pneumaticity in the basal members of Crocodylomorpha and found that: (a) prootic pneumaticity may be a synapomorphy for the whole clade; (b) basisphenoid pneumaticity (pre‐, postcarotid and rostral recesses) is a derived feature among basal crocodylomorphs; (c) quadrate pneumatization is acquired later in the history of the group; and (d) the rhomboidal sinus is a shared derived trait of hallopodids and crocodyliforms. The marine thallatosuchians exhibit a reduction of the pneumaticity of the braincase and this reduction is evaluated considering the two phylogenetic positions proposed for the clade

    Characters of multituberculates neglected in phylogenetic analyses of early mammals

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    Olfactory acuity in theropods: palaeobiological and evolutionary implications

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    This research presents the first quantitative evaluation of the olfactory acuity in extinct theropod dinosaurs. Olfactory ratios (i.e. the ratio of the greatest diameter of the olfactory bulb to the greatest diameter of the cerebral hemisphere) are analysed in order to infer the olfactory acuity and behavioural traits in theropods, as well as to identify phylogenetic trends in olfaction within Theropoda. A phylogenetically corrected regression of olfactory ratio to body mass reveals that, relative to predicted values, the olfactory bulbs of (i) tyrannosaurids and dromaeosaurids are significantly larger, (ii) ornithomimosaurs and oviraptorids are significantly smaller, and (iii) ceratosaurians, allosauroids, basal tyrannosauroids, troodontids and basal birds are within the 95% CI. Relative to other theropods, olfactory acuity was high in tyrannosaurids and dromaeosaurids and therefore olfaction would have played an important role in their ecology, possibly for activities in low-light conditions, locating food, or for navigation within large home ranges. Olfactory acuity was the lowest in ornithomimosaurs and oviraptorids, suggesting a reduced reliance on olfaction and perhaps an omnivorous diet in these theropods. Phylogenetic trends in olfaction among theropods reveal that olfactory acuity did not decrease in the ancestry of birds, as troodontids, dromaeosaurids and primitive birds possessed typical or high olfactory acuity. Thus, the sense of smell must have remained important in primitive birds and its presumed decrease associated with the increased importance of sight did not occur until later among more derived birds

    Sea saltwater weakening of chalk and the impact on cliff instability

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    Chalk forms one of the major coastal cliff formations throughout Northwest Europe, with large population centres and critical infrastructure being exposed to and at risk from cliff collapses in this rock type. Traditionally, the two main factors leading to chalk cliff collapse have been considered to be: (i) waves attacking and eroding the base of the cliff and (ii) water weakening as the chalk becomes saturated. This work challenges the established view by identifying the role of salt from seawater in the degradation of porous rocks in coastal environments as a third and potentially the most important mechanism leading to chalk cliff collapse. Field and laboratory investigations have identified and quantified the role of sea saltwater weakening of chalk in coastal environments. A series of triaxial strength tests have identified that coastal chalks are up to 55% weaker than their inland equivalents. This weakening process is as a result of saltwater ingress into the chalk. SEM imaging has shown that seawater penetrates the porous chalk and the salt progressively concentrates, forming salt crystals which disrupt the pore structure and weakening the rock material which then leads to catastrophic cliff failure. Saltwater weakening of cliffs could be one of the main factors leading to large- and small-scale collapses observed along the chalk coast line, and is likely to be the primary reason for the increasing frequency of cliff failures along protected coastal sections as the sea salt progressively concentrates in the cliff reducing its mechanical strength. Rock strength is not usually considered to be temporally variable and is, therefore, rarely considered in relation to climate change. However, this is not true of soft rocks like chalk, which weaken and collapse in short time periods as they are exposed to external factors

    Determinação da digestibilidade de nutrientes através da técnica do "saco de nylon" mais pepsina

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    Procurou-se verificar se a digestão de alimento em saco de "nylon", acrescida por tratamento com pepsina, seria equivalente à digestão obtida pelo método direto clássico, o de coleta total de fezes, já determinado anteriormente com ovinos. Seguiu-se um delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com 6 repetições e 4 tratamentos, ou seja, tratamento A: ração contendo 100% de feno de capim de Rhodes; B: 85% de feno de Rhodes mais 15% de farelo de côco; C: 70% de feno de Rhodes mais 30% de farelo de côco; e D: 100% de farelo de côco. O animal fistulado utilizado para teste foi um bovino adulto, macho, de raça holandesa; o tempo de permanência do saco de "nylon" no rume foi de 72 horas; e a dieta consistiu em feno de Rhodes à vontade mais 2kg de farelo de coco por dia. Os resultados foram analisados através de análise da variância e curvas de regressão, e a comparação entre métodos de digestibilidade pelo teste de Tukey. Houve influência da associação de alimentos sobre a digestibilidade da fibra bruta (FB) e dos extrativos não nitrogenados (ENN), mas não sobre as demais frações - matéria seca (MS), extrato etéreo (EE) e proteína bruta (PB). A digestibilidade da fibra diminuiu com a inclusão e o acúmulo do nível de farelo na dieta. Não houve equivalência consistente entre os métodos testados de digestiblidade, variando ou não conforme o nutriente e o tratamento considerado. De modo geral, a inclusão de aproximadamente 15% de farelo de côco (tratamento B) favoreceu o melhor aproveitamento da dieta."Nylon bag" technique, followed by 48 hours of chloridric pepsin digestion, was tried for determination of the digestibility of proximate nutrients of Rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana, Kunth, cv. callide) and coconut caque meal, and compared with results from "in vivo" method. In a randomized blocks design, 100% of Rhodes grass, and mixtures of 85% and 70% of the grass hay with 15%, and 30% of coconut cake, and 100% coconut cake, made up four treatments (A, B, C and D, respectively). The coefficients of digestibility for Dry Matter and for proximate nutrients in treatments A, B and C, determined through nylon bags in bovine rumen, were compared to the coefficients determined by total faces collection, in sheep. It was observed and concluded that: a) Position of samples along the supoort-bars inside rumen, as well as dfferent periods of animal usage, had no influence on the results; b) The calculated proportions of coconut in the mixture to obtain best digestibility were 17.48% for Dry Matter, 21.10% for Ether Extract, 29.01% for Crude Protein, and 16.49% for Non Nitrogenous Extrat. Crude Fiber digestibility decreased linearly as the coconut proportion in the mixture increased; c) "Nylon bag" and "in vivo" methods gave similar coefficients of digestibility for Crude Fiber for all treatments; for other nutrients, however, there were differences depending on treatments; d) TDN values for coconut cake meal, determined through "nylon bags" were 68.76% taking the average coefficients of digestibility from treatments B and C, and 68.08% from treatment D; "in vivo", the average from B and gave 71.06% of TDN; such a small difference in NDT suggests to have had no interference of foods on digestibility; e) NDT calculate for Rhodes grass hay was 58.38% "in nylon bags", and 44.81% "in vivo", when treatment A was the only one considered; thus, it could be concluded that nylon bag plus pepsin method did not work for Rhodes hay