1,314 research outputs found

    High Input Impedance Voltage-Mode Universal Biquadratic Filters With Three Inputs Using Three CCs and Grounding Capacitors

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    Two current conveyors (CCs) based high input impedance voltage-mode universal biquadratic filters each with three input terminals and one output terminal are presented. The first circuit is composed of three differential voltage current conveyors (DVCCs), two grounded capacitors and four resistors. The second circuit is composed of two DVCCs, one differential difference current conveyor (DDCC), two grounded capacitors and four grounded resistors. The proposed circuits can realize all the standard filter functions, namely, lowpass, bandpass, highpass, notch and allpass filters by the selections of different input voltage terminals. The proposed circuits offer the features of high input impedance, using only grounded capacitors and low active and passive sensitivities. Moreover, the x ports of the DVCCs (or DDCC) in the proposed circuits are connected directly to resistors. This design offers the feature of a direct incorporation of the parasitic resistance at the x terminal of the DVCC (DDCC), Rx, as a part of the main resistance

    Bending-wave Instability of a Vortex Ring in a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    Based on a velocity formula derived by matched asymptotic expansion, we investigate the dynamics of a circular vortex ring in an axisymmetric Bose-Einstein condensate in the Thomas-Fermi limit. The trajectory for an axisymmetrically placed and oriented vortex ring is entirely determined, revealing that the vortex ring generally precesses in condensate. The linear instability due to bending waves is investigated both numerically and analytically. General stability boundaries for various perturbed wavenumbers are computed. In particular, the excitation spectrum and the absolutely stable region for the static ring are analytically determined.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over topography: analysis of the forced Gardner equation

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    Transcritical flow of a stratified fluid past a broad localised topographic obstacle is studied analytically in the framework of the forced extended Korteweg--de Vries (eKdV), or Gardner, equation. We consider both possible signs for the cubic nonlinear term in the Gardner equation corresponding to different fluid density stratification profiles. We identify the range of the input parameters: the oncoming flow speed (the Froude number) and the topographic amplitude, for which the obstacle supports a stationary localised hydraulic transition from the subcritical flow upstream to the supercritical flow downstream. Such a localised transcritical flow is resolved back into the equilibrium flow state away from the obstacle with the aid of unsteady coherent nonlinear wave structures propagating upstream and downstream. Along with the regular, cnoidal undular bores occurring in the analogous problem for the single-layer flow modeled by the forced KdV equation, the transcritical internal wave flows support a diverse family of upstream and downstream wave structures, including solibores, rarefaction waves, reversed and trigonometric undular bores, which we describe using the recent development of the nonlinear modulation theory for the (unforced) Gardner equation. The predictions of the developed analytic construction are confirmed by direct numerical simulations of the forced Gardner equation for a broad range of input parameters.Comment: 34 pages, 24 figure

    Magnetic properties of sedimentary greigite (Fe3S4): an update

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    Greigite (Fe3S4) is an authigenic ferrimagnetic mineral that grows as a precursor to pyrite during early diagenetic sedimentary sulfate reduction. It can also grow at any time when dissolved iron and sulfide are available during diagenesis. Greigite is important in paleomagnetic, environmental, biological, biogeochemical, tectonic, and industrial processes. Much recent progress has been made in understanding its magnetic properties. Greigite is an inverse spinel and a collinear ferrimagnet with antiferromagnetic coupling between iron in octahedral and tetrahedral sites. The crystallographic c-axis is the easy axis of magnetization, with magnetic properties dominated by magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Robust empirical estimates of the saturation magnetization, anisotropy constant, and exchange constant for greigite have been obtained recently for the first time, and the first robust estimate of the low-field magnetic susceptibility is reported here. The Curie temperature of greigite remains unknown, but must exceed 350°C. Greigite lacks a low-temperature magnetic transition. Based on preliminary micromagnetic modeling, the size range for stable single domain behavior is 17-200 nm for cubic crystals and 17-500 nm for octahedral crystals. Gradual variation in magnetic properties is observed through the pseudo-single domain size range. We systematically document the known magnetic properties of greigite (at high, ambient and low temperatures, and with alternating and direct fields) and illustrate how grain size variations affect magnetic properties. Recognition of this range of magnetic properties will aid identification and constrain interpretation of magnetic signals carried by greigite, which is increasingly proving to be environmentally important and responsible for complex paleomagnetic records, including widespread remagnetizations

    Wearable, Multimodal, Biosignal Acquisition System for Potential Critical and Emergency Applications

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    For emergency or intensive-care units (ICUs), patients with unclear consciousness or unstable hemodynamics often require aggressive monitoring by multiple monitors. Complicated pipelines or lines increase the burden on patients and inconvenience for medical personnel. Currently, many commercial devices provide related functionalities. However, most devices measure only one biological signal, which can increase the budget for users and cause difficulty in remote integration. In this study, we develop a wearable device that integrates electrocardiography (ECG), electroencephalography (EEG), and blood oxygen machines for medical applications with the hope that it can be applied in the future. We develop an integrated multiple-biosignal recording system based on a modular design. The developed system monitors and records EEG, ECG, and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) signals for health purposes simultaneously in a single setting. We use a logic level converter to connect the developed EEG module (BR8), ECG module, and SpO2 module to a microcontroller (Arduino). The modular data are then smoothly encoded and decoded through consistent overhead byte stuffing (COBS). This developed system has passed simulation tests and exhibited proper functioning of all modules and subsystems. In the future, the functionalities of the proposed system can be expanded with additional modules to support various emergency or ICU applications

    Selective interlayer ferromagnetic coupling between the Cu spins in YBa2_2 Cu3_3 O7x_{7-x} grown on top of La0.7_{0.7} Ca0.3_{0.3} MnO3_3

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    Studies to date on ferromagnet/d-wave superconductor heterostructures focus mainly on the effects at or near the interfaces while the response of bulk properties to heterostructuring is overlooked. Here we use resonant soft x-ray scattering spectroscopy to reveal a novel c-axis ferromagnetic coupling between the in-plane Cu spins in YBa2_2 Cu3_3 O7x_{7-x} (YBCO) superconductor when it is grown on top of ferromagnetic La0.7_{0.7} Ca0.3_{0.3} MnO3_3 (LCMO) manganite layer. This coupling, present in both normal and superconducting states of YBCO, is sensitive to the interfacial termination such that it is only observed in bilayers with MnO_2but not with La0.7_{0.7} Ca0.3_{0.3} interfacial termination. Such contrasting behaviors, we propose, are due to distinct energetic of CuO chain and CuO2_2 plane at the La0.7_{0.7} Ca0.3_{0.3} and MnO2_2 terminated interfaces respectively, therefore influencing the transfer of spin-polarized electrons from manganite to cuprate differently. Our findings suggest that the superconducting/ferromagnetic bilayers with proper interfacial engineering can be good candidates for searching the theorized Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state in cuprates and studying the competing quantum orders in highly correlated electron systems.Comment: Please note the change of the title. Text might be slightly different from the published versio


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    Derivation of the Cubic Non-linear Schr\"odinger Equation from Quantum Dynamics of Many-Body Systems

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    We prove rigorously that the one-particle density matrix of three dimensional interacting Bose systems with a short-scale repulsive pair interaction converges to the solution of the cubic non-linear Schr\"odinger equation in a suitable scaling limit. The result is extended to kk-particle density matrices for all positive integer kk.Comment: 72 pages, 17 figures. Final versio

    Targeting the ALS/FTD-associated A-DNA kink with anthracene-based metal complex causes DNA backbone straightening and groove contraction

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    The use of a small molecule compound to reduce toxic repeat RNA transcripts or their translated aberrant proteins to target repeat-expanded RNA/DNA with a G4C2 motif is a promising strategy to treat C9orf72-linked disorders. In this study, the crystal structures of DNA and RNA-DNA hybrid duplexes with the -GGGCCG- region as a G4C2 repeat motif were solved. Unusual groove widening and sharper bending of the G4C2 DNA duplex A-DNA conformation with B-form characteristics inside was observed. The G4C2 RNA-DNA hybrid duplex adopts a more typical rigid A form structure. Detailed structural analysis revealed that the G4C2 repeat motif of the DNA duplex exhibits a hydration shell and greater flexibility and serves as a 'hot-spot' for binding of the anthracene-based nickel complex, NiII(Chro)2 (Chro = Chromomycin A3). In addition to the original GGCC recognition site, NiII(Chro)2 has extended specificity and binds the flanked G:C base pairs of the GGCC core, resulting in minor groove contraction and straightening of the DNA backbone. We have also shown that Chro-metal complexes inhibit neuronal toxicity and suppresses locomotor deficits in a Drosophila model of C9orf72-associated ALS. The approach represents a new direction for drug discovery against ALS and FTD diseases by targeting G4C2 repeat motif DNA