60 research outputs found

    Finding The Event Structure Of Neuronal Spike Trains

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    Neurons in sensory systems convey information about physical stimuli in their spike trains. In vitro, single neurons respond precisely and reliably to the repeated injection of the same fluctuating current, producing regions of elevated firing rate, termed events. Analysis of these spike trains reveals that multiple distinct spike patterns can be identified as trial-to-trial correlations between spike times (Fellous, Tiesinga, Thomas, & Sejnowski, 2004). Finding events in data with realistic spiking statistics is challenging because events belonging to different spike patterns may overlap. We propose a method for finding spiking events that uses contextual information to disambiguate which pattern a trial belongs to. The procedure can be applied to spike trains of the same neuron across multiple trials to detect and separate responses obtained during different brain states. The procedure can also be applied to spike trains from multiple simultaneously recorded neurons in order to identify volleys of near-synchronous activity or to distinguish between excitatory and inhibitory neurons. The procedure was tested using artificial data as well as recordings in vitro in response to fluctuating current waveforms

    Multiple Spike Time Patterns Occur at Bifurcation Points of Membrane Potential Dynamics

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    The response of a neuron to repeated somatic fluctuating current injections in vitro can elicit a reliable and precisely timed sequence of action potentials. The set of responses obtained across trials can also be interpreted as the response of an ensemble of similar neurons receiving the same input, with the precise spike times representing synchronous volleys that would be effective in driving postsynaptic neurons. To study the reproducibility of the output spike times for different conditions that might occur in vivo, we somatically injected aperiodic current waveforms into cortical neurons in vitro and systematically varied the amplitude and DC offset of the fluctuations. As the amplitude of the fluctuations was increased, reliability increased and the spike times remained stable over a wide range of values. However, at specific values called bifurcation points, large shifts in the spike times were obtained in response to small changes in the stimulus, resulting in multiple spike patterns that were revealed using an unsupervised classification method. Increasing the DC offset, which mimicked an overall increase in network background activity, also revealed bifurcation points and increased the reliability. Furthermore, the spike times shifted earlier with increasing offset. Although the reliability was reduced at bifurcation points

    Bifurcation points led to multiple spike patterns that persisted across multiple amplitudes.

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    <p>(A) The rastergram for the data shown in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002615#pcbi-1002615-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2A</a> for amplitudes between 60% and 100% and during the time segment between 650 ms and 850 ms. (B) The analysis procedure suggested that there were four clusters, each corresponding to a spike pattern. We show the rastergram with the trials sorted according to their cluster membership. The numbers on the right side are the cluster index. The gray vertical bands show the detected events that remained after applying a procedure to merge events common to multiple clusters. We used the value <i>t<sub>ISI</sub></i>β€Š=β€Š3 ms to detect the events using the interval method and the value <i>t<sub>ROC</sub></i>β€Š=β€Š0.50 to find and merge common events. (C) Rastergram of the clustered data shown in panel A. Each block (separated by thick black lines) corresponds to a different amplitude, with the lowest amplitude at the bottom and the highest amplitude at the top. Within each block, the trials are ordered based on their cluster membership. The clusters are separated by thin dashed lines. Two events are highlighted: the ones in the black ellipses, whose reliability increased with amplitude and the ones in the gray ellipses, whose reliability decreased with amplitude. (D) The pattern occupation (or probability) for a given amplitude is the fraction of trials on which that pattern is obtained. We show the pattern occupation as a function of amplitude for the four patterns that were detected, as indicated by the numbers in the graph. (E) The diversity of patterns observed for a given value of the amplitude is quantified as the entropy of the pattern distribution. The entropy as a function of amplitude has a peak at 80% (arrow), indicating that the pattern diversity is largest for that amplitude. The error bars represent the standard deviation of the entropy determined using a resampling procedure (see <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002615#s4" target="_blank">Methods</a>). There is no correction for the bias, which took values between 0.02 and 0.05 bits.</p

    Spike timing in response to a fluctuating current is robust against changes in amplitude and offset.

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    <p>Responses of two Layer 5 pyramidal cells in a slice preparation of rat prefrontal cortex. In (A) the amplitude of the fluctuating current was varied, whereas in another cell (B) the current offset was varied. For each panel: (a) the rastergram, (b) the R-reliability (Schreiber measure with sigmaβ€Š=β€Š3 ms, see <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002615#s4" target="_blank">Methods</a>) versus amplitude or current offset and (c) the average spike time histogram across all values of either the amplitude or offset. In subpanel (Ab), the gray curve is the R-reliability based on only spikes in the time interval between 700 ms and 900 ms. The stimulus waveform is shown for reference at the bottom of subpanels (a) and (c). Each line in the rastergram represents a spike train obtained on a trial, with the ordinate of each tick representing a spike time. The spike trains are ordered in blocks (delineated by horizontal lines) based on the amplitude or offset of the injected current, expressed as a percentage, with the highest amplitude or offset on top. In (A) the amplitude ranges from 0% to 100% of maximum amplitude. In (B) the current offset ranges from 0.05 nA to 0.3 nA; indicated as a percentage (0.05/0.3β€Š=β€Š13% of maximum; 0.3/0.3β€Š=β€Š100% of maximum). Within each block the trials are in the order they were recorded, with the earliest trial at the bottom. The arrows in subpanels (b) indicates the dip in the R-reliability, which is related to the spike train dynamics highlighted by the corresponding gray box in subpanels (a). This behavior is related to the presence of so-called bifurcation points.</p

    Bifurcation points were observed in model simulations for amplitudes at which the spike count changed.

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    <p>We show the (A) R-reliability (sigmaβ€Š=β€Š1 ms) and (B) rastergram as a function of amplitude obtained from simulations of the Wang-Buzsaki model neuron <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002615#pcbi.1002615-Tiesinga2" target="_blank">[22]</a>, <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002615#pcbi.1002615-Wang2" target="_blank">[47]</a>, using the same injected current as in the recordings from neurons. The dip in reliability indicated by the black and gray arrow in (A) corresponds to the bifurcation in the black and gray circle in (B), respectively. The inset in B is the close up of the rastergram shown in the black circle. We plot (C) mean spike count and (D) standard deviation of the spike count across trials versus the amplitude. The gray curve is the R-reliability replotted from panel A, the full range for R, 0 to 1, is represented in the graph. Peaks in the reliability, indicated by the double-headed arrows, correspond to (C) plateaus in the spike count, for which (D) the trial-to-trial variability in the spike count was small.</p
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