1,784 research outputs found

    A Survey of the Status of the Parent-Teacher Association in Harlem Montana

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    Turkey increasingly sees itself as mid-tier power capable of projecting influence from beyond its near periphery. This research examines the motivations for Turkey’s overtures to sub-Saharan Africa within the broader context of its evolving foreign policy. It also explains how Turkey fulfills a growing role within the sub-African market with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, by examining case studies of Ethiopia and Nigeria, among others. Moreover, it explores the implications—both domestic and within sub-Saharan Africa—that arise from Turkey’s use of drones as a tool of its foreign policy. Many contemporary authors look at the role of Turkey’s drone sales in the context of the last few years when Turkey initially exported drones. This thesis argues that Turkey’s drone outreach continues the evolution of Turkey's foreign policy from at least the early 2010s, and the growing sub-Saharan African market provides Turkey with new opportunities to project influence while serving domestic economic and political interests. Finally, Turkey’s rapid increase in drone sales also highlights how the security landscape of sub-Saharan Africa continues to shift. This change and Turkey’s increased involvement in the region contribute to a potentially significant, though still nascent, impact on the interests and policy of the United States across the region.Outstanding ThesisLieutenant Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Policy options for including LULUCF in the EU reduction commitment and policy instruments for increasing GHG mitigation efforts in the LULUCF and agriculture sectors

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    Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) is an inventory sector defined by the Intergovern-mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that covers anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs resulting from changes in terrestrial carbon stocks. The EU has committed unilaterally to reduce its overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 20 % be-low 1990 levels by 2020, and to 30 % below 1990 levels if conditions are right

    Contextual information influences diagnosis accuracy and decision making in simulated emergency medicine emergencies

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    Background: It is well documented that adaptations in cognitive processes with increasing skill levels support decision making in multiple domains. We examined skill-based differences in cognitive processes in emergency medicine physicians, and whether performance was significantly influenced by the removal of contextual information related to a patient's medical history. Method: Skilled (n=9) and less skilled (n=9) emergency medicine physicians responded to high-fidelity simulated scenarios under high- and low-context information conditions. Results: Skilled physicians demonstrated higher diagnostic accuracy irrespective of condition, and were less affected by the removal of context-specific information compared with less skilled physicians. The skilled physicians generated more options, and selected better quality options during diagnostic reasoning compared with less skilled counterparts. These cognitive processes were active irrespective of the level of context-specific information presented, although high-context information enhanced understanding of the patients' symptoms resulting in higher diagnostic accuracy. Conclusions: Our findings have implications for scenario design and the manipulation of contextual information during simulation training

    Closed Head Injury in an Age-Related Alzheimer Mouse Model Leads to an Altered Neuroinflammatory Response and Persistent Cognitive Impairment

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    Epidemiological studies have associated increased risk of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD)-related clinical symptoms with a medical history of head injury. Currently, little is known about pathophysiology mechanisms linked to this association. Persistent neuroinflammation is one outcome observed in patients after a single head injury. Neuroinflammation is also present early in relevant brain regions during AD pathology progression. In addition, previous mechanistic studies in animal models link neuroinflammation as a contributor to neuropathology and cognitive impairment in traumatic brain injury (TBI) or AD-related models. Therefore, we explored the potential interplay of neuroinflammatory responses in TBI and AD by analysis of the temporal neuroinflammatory changes after TBI in an AD model, the APP/PS1 knock-in (KI) mouse. Discrete temporal aspects of astrocyte, cytokine, and chemokine responses in the injured KI mice were delayed compared with the injured wild-type mice, with a peak neuroinflammatory response in the injured KI mice occurring at 7 d after injury. The neuroinflammatory responses were more persistent in the injured KI mice, leading to a chronic neuroinflammation. At late time points after injury, KI mice exhibited a significant impairment in radial arm water maze performance compared with sham KI mice or injured wild-type mice. Intervention with a small-molecule experimental therapeutic (MW151) that selectively attenuates proinflammatory cytokine production yielded improved cognitive behavior outcomes, consistent with a link between neuroinflammatory responses and altered risk for AD-associated pathology changes with head injury

    A role for water in cell structure

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