27,510 research outputs found

    Standard arc welders provide high amperage direct current source

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    Standard arc welders or power supplies are hooked up in parallel or series connections to obtain an adequate supply of current or voltage for various purposes. This method provides maximum flexibility in a wide range of voltages and currents

    A universal formulation for conic trajectories. Basic variables and relationships

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    Truncated trigonometric functions for conic trajectory formulation in space flight application

    Tungsten-rhenium alloy thermocouples effective for high-temperature measurement

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    Tungsten-rhenium alloy thermocouples, specifically, insulated, sheathed W/W plus 26Re and W plus 5 Re/W plus 26 Re thermocouples, are effective for temperature measurement in excess of 2920 degrees C. These thermocouples have a high thermoelectric output and excellent relationship to temperatures up to 2760 degrees C

    Advanced mission analysis programs

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    Computer programs provide preliminary trajectory and guidance information required for feasibility studies in space mission analysis. The advanced mission analysis computer programs include programs for approximate solutions, programs for targeting and output, and programs for Monte Carlo and linear guidance analysis

    Continuously operating induction plasma accelerator Patent

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    Continuous operation, single phased, induction plasma accelerator producing supersonic speed

    Lunar penetrometer Patent

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    Development and characteristics of pentrometer for measuring physical properties of lunar surfac

    A Dynamic Model Investigation of the Effect of a Sharp-Edge Vertical Gust on Blade Periodic Flapping Angles and Bending Moments of a Two-Blade Rotor

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    A two-blade rotor having a diameter of 4 feet and a solidity of 0.037 was subjected to sharp-edge vertical gusts while being operated at various forward speeds to study the effect of the gusts on the blade periodic bending moments and flapping angles. Variables studied included gust velocity, collective pitch angle, flapping hinge offset, and tip-speed ratio. Dimensionless coefficients are derived for the periodic components of the incremental changes in blade flapping angles and bending moments which arise when a rotor blade penetrates a sharp-edge gust. Mental changes in both the flapping angles and bending moments are essentially proportional to gust velocity, and the coefficients express the ratio of these increments to gust velccity. The results show that the flapping coefficient usually increases with an increase in collective pitch angle, is generally dependent on tip-speed ratio, and is essentially independent of the amount of flapping hinge offset. The bending-moment coefficient is also dependent on collective pitch angle and tip-speed ratio. Expected reductions in bending moments are realized by the use of flapping hinges, and further reductions in bending moments are achieved as the amount of flapping hinge offset is increased. Comparison of the experimental results of this investigation with limited available theoretical results shows substantial agreement but indicates that the assumption that the response of the rotor to a sharp-edge gust is independent of the collective pitch angle prior to gust entry is probably inadequate