501 research outputs found

    Substrate effects on surface magetetism of Fe/W(110) from first principles

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    Surface magnetic properties of the pseudomorphic Fe(110) monolayer on a W(110) substrate are investigated from first principles as a function of the substrate thickness (up to eight layers). Analyzing the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energies, we find stable (with respect to the number of substrate layers) in-plane easy and hard axes of magnetization along the [1[overline 1]0] and [001] directions, respectively, reaching a value in good agreement with experiment for thick substrates. Additionally, the changes to the magnetic spin moments and the density of the Fe d states are analyzed with respect to the number of substrate layers as well as with respect to the direction of magnetization. With respect to the number of W(110) substrate layers beneath the Fe(110) surface, we find that the first four substrate layers have a large influence on the electronic and magnetic properties of the surface. Beyond the fourth layer, the substrate has only marginal influence on the surface properties.Comment: 8 Pages, 3 Figures, 3 Table

    New Perspective on the Optical Theorem of Classical Electrodynamics

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    A general proof of the optical theorem (also known as the optical cross-section theorem) is presented that reveals the intimate connection between the forward scattering amplitude and the absorption-plus-scattering of the incident wave within the scatterer. The oscillating electric charges and currents as well as the electric and magnetic dipoles of the scatterer, driven by an incident plane-wave, extract energy from the incident beam at a certain rate. The same oscillators radiate electro-magnetic energy into the far field, thus giving rise to well-defined scattering amplitudes along various directions. The essence of the proof presented here is that the extinction cross-section of an object can be related to its forward scattering amplitude using the induced oscillations within the object but without an actual knowledge of the mathematical form assumed by these oscillations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 12 reference

    Whispering Gallery States of Antihydrogen

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    We study theoretically interference of the long-living quasistationary quantum states of antihydrogen atoms, localized near a concave material surface. Such states are an antimatter analog of the whispering gallery states of neutrons and matter atoms, and similar to the whispering gallery modes of sound and electro-magnetic waves. Quantum states of antihydrogen are formed by the combined effect of quantum reflection from van der Waals/Casimir-Polder (vdW/CP) potential of the surface and the centrifugal potential. We point out a method for precision studies of quantum reflection of antiatoms from vdW/CP potential; this method uses interference of the whispering gallery states of antihydrogen.Comment: 13 pages 7 figure

    A Forward-Design Approach to Increase the Production of Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli

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    Biopolymers, such as poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (P(3HB)) are produced as a carbon store in an array of organisms and exhibit characteristics which are similar to oil-derived plastics, yet have the added advantages of biodegradability and biocompatibility. Despite these advantages, P(3HB) production is currently more expensive than the production of oil-derived plastics, and therefore, more efficient P(3HB) production processes would be desirable. In this study, we describe the model-guided design and experimental validation of several engineered P(3HB) producing operons. In particular, we describe the characterization of a hybrid phaCAB operon that consists of a dual promoter (native and J23104) and RBS (native and B0034) design. P(3HB) production at 24 h was around six-fold higher in hybrid phaCAB engineered Escherichia coli in comparison to E. coli engineered with the native phaCAB operon from Ralstonia eutropha H16. Additionally, we describe the utilization of non-recyclable waste as a low-cost carbon source for the production of P(3HB)

    Scattering of electromagnetic waves by many small perfectly conducting or impedance bodies

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    A theory of electromagnetic (EM) wave scattering by many small particles of an arbitrary shape is developed. The particles are perfectly conducting or impedance. For a small impedance particle of an arbitrary shape, an explicit analytical formula is derived for the scattering amplitude. The formula holds as a → 0, where a is a characteristic size of the small particle and the wavelength is arbitrary but fixed. The scattering amplitude for a small impedance particle is shown to be proportional to a2−Îș, where Îș ∈ [0,1) is a parameter which can be chosen by an experimenter as he/she wants. The boundary impedance of a small particle is assumed to be of the form ζ = ha−Îș, where h = const, Reh ≄ 0. The scattering amplitude for a small perfectly conducting particle is proportional to a3, and it is much smaller than that for the small impedance particle. The many-body scattering problem is solved under the physical assumptions a â‰Ș d â‰Ș λ, where d is the minimal distance between neighboring particles and λ is the wavelength. The distribution law for the small impedance particles is N(∆) ∌ 1/a2−Îș∆ N(x)dx as a → 0. Here, N(x) ≄ 0 is an arbitrary continuous function that can be chosen by the experimenter and N(∆) is the number of particles in an arbitrary sub-domain ∆. It is proved that the EM field in the medium where many small particles, impedance or perfectly conducting, are distributed, has a limit, as a → 0 and a differential equation is derived for the limiting field. On this basis, a recipe is given for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient by embedding many small impedance particles into a given material. C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4929965

    The bends on a quantum waveguide and cross-products of Bessel functions

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    A detailed analysis of the wave-mode structure in a bend and its incorporation into a stable algorithm for calculation of the scattering matrix of the bend is presented. The calculations are based on the modal approach. The stability and precision of the algorithm is numerically and analytically analysed. The algorithm enables precise numerical calculations of scattering across the bend. The reflection is a purely quantum phenomenon and is discussed in more detail over a larger energy interval. The behaviour of the reflection is explained partially by a one-dimensional scattering model and heuristic calculations of the scattering matrix for narrow bends. In the same spirit we explain the numerical results for the Wigner-Smith delay time in the bend.Comment: 34 pages, 21 figure

    A new class of semiclassical wave function uniformizations

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    We present a new semiclassical technique which relies on replacing complicated classical manifold structure with simpler manifolds, which are then evaluated by the usual semiclassical rules. Under circumstances where the original manifold structure gives poor or useless results semiclassically the replacement manifolds can yield remarkable accuracy. We give several working examples to illustrate the theory presented here.Comment: 12 pages (incl. 12 figures

    Gaussian random waves in elastic media

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    Similar to the Berry conjecture of quantum chaos we consider elastic analogue which incorporates longitudinal and transverse elastic displacements with corresponding wave vectors. Based on that we derive the correlation functions for amplitudes and intensities of elastic displacements. Comparison to numerics in a quarter Bunimovich stadium demonstrates excellent agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Growth in densely populated Asia: implications for primary product exporters

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    Economic growth and integration in Asia is rapidly increasing the global economic importance of the region. To the extent that this growth continues and is strongest in natural resource-poor Asian economies, it will add to global demand for imports of primary products, to the benefit of (especially nearby) resource-abundant countries. How will global production, consumption and trade patterns change by 2030 in the course of such economic developments and structural changes? We address this question using the GTAP model and Version 8.1 of the 2007 GTAP database, together with supplementary data from a range of sources, to support projections of the global economy from 2007 to 2030 under various scenarios. Factor endowments and real gross domestic product are assumed to grow at exogenous rates, and trade-related policies are kept unchanged to generate a core baseline, which is compared with an alternative slower growth scenario. We also consider the impact of several policy changes aimed at increasing China's agricultural self-sufficiency relative to the 2030 baseline. Policy implications for countries of the Asia-Pacific region are drawn out in the final section
