21,169 research outputs found

    Design considerations for a LORAN-C timing receiver in a hostile signal to noise environment

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    The environment in which a LORAN-C Timing Receiver may function effectively depends to a large extent on the techniques utilized to insure that interfering signals within the pass band of the unit are neutralized. The baseline performance manually operated timing receivers is discussed and the basic design considerations and necessary parameters for an automatic unit utilizing today's technology are established. Actual performance data is presented comparing the results obtained from a present generation timing receiver against a new generation microprocessor controlled automatic acquisition receiver. The achievements possible in a wide range of signal to noise situations are demonstrated

    Analytical study of a free-wing/free-trimmer concept

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    The free-wing/free-trimmer is a NASA-Conceived extension of the free-wing concept intended to permit the use of high-lift flaps. Wing pitching moments are balanced by a smaller, external surface attached by a boom or equivalent structure. The external trimmer is, itself, a miniature free wing, and pitch control of the wing-trimmer assembly is effected through a trailing-edge control tab on the trimmer surface. The longitudinal behavior of representative small free-wing/free-trimmer aircraft was analyzed. Aft-mounted trimmer surfaces are found to be superior to forward trimmers, although the permissible trimmer moment arm is limited, in both cases, by adverse dynamic effects. Aft-trimmer configurations provide excellent gust alleviation and meet fundamental stick-fixed stability criteria while exceeding the lift capabilities of pure free-wing configurations

    Insulation bonding test system

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    A method and a system for testing the bonding of foam insulation attached to metal is described. The system involves the use of an impacter which has a calibrated load cell mounted on a plunger and a hammer head mounted on the end of the plunger. When the impacter strikes the insulation at a point to be tested, the load cell measures the force of the impact and the precise time interval during which the hammer head is in contact with the insulation. This information is transmitted as an electrical signal to a load cell amplifier where the signal is conditioned and then transmitted to a fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyzer. The FFT analyzer produces energy spectral density curves which are displayed on a video screen. The termination frequency of the energy spectral density curve may be compared with a predetermined empirical scale to determine whether a igh quality bond, good bond, or debond is present at the point of impact

    Air/Sea Transfer of Highly Soluble Gases Over Coastal Waters

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    The deposition of soluble trace gases to the sea surface is not well studied due to a lack of flux measurements over the ocean. Here we report simultaneous air/sea eddy covariance flux measurements of water vapor, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and momentum from a coastal North Atlantic pier. Gas transfer velocities were on average about 20% lower for SO2 than for H2O. This difference is attributed to the difference in molecular diffusivity between the two molecules (DSO2/DH2O = 0.5), in reasonable agreement with bulk parameterizations in air/sea gas models. This study demonstrates that it is possible to observe the effect of molecular diffusivity on air-side resistance to gas transfer. The slope of observed relationship between gas transfer velocity and friction velocity is slightly smaller than predicted by gas transfer models, possibly due to wind/wave interactions that are unaccounted for in current models

    Measurement of the mass of the τ lepton

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    A data-driven energy scan in the immediate vicinity of the τ pair production threshold has been performed using the Beijing Spectrometer at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider. Approximately 5 pb^(-1) of data, distributed over 12 scan points, have been collected. A previous mass value for the τ lepton, obtained using only the eμ final state, has been published. In this paper, the final BES result on the mass measurement is presented. The analysis is based on the combined data from the ee, eμ, eh, μμ, μh, and hh final states, where h denotes a charged π or K. A maximum likelihood fit to the τ pair production cross section data yields the value m_τ=1776.96_(-0.21)-0.17^(+0.18+0.25) MeV

    Assessment of Connections Between Knowledge- Based Economy Characteristics and Selected Macroeconomic Categories in the European Union's Countries by Means of Panel Models

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of knowledge-based economy variables on the selected macroeconomic categories - the share of total investments in GDP and the employment rate- in European Union's countries in the years 2000-2007, conducted with application of panel models.Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu zmiennych opisujących gospodarkę opartą na wiedzy na podstawowe kategorie makroekonomiczne - udział całkowitych inwestycji w PKB i stopę zatrudnienia - w krajach Unii Europejskiej (z podziałem na kraje UE-15 i nowe kraje członkowskie UE) w latach 2000-2007, przeprowadzona w oparciu o modele panelowe

    Competition for Popularity in Bipartite Networks

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    We present a dynamical model for rewiring and attachment in bipartite networks in which edges are added between nodes that belong to catalogs that can either be fixed in size or growing in size. The model is motivated by an empirical study of data from the video rental service Netflix, which invites its users to give ratings to the videos available in its catalog. We find that the distribution of the number of ratings given by users and that of the number of ratings received by videos both follow a power law with an exponential cutoff. We also examine the activity patterns of Netflix users and find bursts of intense video-rating activity followed by long periods of inactivity. We derive ordinary differential equations to model the acquisition of edges by the nodes over time and obtain the corresponding time-dependent degree distributions. We then compare our results with the Netflix data and find good agreement. We conclude with a discussion of how catalog models can be used to study systems in which agents are forced to choose, rate, or prioritize their interactions from a very large set of options.Comment: 13 Pages, 19 Figure

    Fractional-Period Excitations in Continuum Periodic Systems

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    We investigate the generation of fractional-period states in continuum periodic systems. As an example, we consider a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in an optical-lattice potential. We show that when the potential is turned on non-adiabatically, the system explores a number of transient states whose periodicity is a fraction of that of the lattice. We illustrate the origin of fractional-period states analytically by treating them as resonant states of a parametrically forced Duffing oscillator and discuss their transient nature and potential observability.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures (some with multiple parts); revised version: minor clarifications of a couple points, to appear in Physical Review

    Chaoticity and Shell Effects in the Nearest-Neighbor Distributions

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    Statistics of the single-particle levels in a deformed Woods-Saxon potential is analyzed in terms of the Poisson and Wigner nearest-neighbor distributions for several deformations and multipolarities of its surface distortions. We found the significant differences of all the distributions with a fixed value of the angular momentum projection of the particle, more closely to the Wigner distribution, in contrast to the full spectra with Poisson-like behavior. Important shell effects are observed in the nearest neighbor spacing distributions, the larger the smaller deformations of the surface multipolarities.Comment: 10 pages and 9 figure