11,851 research outputs found

    Description and performance of a highly sensitive confocal Raman microspectrometer

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    A confocal Raman microspectrometer was developed for the study of small biological objects such as single living cells and metaphase and polytene chromosomes. It employs a confocal detection scheme, well known from confocal fluorescence microscopes, in order to avoid signal contributions from the environment of the samples. The resolution is 0.45 ± 0.05 m in the lateral direction and 1.3 ± 0.1 m in the axial direction. The laser excitation wavelength is 660 nm. At this wavelength biological samples do not degrade in the laser radiation as was the case when laser radiation of 514.5 nm was used. The signal throughput from the sample position to the detector was optimized to the extent that in the spectral region around a 1000 cm-1 Raman shift 15% of the Raman scattered light collected by the microscope objective is detected. For signal detection a liquid nitrogen-cooled slow-scan CCD camera is used. Laser powers of 5-10 mW suffice to obtain high-quality Raman spectra, with signal integration times of the order of minutes. As an example, spectra obtained from the nucleus and the cytoplasm of an intact human lymphocyte are shown

    Discrimination and visualization of ELM types based on a probabilistic description of inter-ELM waiting times

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    Discrimination and visualization of different observed classes of edge-localized plasma instabilities (ELMs), using advanced data analysis techniques has been considered. An automated ELM type classifier which effectively incorporates measurement uncertainties is developed herein and applied to the discrimination of type I and type III ELMs in a set of carbon-wall JET plasmas. The approach involves constructing probability density functions (PDFs) for inter-ELM waiting times and global plasma parameters and then utilizing an effective similarity measure for comparing distributions: the Rao geodesic distance (GD). It is demonstrated that complete probability distributions of plasma parameters contain significantly more information than the measurement values alone, enabling effective discrimination of ELM type

    Physics of Quantum Relativity through a Linear Realization

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    The idea of quantum relativity as a generalized, or rather deformed, version of Einstein (special) relativity has been taking shape in recent years. Following the perspective of deformations, while staying within the framework of Lie algebra, we implement explicitly a simple linear realization of the relativity symmetry, and explore systematically the resulting physical interpretations. Some suggestions we make may sound radical, but are arguably natural within the context of our formulation. Our work may provide a new perspective on the subject matter, complementary to the previous approach(es), and may lead to a better understanding of the physics.Comment: 27 pages in Revtex, no figure; proof-edited version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Recombination dramatically speeds up evolution of finite populations

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    We study the role of recombination, as practiced by genetically-competent bacteria, in speeding up Darwinian evolution. This is done by adding a new process to a previously-studied Markov model of evolution on a smooth fitness landscape; this new process allows alleles to be exchanged with those in the surrounding medium. Our results, both numerical and analytic, indicate that for a wide range of intermediate population sizes, recombination dramatically speeds up the evolutionary advance

    Inward-Turning Streamline-Traced Inlet Design Method for Low-Boom, Low-Drag Applications

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    A new design method for inward-turning, streamline-traced inlets is presented. Resulting designs are intended for moderate supersonic, low-drag, low-boom applications such as that required for NASA's proposed low-boom flight demonstration aircraft. A critical feature of these designs is the internal cowl lip angle that allows for little or no flow turning on the outer nacelle. Present methods using conical-flow Busemann parent flowfields have simply truncated, or otherwise modified the stream-traced contours to include this internal cowl angle. Such modifications disrupt the parent flowfield, reducing inlet performance and flow uniformity. The method presented herein merges a conical flowfield that includes a leading shock with a truncated Busemann flowfield in a manner that minimizes unwanted interactions. A leading internal cowl angle is now inherent in the parent flowfield, and inlet contours traced from this flowfield retain its high performance and good flow uniformity. CFD analysis of a candidate inlet design is presented that verifies the design technique, and reveals a starting issue with the basic geometry. A minor modification to the cowl lip region is shown to eliminate this phenomenon, thereby allowing starting and smooth transition to sub-critical operation as back-pressure is increased. An inlet critical-point total pressure recovery of 96 is achieved based on CFD results for a Mach 1.7 freestream design. Correction for boundary-layer displacement thickness, and sizing for a given engine airflow requirement are also discussed

    Interferometric Astrometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Detection Limits for sub-Stellar Companions

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    We report on a sub-stellar companion search utilizing interferometric fringe-tracking astrometry acquired with Fine Guidance Sensor 3 (FGS 3) on the Hubble Space Telescope. Our targets were Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star. We obtain absolute parallax values for Proxima Cen pi_{abs} = 0.7687 arcsecond and for Barnard's Star pi_{abs} = 0.5454 arcsecond. Once low-amplitude instrumental systematic errors are identified and removed, our companion detection sensitivity is less than or equal to one Jupiter mass for periods longer than 60 days for Proxima Cen. Between the astrometry and the radial velocity results we exclude all companions with M > 0.8M_{Jup} for the range of periods 1 < P < 1000 days. For Barnard's Star our companion detection sensitivity is less than or equal to one Jupiter mass for periods long er than 150 days. Our null results for Barnard's Star are consistent with those of Gatewood (1995).Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, to appear in August 1999 A
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