21,717 research outputs found

    Far-ultraviolet imaging of the Hubble Deep Field-North: Star formation in normal galaxies at z < 1

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    We present far-ultraviolet (FUV) imaging of the Hubble Deep Field-North (HDF-N) taken with the Solar Blind Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS SBC) and the FUV MAMA detector of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. The full WFPC2 deep field has been observed at 1600 Å. We detect 134 galaxies and one star down to a limit of FUV_(AB) ~ 29. All sources have counterparts in the WFPC2 image. Redshifts (spectroscopic or photometric) for the detected sources are in the range 0 < z < 1. We find that the FUV galaxy number counts are higher than those reported by GALEX, which we attribute at least in part to cosmic variance in the small HDF-N field of view. Six of the 13 Chandra sources at z < 0.85 in the HDF-N are detected in the FUV, and those are consistent with starbursts rather than active galactic nuclei. Cross-correlating with Spitzer sources in the field, we find that the FUV detections show general agreement with the expected L_(IR)/L_(UV) versus β relationship. We infer star formation rates (SFRs), corrected for extinction using the UV slope, and find a median value of 0.3 M_☉ yr^(-1) for FUV-detected galaxies, with 75% of detected sources having SFR < 1 M_☉ yr^(-1). Examining the morphological distribution of sources, we find that about half of all FUV-detected sources are identified as spiral galaxies. Half of morphologically selected spheroid galaxies at z < 0.85 are detected in the FUV, suggesting that such sources have had significant ongoing star formation in the epoch since z ~ 1

    Woodland caribou persistence and extirpation in relic populations on Lake Superior

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    Extended: The hypothesis was proposed that woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in North America had declined due to wolf predation and over-hunting rather than from a shortage of winter lichens (Bergerud, 1974). In 1974, two study areas were selected for testing: for the lichen hypothesis, we selected the Slate Islands in Lake Superior (36 km2), a closed canopy forest without terrestrial lichens, wolves, bears, or moose; for the predation hypothesis, we selected the nearby Pukaskwa National Park (PNP) where terrestrial lichens, wolves, bears, and moose were present. Both areas were monitored from 1974 to 2003 (30 years). The living and dead caribou on the Slates were estimated by the &lsquo;King census&rsquo; strip transect (mean length 108&plusmn;9.3 km, extremes 22-190, total 3026 km) and the Lincoln Index (mean tagged 45&plusmn;3.6, extremes 15-78). The mean annual population on the Slate Islands based on the strip transects was 262&plusmn;22 animals (extremes 104-606), or 7.3/km2 (29 years) and from the Lincoln Index 303&plusmn;64 (extremes 181-482), or 8.4/km2 (23 years). These are the highest densities in North America and have persisted at least since 1949 (56 years). Mountain maple (Acer spicatum) interacted with caribou density creating a record in its age structure which corroborates persistence at relatively high density from c. 1930. The mean percentage of calves was 14.8&plusmn;0.34% (20 years) in the fall and 14.1&plusmn;1.95% (19 years) in late winter. The Slate Islands herd was regulated by the density dependent abundance of summer green foods and fall physical condition rather than density independent arboreal lichen availability and snow depths. Two wolves (1 wolf/150 caribou) crossed to the islands in 1993-94 and reduced two calf cohorts (3 and 4.9 per cent calves) while female adult survival declined from a mean of 82% to 71% and the population declined &asymp;100 animals. In PNP, caribou/moose/wolf populations were estimated by aerial surveys (in some years assisted by telemetry). The caribou population estimates ranged from 31 in 1979 to 9 in 2003 (Y=1267 - 0.628X, r=-0.783, n=21, P&lt;0.01) and extirpation is forecast in 2018. Animals lived within 3 km of Lake Superior (Bergerud, 1985) with an original density of 0.06/km2, similar to many other woodland herds coexisting with wolves (Bergerud, 1992), and 100 times less than the density found on the Slate Islands. The mean moose population was 0.25&plusmn;0.016/km2 and the wolf population averaged 8.5&plusmn;0.65/1000 km2. Late winter calf percentages in PNP averaged 16.2&plusmn;1.89 (25 years); the population was gradually reduced by winter wolf predation (Bergerud, 1989; 1996). The refuge habitat available is apparently insufficient for persistence in an area where the continuous distribution of woodland caribou is fragmented due to moose exceeding 0.10/km2 and thereby supporting wolf densities &ge;6.5/1000 km2. A second experimental study was to introduce Slate Island caribou to areas with and without wolves. A release to Bowman Island, where wolves and moose were present, failed due to predation. Bowman Island is adjacent to St. Ignace Island where caribou had persisted into the late 1940s. A second release in 1989 to the mainland in Lake Superior Provincial Park of 39 animals has persisted (&lt;10 animals) because the animals utilize off-shore islands but numbers are also declining. A third release to Montr&eacute;al Island in 1984 doubled in numbers (up to 20 animals) until Lake Superior froze in 1994 and wolves reached the island. A fourth release was to Michipicoten Island (188 km2) in 1982 where wolves were absent and few lichens were available. This herd increased at &lambda;= 1.18 (8 to &plusmn;200, 160 seen 2001) in 19 years. This was the island envisioned for the crucial test of the lichen/predation hypotheses (Bergerud, 1974: p.769). These studies strongly support the idea that ecosystems without predators are limited bottom&ndash;up by food and those with wolves top-down by predation; however the proposed crucial test which has been initiated on Michipicoten Island remains to be completed and there is a limited window of opportunity for unequivocal results

    First Detection of the White-Dwarf Cooling Sequence of the Galactic Bulge

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope data of the low-reddening Sagittarius window in the Galactic bulge. The Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search field (3'x3'), together with three more Advanced Camera for Surveys and eight Wide Field Camera 3 fields, were observed in the F606W and F814W filters, approximately every two weeks for two years, with the principal aim of detecting a hidden population of isolated black holes and neutron stars through astrometric microlensing. Proper motions were measured with an accuracy of ~0.1 mas/yr (~4 km/s) at F606W~25.5 mag, and better than ~0.5 mas/yr (20 km/s) at F606W~28 mag, in both axes. Proper-motion measurements allowed us to separate disk and bulge stars and obtain a clean bulge color-magnitude diagram. We then identified for the first time a white dwarf (WD) cooling sequence in the Galactic bulge, together with a dozen candidate extreme horizontal branch stars. The comparison between theory and observations shows that a substantial fraction of the WDs (30%) are systematically redder than the cooling tracks for CO-core H-rich and He-rich envelope WDs. This evidence would suggest the presence of a significant number of low-mass WDs and WD - main sequence binaries in the bulge. This hypothesis is further supported by the finding of two dwarf novae in outburst, two short-period (P < 1 d) ellipsoidal variables, and a few candidate cataclysmic variables in the same field.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication on Ap

    Efficacy of Tai Chi and qigong for the prevention of stroke and stroke risk factors

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    Copyright © 2017 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Background: This review aims to summarize the evidence of Tai Chi and qigong interventions for the primary prevention of stroke, including the effects on populations with major stroke risk factors. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted on January 16, 2017 using the PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and CINAHL databases. Randomized controlled trials examining the efficacy of Tai Chi or qigong for stroke prevention and stroke risk factors were included. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Results: Twenty-one trials with n = 1604 patients with hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, overweight or obesity, or metabolic syndrome were included. No trials were found that examined the effects of Tai Chi/qigong on stroke incidence. Meta-analyses revealed significant, but not robust, benefits of Tai Chi/qigong over no interventions for hypertension (systolic blood pressure: -15.55 mm Hg (95% CI: -21.16; -9.95); diastolic blood pressure: -10.66 mm Hg (95% CI: -14.90, -6.43); the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) index (-2.86%; 95% CI: -5.35, -0.38) and fasting blood glucose (-9.6 mg/dL; 95% CI: -17.28, -1.91), and for the body mass index compared with exercise controls (-1.65 kg/m 2; 95% CI: -3.11, -0.20). Risk of bias was unclear or high for the majority of trials and domains, and heterogeneity between trials was high. Only 6 trials adequately reported safety. No recommendation for the use of Tai Chi/qigong for the prevention of stroke can be given. Conclusion: Although Tai Chi and qigong show some potential more robust studies are required to provide conclusive evidence on the efficacy and safety of Tai Chi and qigong for reducing major stroke risk factors

    AMPA Receptor Phosphorylation and Synaptic Colocalization on Motor Neurons Drive Maladaptive Plasticity below Complete Spinal Cord Injury.

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    Clinical spinal cord injury (SCI) is accompanied by comorbid peripheral injury in 47% of patients. Human and animal modeling data have shown that painful peripheral injuries undermine long-term recovery of locomotion through unknown mechanisms. Peripheral nociceptive stimuli induce maladaptive synaptic plasticity in dorsal horn sensory systems through AMPA receptor (AMPAR) phosphorylation and trafficking to synapses. Here we test whether ventral horn motor neurons in rats demonstrate similar experience-dependent maladaptive plasticity below a complete SCI in vivo. Quantitative biochemistry demonstrated that intermittent nociceptive stimulation (INS) rapidly and selectively increases AMPAR subunit GluA1 serine 831 phosphorylation and localization to synapses in the injured spinal cord, while reducing synaptic GluA2. These changes predict motor dysfunction in the absence of cell death signaling, suggesting an opportunity for therapeutic reversal. Automated confocal time-course analysis of lumbar ventral horn motor neurons confirmed a time-dependent increase in synaptic GluA1 with concurrent decrease in synaptic GluA2. Optical fractionation of neuronal plasma membranes revealed GluA2 removal from extrasynaptic sites on motor neurons early after INS followed by removal from synapses 2 h later. As GluA2-lacking AMPARs are canonical calcium-permeable AMPARs (CP-AMPARs), their stimulus- and time-dependent insertion provides a therapeutic target for limiting calcium-dependent dynamic maladaptive plasticity after SCI. Confirming this, a selective CP-AMPAR antagonist protected against INS-induced maladaptive spinal plasticity, restoring adaptive motor responses on a sensorimotor spinal training task. These findings highlight the critical involvement of AMPARs in experience-dependent spinal cord plasticity after injury and provide a pharmacologically targetable synaptic mechanism by which early postinjury experience shapes motor plasticity

    An insight into some innovative cycles for aircraft propulsion

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    Emissions are important drivers in the design and use of aero-engines. This paper presents a part of the work carried out in the VITAL (EnVIronmenTALly aero-engine) project; it consists of a parameter study on the application of three innovative thermodynamic cycles to aircraft propulsion, looking for benefits on fuel consumption, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and noise. These cycles are intercooler-regenerative, the wave rotor topping, and the constant volume combustor cycles. The work, starting from a next-generation ultra-high bypass ratio turbofan, the baseline, and considering two possible design conditions, presents the influence of the application of these new cycles or design changes to the baseline on emissions and on the required technological level, represented by the turbine entry temperature (TET). VITAL is a project supported by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Communities. The results showthat some significant benefits on emissions can be achieved although they are linked to significant technology improvements and in-depth studies of the new components involved in cycle implementation
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