2,852 research outputs found

    All-Electron Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations of Warm Dense Matter: Application to Water and Carbon Plasmas

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    We develop an all-electron path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method with free-particle nodes for warm dense matter and apply it to water and carbon plasmas. We thereby extend PIMC studies beyond hydrogen and helium to elements with core electrons. PIMC pressures, internal energies, and pair-correlation functions compare well with density functional theory molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) at temperatures of (2.5-7.5)×105\times10^5 K and both methods together form a coherent equation of state (EOS) over a density-temperature range of 3--12 g/cm3^3 and 104^4--109^9 K

    Object-guided Spatial Attention in Touch: Holding the Same Object with Both Hands Delays Attentional Selection

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    Abstract Previous research has shown that attention to a specific location on a uniform visual object spreads throughout the entire object. Here we demonstrate that, similar to the visual system, spatial attention in touch can be object guided. We measured event-related brain potentials to tactile stimuli arising from objects held by observers' hands, when the hands were placed either near each other or far apart, holding two separate objects, or when they were far apart but holding a common object. Observers covertly oriented their attention to the left, to the right, or to both hands, following bilaterally presented tactile cues indicating likely tactile target location(s). Attentional modulations for tactile stimuli at attended compared to unattended locations were present in the time range of early somatosensory components only when the hands were far apart, but not when they were near. This was found to reflect enhanced somatosensory processing at attended locations rather than suppressed processing at unattended locations. Crucially, holding a common object with both hands delayed attentional selection, similar to when the hands were near. This shows that the proprioceptive distance effect on tactile attentional selection arises when distant event locations can be treated as separate and unconnected sources of tactile stimulation, but not when they form part of the same object. These findings suggest that, similar to visual attention, both space- and object-based attentional mechanisms can operate when we select between tactile events on our body surface.</jats:p

    Phase transformation in Si from semiconducting diamond to metallic beta-Sn phase in QMC and DFT under hydrostatic and anisotropic stress

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    Silicon undergoes a phase transition from the semiconducting diamond phase to the metallic beta-Sn phase under pressure. We use quantum Monte Carlo calculations to predict the transformation pressure and compare the results to density functional calculations employing the LDA, PBE, PW91, WC, AM05, PBEsol and HSE06 exchange-correlation functionals. Diffusion Monte Carlo predicts a transition pressure of 14.0 +- 1.0 GPa slightly above the experimentally observed transition pressure range of 11.3 to 12.6 GPa. The HSE06 hybrid functional predicts a transition pressure of 12.4 GPa in excellent agreement with experiments. Exchange-correlation functionals using the local-density approximation and generalized-gradient approximations result in transition pressures ranging from 3.5 to 10.0 GPa, well below the experimental values. The transition pressure is sensitive to stress anisotropy. Anisotropy in the stress along any of the cubic axes of the diamond phase of silicon lowers the equilibrium transition pressure and may explain the discrepancy between the various experimental values as well as the small overestimate of the quantum Monte Carlo transition pressure

    Does the Locally-Adaptive Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP) work for hunter-gatherer sites? A test using data from the Tanana Valley, Alaska

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    We report an assessment of the ability of the Locally-Adaptive Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP) to estimate archaeological potential in relation to hunter-gatherer sites. The sample comprised 182 known sites in the Tanana Valley, Alaska, which was occupied solely by hunter-gatherers for about 14,500 years. To estimate archaeological potential, we employed physiographic variables such as elevation and slope, rather than variables that are known to vary on short time scales, like vegetation cover. Two tests of LAMAP were carried out. In the first, we used the location of a random selection of 90 sites from all time periods to create a LAMAP model. We then evaluated the model with the remaining 92 sites. In the second test, we built a LAMAP model from 12 sites that pre-date 10,000 cal BP. This model was then tested with sites that post-date 10,000 cal BP. In both analyses, areas predicted to have higher archaeological potential contained higher frequencies of validation sites. The performance of LAMAP in the two tests was comparable to its performance in previous tests using archaeological sites occupied by agricultural societies. Thus, the study extends the use of LAMAP to the task of estimating archaeological potential of landscapes in relation to hunter-gatherer sites
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