291 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pengusaha Kecil melalui Dana Zakat, Infaq, dan Sedekah (Zis): Studi Kasus Program Masyarakat Mandiri Dompet Dhuafa terhadap Komunitas Pengrajin Tahu di Kampung Iwul, Kecamatan Parung, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Poverty is still one of big issues in the world particularly for developing contries. Poverty has close relation to the rural area where the people relied on agriculure activities for deriving income. Having a big Muslim population, Indonesia has great opportunity to utilize the huge potential of zakat fund particularly for empowerment program to the poor. Empowerment and capacity building program handled by Masyarakat Mandiri Dompet Dhuafa (MM-DD) to the poor people is believed to have a positive contribution to reduce poverty. The program includes providing business capital as agent of change and assistancy in order to increase the quality of human resources from the poor who generate income through producing tofu (in Kampung Iwul). Cross cultural innovation as well as regresion analysis is used to measure the program of MM-DD to their clients. The results show that based on the perception of the targeted clients regarding the indicator of material capabilties and intelectual, the empowerment program conducted by MM-DD reaches the goals of the program. While other perceptions linked to the manajemen ability from the targeted group show that the program can not reach the aims of MM-DD program yet. Several factors including their characteristics affected these perception. For the crosscultural innovation, most of respondent give positive response to the program. In addition, after adopting these programs, the avarage income of the people could increase. This increase is affected by the amount of lending, daily income from tofu business, and other income from other businesses

    Analisis Modem Akustik Ofdm Menggunakan Tms320c6416 Pada Lingkungan Kanal Bawah Air

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    Saat ini banyak penelitian untuk membangun sebuah jaringan sensor nirkabel bawah air yang menggunakan sinyal akustik yang bersifat realtime serta kapabilitas untuk self-configuration dan membawa keuntungan yang signifikan untuk aplikasi seperti eksplorasi komersial, perlindungan wilayah dan deteksi ancaman militer. Perbedaan karakteristik dari komunikasi bawah air menuai banyak paradigma yang sebaiknya ditinjau kembali. Diantaranya adalah bandwidth yang tersedia terbatas, delay propagasi pada bawah air amplitudonya lima kali lebih besar dibandingkan kanal HF. Serta Bit Error Rate (BER) yang tinggi dan kehilangan koneksi yang sementara bisa dialami karena karakteristik dari kanal bawah air tersebut. Analisis kinerja modem OFDM dilakukan pada penelitian ini. Dengan berhasilnya sistem pada kanal ideal, selanjutnya disimulasikan pada kanal AWGN serta kanal Rayleigh dimana kanal ini dapat merepresentasikan kanal bawah air. Kinerja sistem yang dibuat belum memiliki kinerja yang baik dimana BER mencapai 0,5115 pada kanal bawah air yang direpresentasikan melalui speaker dan microphone. Hal ini disebabkan belum adanya sinkronisasi phasa dan carrier serta estimasi kanal

    Correlation effects in the ground state of trapped atomic Bose gases

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    We study the effects of many-body correlations in trapped ultracold atomic Bose gases. We calculate the ground state of the gas using a ground-state auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method [Phys. Rev. E 70, 056702 (2004)]. We examine the properties of the gas, such as the energetics, condensate fraction, real-space density, and momentum distribution, as a function of the number of particles and the scattering length. We find that the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) approach gives qualitatively incorrect result of the kinetic energy as a function of the scattering length. We present detailed QMC data for the various quantities, and discuss the behavior of GP, modified GP, and the Bogoliubov method under a local density approximation.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, as typeset using REVTEX4. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Traditional theater Mendu of West Kalimantan as a Medium for Public Education

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    Traditional theater has various functions in society, a part from being an entertainment also as an education media, an explication, communication, social integration, aesthetic expression, and artistic expression. Even in the early days of its appearrance, traditional theater mendu  performances were precisely as a religious facilities. Therefore, it can be said that traditional performances are able to become archives for storing the noble values of local wisdom. This research aims to describe the function of the traditional theater mendu of West Kalimantan especially as an educational medium for the supporting community. This function could be in the form of scenes or dialogs during the show, either to the form of advices, religion advices, or inserted in jokes played by Khadam (Adam) and Mak Miskin from the common people. For the people of West Kalimantan, especially Mempawah district which is undergoing transition to modern society, the function of the performing arts should  still be very dominant in influencing the community. Therefore, the traditional theater of mendu deserves to be maintained from the threat of extinction

    Perancangan Buku Foto Tentang Keindahan Alam Dan Keunikan Toyabungkah

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    Toya Bungkah adalah tempat yang indah untuk dapat di nikmati oleh pecinta alam dan kebudayaan, karena di dalam Toya Bungkah terdapat tempat yang indah seperti tempat permandian air panas, Gunung Batur dan Danau Batur. Di Toya Bungkah masih belum di kenal oleh masyarakat luas, karena tempat ini belum di kenal oleh masyarakat dan banyak cerita atau berita yang membuat Toya Bungkah menjadi segan untuk didatangi,misalnya saja dengan adanya budaya lokal Trunyan di Toya Bungkah yang dianggap sakral oleh masyarakat setempat.Maka dari itu dibuat sebuah perancangan foto tentang keindahan dan keunikan Toya Bungkah agar dapat menarik penggemar para wisatawan yang mempunyai jiwa petualangan yang ingin mencoba hal baru

    Multidisciplinary classification for Indonesian scientific articles abstract using pre-trained BERT model

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    Scientific articles now have multidisciplinary content. These make it difficult for researchers to find out relevant information. Some submissions are irrelevant to the journal's discipline. Categorizing articles and assessing their relevance can aid researchers and journals. Existing research still focuses on single-category predictive outcomes. Therefore, this research takes a new approach by applying a multidisciplinary classification for Indonesian scientific article abstracts using a pre-trained BERT model, showing the relevance between each category in an abstract. The dataset used was 9,000 abstracts with 9 disciplinary categories. On the dataset, text preprocessing is performed. The classification model was built by combining the pre-trained BERT model with Artificial Neural Network. Fine-tuning the hyperparameters is done to determine the most optimal hyperparameter combination for the model. The hyperparameters consist of batch size, learning rate, number of epochs, and data ratio. The best hyperparameter combination is a learning rate of 1e-5, batch size 32, epochs 3, and data ratio 9:1, with a validation accuracy value of 90.8%. The confusion matrix results of the model are compared with the confusion matrix results by experts. In this case, the highest accuracy result obtained by the model is 99.56%. A software prototype used the most accurate model to classify new data, displaying the top two prediction probabilities and the dominant category. This research produces a model that can be used to solve Indonesian text classification-related problems

    Depletion of Beclin-1 Due to Proteolytic Cleavage by Caspases in the Alzheimer\u27s Disease Brain

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    The Beclin-1 protein is essential for the initiation of autophagy and recent studies suggest this function may be compromised in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In addition, in vitro studies have supported a loss of function of Beclin-1 due to proteolytic modification by caspases. In the present study we examined whether caspase-cleavage of Beclin-1 occurs in the AD brain by designing a site-directed caspase-cleavage antibody based upon a known cleavage site within the protein at position D149. We confirmed that Beclin-1 is an excellent substrate for caspase-3 and demonstrate cleavage led to the formation of a 35 kDa C-terminal fragment labeled by our novel antibody following Western blot analysis. Application of this antibody termed Beclin-1 caspase-cleavage product antibody or BeclinCCP in frontal cortex tissue sections revealed strong immunolabeling within astrocytes that localized with plaque-regions and along blood vessels in all AD cases examined. In addition, weaker, more variable BeclinCCP labeling was also observed within neurofibrillary tangles that co-localized with the early tau conformational marker, MC-1 as well as the late tangle marker, PHF-1. Collectively, these data support a depletion of Beclin-1 in AD following caspase-cleavage
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