3,983 research outputs found

    Epidemic threshold and control in a dynamic network

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    In this paper we present a model describing susceptible-infected-susceptible-type epidemics spreading on a dynamic contact network with random link activation and deletion where link activation can be locally constrained. We use and adapt an improved effective degree compartmental modeling framework recently proposed by Lindquist et al. [ J. Math Biol. 62 143 (2010)] and Marceau et al. [ Phys. Rev. E 82 036116 (2010)]. The resulting set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is solved numerically, and results are compared to those obtained using individual-based stochastic network simulation. We show that the ODEs display excellent agreement with simulation for the evolution of both the disease and the network and are able to accurately capture the epidemic threshold for a wide range of parameters. We also present an analytical R0 calculation for the dynamic network model and show that, depending on the relative time scales of the network evolution and disease transmission, two limiting cases are recovered: (i) the static network case when network evolution is slow and (ii) homogeneous random mixing when the network evolution is rapid. We also use our threshold calculation to highlight the dangers of relying on local stability analysis when predicting epidemic outbreaks on evolving networks

    Parametric amplification of the mechanical vibrations of a suspended nanowire by magnetic coupling to a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We consider the possibility of parametric amplification of a mechanical vibration mode of a nanowire due to its interaction with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of ultracold atoms. The magneto-mechanical coupling is mediated by the vibrationally modulated magnetic field around the current-carrying nanowire, which can induce atomic transitions between different hyperfine sublevels. We theoretically analyze the limitations arising from the fact that the spin inverted atomic medium which feeds the mechanical oscillation has a finite bandwidth in the range of the chemical potential of the condensate

    Quantized recurrence time in iterated open quantum dynamics

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    The expected return time to the original state is a key concept characterizing systems obeying both classical or quantum dynamics. We consider iterated open quantum dynamical systems in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, a broad class of systems that includes classical Markov chains and unitary discrete time quantum walks on networks. Starting from a pure state, the time evolution is induced by repeated applications of a general quantum channel, in each timestep followed by a measurement to detect whether the system has returned to the original state. We prove that if the superoperator is unital in the relevant Hilbert space (the part of the Hilbert space explored by the system), then the expectation value of the return time is an integer, equal to the dimension of this relevant Hilbert space. We illustrate our results on partially coherent quantum walks on finite graphs. Our work connects the previously known quantization of the expected return time for bistochastic Markov chains and for unitary quantum walks, and shows that these are special cases of a more general statement. The expected return time is thus a quantitative measure of the size of the part of the Hilbert space available to the system when the dynamics is started from a certain state

    Homogenization induced by chaotic mixing and diffusion in an oscillatory chemical reaction

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    A model for an imperfectly mixed batch reactor with the chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid (CDIMA) reaction, with the mixing being modelled by chaotic advection, is considered. The reactor is assumed to be operating in oscillatory mode and the way in which an initial spatial perturbation becomes homogenized is examined. When the kinetics are such that the only stable homogeneous state is oscillatory then the perturbation is always entrained into these oscillations. The rate at which this occurs is relatively insensitive to the chemical effects, measured by the Damkohler number, and is comparable to the rate of homogenization of a passive contaminant. When both steady and oscillatory states are stable, spatially homogeneous states, two possibilities can occur. For the smaller Damkohler numbers, a localized perturbation at the steady state is homogenized within the background oscillations. For larger Damkohler numbers, regions of both oscillatory and steady behavior can co-exist for relatively long times before the system collapses to having the steady state everywhere. An interpretation of this behavior is provided by the one-dimensional Lagrangian filament model, which is analyzed in detail

    Dispersion curves in the diffusional instability of reaction fronts

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    A (linear) stability analysis of planar reaction fronts to transverse perturbations is considered for systems based on cubic autocatalysis and a model for the chlorite-tetrathionate reaction. Dispersion curves (plots of the growth rate sigma against a transverse wave-number k) are obtained. In both cases it is seen that there is a nonzero value D-0 of D (the ratio of the diffusion coefficients of autocatalyst and substrate) at which sigma(max), the maximum value of sigma for a given value of D, achieves its largest value, with sigma(max) being less for other values of D and becoming small as D decreases to zero. The existence of the optimum value D-0 for initiating a diffusional instability is confirmed, in the cubic autocatalysis case, by an asymptotic analysis for small wave numbers

    Effects of constant electric fields on the buoyant stability of reaction fronts

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    The effects that applying constant electric fields have on the buoyant instability of reaction fronts propagating vertically in a Hele-Shaw cell are investigated for a range of electric field strengths and fluid parameters. The reaction produces a decrease in density across the front such that upwards propagating fronts are buoyantly unstable in the field-free situation. The reaction kinetics are modeled by cubic autocatalysis. A linear stability analysis reveals that a positive electric field increases the stability of a reaction front and can stabilize an otherwise unstable front. A negative field has the opposite effect, making the reaction front more unstable. Numerical simulations of the full nonlinear problem confirm these predictions and show the development of cellular fingers on unstable fronts. These simulations show that the electric field effects on the reaction within the front can alter the fluid density so as to give the possibility of destabilizing an otherwise stable downward propagating front

    Identification of criticality in neuronal avalanches: I. A theoretical investigation of the non-driven case

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    In this paper, we study a simple model of a purely excitatory neural network that, by construction, operates at a critical point. This model allows us to consider various markers of criticality and illustrate how they should perform in a finite-size system. By calculating the exact distribution of avalanche sizes, we are able to show that, over a limited range of avalanche sizes which we precisely identify, the distribution has scale free properties but is not a power law. This suggests that it would be inappropriate to dismiss a system as not being critical purely based on an inability to rigorously fit a power law distribution as has been recently advocated. In assessing whether a system, especially a finite-size one, is critical it is thus important to consider other possible markers. We illustrate one of these by showing the divergence of susceptibility as the critical point of the system is approached. Finally, we provide evidence that power laws may underlie other observables of the system that may be more amenable to robust experimental assessment

    Identification of criticality in neuronal avalanches: II. A theoretical and empirical investigation of the Driven case

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    The observation of apparent power laws in neuronal systems has led to the suggestion that the brain is at, or close to, a critical state and may be a self-organised critical system. Within the framework of self-organised criticality a separation of timescales is thought to be crucial for the observation of power-law dynamics and computational models are often constructed with this property. However, this is not necessarily a characteristic of physiological neural networks—external input does not only occur when the network is at rest/a steady state. In this paper we study a simple neuronal network model driven by a continuous external input (i.e. the model does not have an explicit separation of timescales from seeding the system only when in the quiescent state) and analytically tuned to operate in the region of a critical state (it reaches the critical regime exactly in the absence of input—the case studied in the companion paper to this article). The system displays avalanche dynamics in the form of cascades of neuronal firing separated by periods of silence. We observe partial scale-free behaviour in the distribution of avalanche size for low levels of external input. We analytically derive the distributions of waiting times and investigate their temporal behaviour in relation to different levels of external input, showing that the system’s dynamics can exhibit partial long-range temporal correlations. We further show that as the system approaches the critical state by two alternative ‘routes’, different markers of criticality (partial scale-free behaviour and long-range temporal correlations) are displayed. This suggests that signatures of criticality exhibited by a particular system in close proximity to a critical state are dependent on the region in parameter space at which the system (currently) resides