2,817 research outputs found

    Integrable multiparametric quantum spin chains

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    Using Reshetikhin's construction for multiparametric quantum algebras we obtain the associated multiparametric quantum spin chains. We show that under certain restrictions these models can be mapped to quantum spin chains with twisted boundary conditions. We illustrate how this general formalism applies to construct multiparametric versions of the supersymmetric t-J and U models.Comment: 17 pages, RevTe

    Integrability and exact solution for coupled BCS systems associated with the su(4)su(4) Lie algebra

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    We introduce an integrable model for two coupled BCS systems through a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the Lie algebra su(4)su(4). By employing the algebraic Bethe ansatz, we determine the exact solution for the energy spectrum. An asymptotic analysis is conducted to determine the leading terms in the ground state energy, the gap and some one point correlation functions at zero temperature.Comment: 15 page

    Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the one-dimensional Hubbard model with open boundaries

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    The one-dimensional Hubbard model with open boundary conditions is exactly solved by means of algebraic Bethe ansatz. The eigenvalue of the transfer matrix, the energy spectrum as well as the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.Comment: Only LaTex file; no figur

    Generalised Perk--Schultz models: solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with quantised orthosymplectic superalgebras

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    The Perk--Schultz model may be expressed in terms of the solution of the Yang--Baxter equation associated with the fundamental representation of the untwisted affine extension of the general linear quantum superalgebra Uq[sl(mn)]U_q[sl(m|n)], with a multiparametric co-product action as given by Reshetikhin. Here we present analogous explicit expressions for solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the fundamental representations of the twisted and untwisted affine extensions of the orthosymplectic quantum superalgebras Uq[osp(mn)]U_q[osp(m|n)]. In this manner we obtain generalisations of the Perk--Schultz model.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Integrability of a t-J model with impurities

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    A t-J model for correlated electrons with impurities is proposed. The impurities are introduced in such a way that integrability of the model in one dimension is not violated. The algebraic Bethe ansatz solution of the model is also given and it is shown that the Bethe states are highest weight states with respect to the supersymmetry algebra gl(2/1)Comment: 14 page

    Exactly solvable models and ultracold Fermi gases

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    Exactly solvable models of ultracold Fermi gases are reviewed via their thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz solution. Analytical and numerical results are obtained for the thermodynamics and ground state properties of two- and three-component one-dimensional attractive fermions with population imbalance. New results for the universal finite temperature corrections are given for the two-component model. For the three-component model, numerical solution of the dressed energy equations confirm that the analytical expressions for the critical fields and the resulting phase diagrams at zero temperature are highly accurate in the strong coupling regime. The results provide a precise description of the quantum phases and universal thermodynamics which are applicable to experiments with cold fermionic atoms confined to one-dimensional tubes.Comment: based on an invited talk at Statphys24, Cairns (Australia) 2010. 16 pages, 6 figure

    Transfer matrix eigenvalues of the anisotropic multiparametric U model

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    A multiparametric extension of the anisotropic U model is discussed which maintains integrability. The R-matrix solving the Yang-Baxter equation is obtained through a twisting construction applied to the underlying Uq(sl(2|1)) superalgebraic structure which introduces the additional free parameters that arise in the model. Three forms of Bethe ansatz solution for the transfer matrix eigenvalues are given which we show to be equivalent.Comment: 26 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Thermal and magnetic properties of integrable spin-1 and spin-3/2 chains with applications to real compounds

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    The ground state and thermodynamic properties of spin-1 and spin-3/2 chains are investigated via exactly solved su(3) and su(4) models with physically motivated chemical potential terms. The analysis involves the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and the High Temperature Expansion (HTE) methods. For the spin-1 chain with large single-ion anisotropy, a gapped phase occurs which is significantly different from the valence-bond-solid Haldane phase. The theoretical curves for the magnetization, susceptibility and specific heat are favourably compared with experimental data for a number of spin-1 chain compounds. For the spin-3/2 chain a degenerate gapped phase exists starting at zero external magnetic field. A middle magnetization plateau can be triggered by the single-ion anisotropy term. Overall, our results lend further weight to the applicability of integrable models to the physics of low-dimensional quantum spin systems. They also highlight the utility of the exact HTE method.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figure