1,166 research outputs found

    Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of a tunable quantum ring

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    With an atomic force microscope a ring geometry with self-aligned in-plane gates was directly written into a GaAs/AlGaAs-heterostructure. Transport measurements in the open regime show only one transmitting mode and Aharonov-Bohm oscillations with more than 50% modulation are observed in the conductance. The tuning via in-plane gates allows to study the Aharonov-Bohm effect in the whole range from the open ring to the Coulomb-blockade regime.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Kondo effect in a few-electron quantum ring

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    A small quantum ring with less than 10 electrons was studied by transport spectroscopy. For strong coupling to the leads a Kondo effect is observed and used to characterize the spin structure of the system in a wide range of magnetic fields. At small magnetic fields Aharonov-Bohm oscillations influenced by Coulomb interaction appear. They exhibit phase jumps by π\pi at the Coulomb-blockade resonances. Inside Coulomb-blockade valleys the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations can also be studied due to the finite conductance caused by the Kondo effect. Astonishingly, the maxima of the oscillations show linear shifts with magnetic field and gate voltage.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Combined atomic force microscope and electron-beam lithography used for the fabrication of variable-coupling quantum dots

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    We have combined direct nanofabrication by local anodic oxidation with conventional electron-beam lithography to produce a parallel double quantum dot based on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. The combination of both nanolithography methods allows to fabricate robust in-plane gates and Cr/Au top gate electrodes on the same device for optimal controllability. This is illustrated by the tunability of the interdot coupling in our device. We describe our fabrication and alignment scheme in detail and demonstrate the tunability in low-temperature transport measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluation of the synoptic and mesoscale predictive capabilities of a mesoscale atmospheric simulation system

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    The overall performance characteristics of a limited area, hydrostatic, fine (52 km) mesh, primitive equation, numerical weather prediction model are determined in anticipation of satellite data assimilations with the model. The synoptic and mesoscale predictive capabilities of version 2.0 of this model, the Mesoscale Atmospheric Simulation System (MASS 2.0), were evaluated. The two part study is based on a sample of approximately thirty 12h and 24h forecasts of atmospheric flow patterns during spring and early summer. The synoptic scale evaluation results benchmark the performance of MASS 2.0 against that of an operational, synoptic scale weather prediction model, the Limited area Fine Mesh (LFM). The large sample allows for the calculation of statistically significant measures of forecast accuracy and the determination of systematic model errors. The synoptic scale benchmark is required before unsmoothed mesoscale forecast fields can be seriously considered

    Phase formation and thermal stability of ultrathin nickel-silicides on Si(100)

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    The solid-state reaction and agglomeration of thin nickel-silicide films was investigated from sputter deposited nickel films (1-10 nm) on silicon-on-insulator (100) substrates. For typical anneals at a ramp rate of 3 degrees C/s, 5-10 nm Ni films react with silicon and form NiSi, which agglomerates at 550-650 degrees C, whereas films with a thickness of 3.7 nm of less were found to form an epitaxylike nickel-silicide layer. The resulting films show an increased thermal stability with a low electrical resistivity up to 800 degrees C

    Critical shoe contact area ratio for sliding on a tennis hard court

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    Dimples have been used in the design of some modern tennis shoe outsoles to enhance sliding ability on hard courts. Experiments were performed with bespoke rubber samples possessing various numbers of holes, which served to simulate dimples in tennis shoe treads. The aim of the research was to assess the effect of contact area on sliding friction. As the ratio of holes to solid rubber increased, a critical ratio was reached whereby the static friction coefficient decreased by more than 11% for tread-to-court pressures comparable to real tennis play. Although this study analyzed bespoke rubber samples and not actual tennis shoe treads, shoe manufacturers should be interested in the existence of a critical dimple ratio that could aid them in the creation of tennis shoes suited for sliding on hard courts

    Prescribed Fire Impacts to Amphibians and Reptiles in Shelterwood-harvested Oak-dominated Forests

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    As part of a larger study examining the role of prescribed fire in regenerating upland oaks (Quercus spp.), seasonal prescribed burns (winter, spring, summer, and unburned control) were applied to first-stage shelterwood-harvested stands on Horsepen Wildlife Management Area in the Virginia Piedmont in 1995. Because fire impacts are poorly documented for herpetofaunal communities, we surveyed these stands in 1996 capturing 133 individuals of ten species during over 12,720 pitfall trapnights. We found no significant differences in relative abundance of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) (P = 0.26), American Toads (Bufo americanus) (P = 0.93), or all amphibians combined (P = 0.25) among unburned shelterwood stands and those treated with winter, spring, or summer burns. Three species of reptiles (Northern Fence Lizard [Sceloporus undulatus], Ground Skink [Scincella lateralis], and Southeastern Five-lined Skink [Eumeces inexpectatus]) combined were captured more frequently in burned versus unburned stands (P = 0.02). Based on a stepwise multiple regression model, Eastern Red-backed Salamander captures were more strongly influenced by landscape variables (P = 0.0320), including distance to permanent water and mesic (i.e., eastern-northern) aspects, than by fire treatments (P = 0.26). Similar landscape models were not significant (P \u3c 0.05) for toads or reptiles. Based on these results, prescribed fire may not be detrimental to herpetofaunal communities in oak dominated forests in the Virginia Piedmont

    Mass measurements near the rr-process path using the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer

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    The masses of 40 neutron-rich nuclides from Z = 51 to 64 were measured at an average precision of δm/m=107\delta m/m= 10^{-7} using the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer at Argonne National Laboratory. The measurements, of fission fragments from a 252^{252}Cf spontaneous fission source in a helium gas catcher, approach the predicted path of the astrophysical rr process. Where overlap exists, this data set is largely consistent with previous measurements from Penning traps, storage rings, and reaction energetics, but large systematic deviations are apparent in β\beta-endpoint measurements. Differences in mass excess from the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation of up to 400 keV are seen, as well as systematic disagreement with various mass models.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures. v2 updated, published in Physical Review

    “Service Encounter 2.0” : an investigation into the roles of technology, employees and customers

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    The service encounter – one of the foundational concepts in service research – is fundamentally changing due to rapid evolutions in technology. In this paper, we offer an updated perspective on what we label the “Service Encounter 2.0”. To this end, we develop a conceptual framework that captures the essence of the Service Encounter 2.0 and provides a synthesis of the changing interdependent roles of technology, employees, and customers. We find that technology either augments or substitutes service employees, and can foster network connections. In turn, employees and customers are taking on the role of enabler, innovator, coordinator and differentiator. In addition, we identify critical areas for future research on this important topic