8,217 research outputs found

    Application of the methods of celestial mechanics to the rigid body problem Final report, 1 Jul. 1965 - 1 Jun. 1966

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    Celestial mechanics perturbation methods applied to problem of describing motion of rigid artificial earth satellite about its center of mas

    A Reanalysis of the Carbon Abundance in the Translucent Cloud toward HD 24534

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    We have reanalyzed the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph data set presented by Snow et al. which contains the interstellar intersystem C II] 2325A line through the translucent cloud toward HD 24534 (X Persei). In contrast to the results of Snow et al., we clearly detect the C II] feature at the 3-sigma confidence level and measure a C^+ column density of 2.7 +/- 0.8 x 10^17 cm^-2. Accounting for the C I column density along the line of sight, we find 10^6 C/H = 106 +/- 38 in the interstellar gas toward this star. This gas-phase carbon-to-hydrogen ratio suggests that slightly more carbon depletion may be occurring in translucent as compared to diffuse clouds. The average diffuse-cloud C/H, however, is within the 1-sigma uncertainty of the measurement toward HD 24534. We therefore cannot rule out the possibility that the two cloud types have comparable gas-phase C/H, and therefore comparable depletions of carbon.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    System configuration and executive requirements specifications for reusable shuttle and space station/base

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    System configuration and executive requirements specifications for reusable shuttle and space station/bas

    A Class Of Singular Neutral-differential Systems

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    Noetherian operator theory is used to prove an existence theorem for a singular functional-differential system. An analogue of the standard existence and uniqueness results at an ordinary point follows as a corollary. © 1977 American Mathematical Society

    Near-UV Observations of CS29497-030: New Constraints on Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis Processes

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    Employing spectra obtained with the new Keck I HIRES near-UV sensitive detector, we have performed a comprehensive chemical composition analysis of the binary blue metal-poor star CS29497-030. Abundances for 29 elements and upper limits for an additional seven have been derived, concentrating on elements largely produced via neutron-capture nucleosynthesis. Included in our analysis are the two elements that define the termination point of the slow neutron-capture process, lead and bismuth. We determine an extremely high value of [Pb/Fe] = +3.65 +/- 0.07 (sigma = 0.13) from three features, supporting the single-feature result obtained in previous studies. We also detect Bi for the first time in a metal-poor star. Our derived Bi/Pb ratio is in accord with those predicted from the most recent FRANEC calculations of the slow neutron-capture process in low-mass AGB stars. We find that the neutron-capture elemental abundances of CS29497-030 are best explained by an AGB model that also includes very significant amounts of pre-enrichment of rapid neutron-capture process material in the protostellar cloud out of which the CS29497-030 binary system formed. Thus, CS29497-030 is both an ``r+s'' and ``extrinsic AGB'' star. Furthermore, we find that the mass of the AGB model can be further constrained by the abundance of the light odd-element [Na/Fe] which is sensitive to the neutron excess.Comment: 7 pages = 4 + 2 colour encapsulated postscript figures + 1 table; to appear in ApJ Letters; additional jpeg figure available at ftp://www.astro.caltech.edu/users/iii/cs2949703

    Antilocalization of Coulomb Blockade in a Ge-Si Nanowire

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    The distribution of Coulomb blockade peak heights as a function of magnetic field is investigated experimentally in a Ge-Si nanowire quantum dot. Strong spin-orbit coupling in this hole-gas system leads to antilocalization of Coulomb blockade peaks, consistent with theory. In particular, the peak height distribution has its maximum away from zero at zero magnetic field, with an average that decreases with increasing field. Magnetoconductance in the open-wire regime places a bound on the spin-orbit length (lsol_{so} < 20 nm), consistent with values extracted in the Coulomb blockade regime (lsol_{so} < 25 nm).Comment: Supplementary Information available at http://bit.ly/19pMpd

    Relationships between Larval and Juvenile Abundance of Winter-Spawned Fishes in North Carolina, USA

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    We analyzed the relationships between the larval and juvenile abundances of selected estuarine-dependent fishes that spawn during the winter in continental shelf waters of the U.S. Atlantic coast. Six species were included in the analysis based on their ecological and economic importance and relative abundance in available surveys: spot Leiostomus xanthurus, pinfish Lagodon rhomboides, southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma, summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus, Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus, and Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus. Cross-correlation analysis was used to examine the relationships between the larval and juvenile abundances within species. Tests of synchrony across species were used to find similarities in recruitment dynamics for species with similar winter shelf-spawning life-history strategies. Positive correlations were found between the larval and juvenile abundances for three of the six selected species (spot, pinfish, and southern flounder). These three species have similar geographic ranges that primarily lie south of Cape Hatteras. There were no significant correlations between the larval and juvenile abundances for the other three species (summer flounder, Atlantic croaker, and Atlantic menhaden); we suggest several factors that could account for the lack of a relationship. Synchrony was found among the three southern species within both the larval and juvenile abundance time series. These results provide support for using larval ingress measures as indices of abundance for these and other species with similar geographic ranges and winter shelf-spawning life-history strategies

    The fundamental problem of command : plan and compliance in a partially centralised economy

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    When a principal gives an order to an agent and advances resources for its implementation, the temptations for the agent to shirk or steal from the principal rather than comply constitute the fundamental problem of command. Historically, partially centralised command economies enforced compliance in various ways, assisted by nesting the fundamental problem of exchange within that of command. The Soviet economy provides some relevant data. The Soviet command system combined several enforcement mechanisms in an equilibrium that shifted as agents learned and each mechanism's comparative costs and benefits changed. When the conditions for an equilibrium disappeared, the system collapsed.Comparative Economic Studies (2005) 47, 296–314. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ces.810011

    Non-unitary Trotter circuits for imaginary time evolution

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    We propose an imaginary time equivalent of the well-established Pauli gadget primitive for Trotter-decomposed real time evolution, using mid-circuit measurements on a single ancilla qubit. Imaginary time evolution (ITE) is widely used for obtaining the ground state of a system on classical hardware, computing thermal averages, and as a component of quantum algorithms that perform non-unitary evolution. Near-term implementations on quantum hardware rely on heuristics, compromising their accuracy. As a result, there is growing interest in the development of more natively quantum algorithms. Since it is not possible to implement a non-unitary gate deterministically, we resort to the implementation of probabilistic imaginary time evolution (PITE) algorithms, which rely on a unitary quantum circuit to simulate a block encoding of the ITE operator - that is, they rely on successful ancillary measurements to evolve the system non-unitarily. Compared with previous PITE proposals, the suggested block encoding in this paper results in shorter circuits and is simpler to implement, requiring only a slight modification of the Pauli gadget primitive. This scheme was tested on the transverse Ising model and the fermionic Hubbard model and is demonstrated to converge to the ground state of the system.Comment: Added more explanation of the Pauli gadget primitive and motivation for using Trotter decomposition

    Ovarian cancer--the need for change in service delivery in Northern Ireland.

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    This paper provides local data on the provision of services for patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1996 prior to the reorganisation of cancer services. It documents a service for 140 patients provided by 80 consultant teams and illustrates the need for reorganisation to meet the evidence base already in existence for improvement in survival and will serve as a baseline for future audits in this area
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