2,259 research outputs found

    Community acceptance of helicopter noise: Criteria and application

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    A study was conducted to define those criteria necessary for civil helicopter operations to be acoustically acceptable to the communities from which they operate and over which they fly. The study involved surveying existing domestic and foreign Federal regulations and guidelines, state and local noise ordinances, results of community noise annoyance studies, and results of individual aircraft noise annoyance studies, and results of individual aircraft noise annoyance studies in order to establish the criteria. The final criteria selection are based on the Day-Night Level, L sub DN, a measure of total noise exposure. The basic rating unit is the A weighted sound pressure level (dbA) which has accuracy comparable to other units currently used for aircraft. An L sub DN of 60 is recommended as a criterion for areas where the ambient noise is below 58 dbA. An L sub DN value 2 dbA above the local ambient is recommended for areas where the ambient is above 58 dbA

    TreibhausgasflĂĽsse beim Anbau von Winterweizen und Kleegras

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    At the experimental station Viehhausen, 30 km north of Munich in southern Germany, N2O, CO2 and CH4 fluxes between soil and atmosphere were measured to investigate the influence of site-related factors and cultivation-technique on the emissions of these greenhouse gases. Clover-grass as well as several wheat cropping systems (with and without biogas slurry) were analyzed under the conditions of organic farming. This paper shows the results of the vegetation period of 2009. The N2O emissions from the wheat fields were higher than those from clover-grass fields. Ploughing-in of the legume-grass biomass resulted in releasing distinctive N2O emissions. For CH4 fluxes the arable soils were a net sink, especially in cropping systems with winter wheat

    Physical Conditoins in Orion's Veil II: A Multi-Component Study of the Line of Sight Toward the Trapezium

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    Orion's Veil is an absorbing screen that lies along the line of sight to the Orion H II region. It consists of two or more layers of gas that must lie within a few parsecs of the Trapezium cluster. Our previous work considered the Veil as a whole and found that the magnetic field dominates the energetics of the gas in at least one component. Here we use high-resolution STIS UV spectra that resolve the two velocity components in absorption and determine the conditions in each. We derive a volume hydrogen density, 21 cm spin temperature, turbulent velocity, and kinetic temperature, for each. We combine these estimates with magnetic field measurements to find that magnetic energy significantly dominates turbulent and thermal energies in one component, while the other component is close to equipartition between turbulent and magnetic energies. We observe molecular hydrogen absorption for highly excited v, J levels that are photoexcited by the stellar continuum, and detect blueshifted S III and P III. These ions must arise from ionized gas between the mostly neutral portions of the Veil and the Trapezium and shields the Veil from ionizing radiation. We find that this layer of ionized gas is also responsible for He I absorption in the Veil, which resolves a 40-year-old debate on the origin of He I absorption towards the Trapezium. Finally, we determine that the ionized and mostly atomic layers of the Veil will collide in less than 85,000 years.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, to be published in Ap

    Large Scale Flows from Orion-South

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    Multiple optical outflows are known to exist in the vicinity of the active star formation region called Orion-South (Orion-S). We have mapped the velocity of low ionization features in the brightest part of the Orion Nebula, including Orion-S, and imaged the entire nebula with the Hubble Space Telescope. These new data, combined with recent high resolution radio maps of outflows from the Orion-S region, allow us to trace the origin of the optical outflows. It is confirmed that HH 625 arises from the blueshifted lobe of the CO outflow from 136-359 in Orion-S while it is likely that HH 507 arises from the blueshifted lobe of the SiO outflow from the nearby source 135-356. It is likely that redshifted lobes are deflected within the photon dominated region behind the optical nebula. This leads to a possible identification of a new large shock to the southwest from Orion-S as being driven by the redshifted CO outflow arising from 137-408. The distant object HH 400 is seen to have two even further components and these all are probably linked to either HH 203, HH 204, or HH 528. Distant shocks on the west side of the nebula may be related to HH 269. The sources of multiple bright blueshifted Herbig-Haro objects (HH 202, HH 203, HH 204, HH 269, HH 528) remain unidentified, in spite of earlier claimed identifications. Some of this lack of identification may arise from the fact that deflection in radial velocity can also produce a change in direction in the plane of the sky. The best way to resolve this open question is through improved tangential velocities of low ionization features arising where the outflows first break out into the ionized nebula.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press. Some figures are shown at reduced resolution. A full-resolution version is available at http://ifront.org/wiki/Orion_South_Outflows_Pape

    Hybrid Software Development Approaches in Practice: A European Perspective

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    Agile and traditional development approaches are used in combination in todays software development. To improve the understanding and to provide better guidance for selecting appropriate development approaches, it is important to analyze such combinations in practice. Results obtained from an online survey strongly confirm that hybrid development approaches are widely used in industry. Our results show that hybrid development approaches: (i) have become reality for nearly all companies; (ii) are applied to specific projects even in the presence of company-wide policies for process usage; (iii) are neither planned nor designed but emerge from the evolution of different work practices; and, (iv) are consistently used regardless of company size or industry secto

    Hubble Space Telescope Images of Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae: Data and Correlations across Morphological Classes

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    The morphology of planetary nebulae (PNe) provides an essential tool for understanding their origin and evolution, as it reflects both the dynamics of the gas ejected during the TP-AGB phase, and the central star energetics. Here we study the morphology of 27 Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae (MCPNe) and present an analysis of their physical characteristics across morphological classes. Similar studies have been successfully carried out for galactic PNe, but were compromised by the uncertainty of individual PN distances. We present our own HST/FOC images of 15 Magellanic Cloud PNe (MCPNe) acquired through a narrow-band lambda 5007 [O III] filter. We use the Richardson-Lucy deconvolution technique on these pre-COSTAR images to achieve post-COSTAR quality. Three PNe imaged before and after COSTAR confirm the high reliability of our deconvolution procedure. We derive morphological classes, dimensions, and surface photometry for all these PNe. We have combined this sample with HST/PC1 images of 15 MCPNe, three of which are in common with the FOC set, acquired by Dopita et al. (1996), to obtain the largest MCPN sample ever examined from the morphological viewpoint. By using the whole database, supplemented with published data from the literature, we have analyzed the properties of the MCPNe and compared them to a typical, complete galactic sample. Morphology of the MCPNe is then correlated with PN density, chemistry, and evolution.Comment: text file lstanghe_mcpn.tex (LaTex); Figures 2 through 10, Figure 5 is in 3 parts (a,b,c); Figure 1 available by regular mail only; ApJ, in press, November 10, 199

    A framework for the simulation of structural software evolution

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2008 ACM.As functionality is added to an aging piece of software, its original design and structure will tend to erode. This can lead to high coupling, low cohesion and other undesirable effects associated with spaghetti architectures. The underlying forces that cause such degradation have been the subject of much research. However, progress in this field is slow, as its complexity makes it difficult to isolate the causal flows leading to these effects. This is further complicated by the difficulty of generating enough empirical data, in sufficient quantity, and attributing such data to specific points in the causal chain. This article describes a framework for simulating the structural evolution of software. A complete simulation model is built by incrementally adding modules to the framework, each of which contributes an individual evolutionary effect. These effects are then combined to form a multifaceted simulation that evolves a fictitious code base in a manner approximating real-world behavior. We describe the underlying principles and structures of our framework from a theoretical and user perspective; a validation of a simple set of evolutionary parameters is then provided and three empirical software studies generated from open-source software (OSS) are used to support claims and generated results. The research illustrates how simulation can be used to investigate a complex and under-researched area of the development cycle. It also shows the value of incorporating certain human traits into a simulation—factors that, in real-world system development, can significantly influence evolutionary structures

    Population genomics of the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis: demographic history and role of virulence clusters in adaptation

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    The tight interaction between pathogens and their hosts results in reciprocal selective forces that impact the genetic diversity of the interacting species. The footprints of this selection differ between pathosystems because of distinct life-history traits, demographic histories, or genome architectures. Here, we studied the genome-wide patterns of genetic diversity of 22 isolates of the causative agent of the corn smut disease, Ustilago maydis, originating from five locations in Mexico, the presumed center of origin of this species. In this species, many genes encoding secreted effector proteins reside in so-called virulence clusters in the genome, an arrangement that is so far not found in other filamentous plant pathogens. Using a combination of population genomic statistical analyses, we assessed the geographical, historical, and genome-wide variation of genetic diversity in this fungal pathogen. We report evidence of two partially admixed subpopulations that are only loosely associated with geographic origin. Using the multiple sequentially Markov coalescent model, we inferred the demographic history of the two pathogen subpopulations over the last 0.5 Myr. We show that both populations experienced a recent strong bottleneck starting around 10,000years ago, coinciding with the assumed time of maize domestication. Although the genome average genetic diversity is low compared with other fungal pathogens, we estimated that the rate of nonsynonymous adaptive substitutions is three times higher in genes located within virulence clusters compared with nonclustered genes, including nonclustered effector genes. These results highlight the role that these singular genomic regions play in the evolution of this pathogen

    Simulating glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) with a two-phase/layer debris flow model considering fluid-solid flow transitions

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    Glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) initiate with the rapid outburst of a glacier lake, endangering downstream populations, land, and infrastructure. The flow initiates as a mud flow; however, with the entrainment of additional solid material, the flood will often transform into a debris flow. As the run-out slope flattens, the coarse solid material deposits and the flow de-waters. The flow transforms back into a muddy, hyperconcentrated flow of fine sediments in suspension. These flow transitions change the flow composition dramatically and influence both the overall mass balance and flow rheology of the event. In this paper, we apply a two-phase/layer model to simulate flow transitions, solid–fluid phase separations, entrainment, and run-out distances of glacier lake outburst floods. A key feature of the model is the calculation of dilatant actions in the solid–fluid mixture which control flow transitions and phase separations. Given their high initial amount of fluid within the flow, GLOFs are sensitive to slope changes inducing flow transitions, which also implies changes in the flow rheology. The changes in the rheology are computed as a function of the flow composition and do not need any adaptation by ad-hoc selection of friction coefficients. This procedure allows the application of constant rheological input parameters from initiation to run-out. Our goal is to increase the prediction reliability of debris flow modeling. We highlight the problems associated with initial and boundary (entrainment) conditions. We test the new model against the well-known Lake 513 (Peru, 2010), Lake Palcacocha (Peru, 1941), and Lake Uchitel in the Aksay Valley (Kyrgyzstan) GLOF events. We show that flow transition modeling is essential when studying areas that have significant variations in slope
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