1,280 research outputs found


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    AeyopoyoiL ceucliroides Willd. var. cenchroides is recorded for the first time from Malesian area based on a collection from Mt. Michael (Papuu New Guinea). A description is provided

    The Projective Line Over the Finite Quotient Ring GF(2)[xx]/<x3x>< x^{3} - x> and Quantum Entanglement I. Theoretical Background

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    The paper deals with the projective line over the finite factor ring R_R\_{\clubsuit} \equiv GF(2)[xx]/. The line is endowed with 18 points, spanning the neighbourhoods of three pairwise distant points. As R_R\_{\clubsuit} is not a local ring, the neighbour (or parallel) relation is not an equivalence relation so that the sets of neighbour points to two distant points overlap. There are nine neighbour points to any point of the line, forming three disjoint families under the reduction modulo either of two maximal ideals of the ring. Two of the families contain four points each and they swap their roles when switching from one ideal to the other; the points of the one family merge with (the image of) the point in question, while the points of the other family go in pairs into the remaining two points of the associated ordinary projective line of order two. The single point of the remaining family is sent to the reference point under both the mappings and its existence stems from a non-trivial character of the Jacobson radical, J_{\cal J}\_{\clubsuit}, of the ring. The factor ring R~_R_/J_\widetilde{R}\_{\clubsuit} \equiv R\_{\clubsuit}/ {\cal J}\_{\clubsuit} is isomorphic to GF(2) \otimes GF(2). The projective line over R~_\widetilde{R}\_{\clubsuit} features nine points, each of them being surrounded by four neighbour and the same number of distant points, and any two distant points share two neighbours. These remarkable ring geometries are surmised to be of relevance for modelling entangled qubit states, to be discussed in detail in Part II of the paper.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure


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    Description of the pod of the type tree of Ormosia incerta Koord. (reduced to 0. psnangensis Ridl.) from Java. Reduction of the genus Trifidacanthus Merr. (Legum.) to Desmodium; one new combination necessary. The genus Platyspermation Guillaumin described from New Caledonia in Myrtaeeae, suggested to belong to Saxifragaceae-Escallonioidsae. Juncus bufonius L. recorded as introduced on Mt Kinabalu. Two Fimbristylis species recorded new for the Northern Territory, Australia; Oreobolus kukenthalii Steen. recorded from Mt Muln, Sarawak

    Effect van varkensvleesmeel in vleeskuikenvoer op technische resultaten, slachtrendementen, strooiselkwaliteit, voetzoollaesies en darmgezondheid = Effect of pork meat meal in broiler diets on performance, slaughter yields, litter quality, foot pad dermatitis and gut health

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    Wageningen UR Livestock Research has conducted an experiment to determine the effect of inclusion of graded levels of pork meat meal (PMM) in broiler diets on performance, processing yields, litter quality, foot pad lesions and gut health. Inclusion of PMM in broiler diets corresponding to 10% of the basal dietary CP content did not affect performance, whereas higher inclusion levels adversely affect performance and external quality

    A multiple objective test assembly approach for exposure control problems in computerized adaptive testing

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    Overexposure and underexposure of items in the bank are serious problems in operational computerized adaptive testing (CAT) systems. These exposure problems might result in item compromise, or point at a waste of investments. The exposure control problem can be viewed as a test assembly problem with multiple objectives. Information in the test has to be maximized, item compromise has to be minimized, and pool usage has to be optimized. In this paper, a multiple objectives method is developed to deal with both types of exposure problems. In this method, exposure control parameters based on observed exposure rates are implemented as weights for the information in the item selection procedure. The method does not need time consuming simulation studies, and it can be implemented conditional on ability level. The method is compared with Sympson Hetter method for exposure control, with the Progressive method and with alphastratified testing. The results show that the method is successful in dealing with both kinds of exposure problems


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    Derajat kesehatan ibu dapat dinilai salah satunya dengan angka kematian ibu. Angka kematian ibu adalah kematian wanita yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan sampai dengan 42 hari setelah berakhirnya kehamilan. Angka kematian ibu bisa dipicu oleh penanganan persalinan yang dilakukan oleh penolong persalinan. Oleh sebab itu, ibu hamil harus memilih penolong persalinan yang tepat demi mencegah kematian ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengambilan keputusan memilih penolong persalinan pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lhoknga Aceh Besar tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan desain cross sectional study. Jumlah populasi 367 orang, pengambilan sampel dengan metode stratified random sampling pada 86 orang responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tanggal 3 Februari 2014 dengan menggunakan kuesioner berupa 51 pernyataan dalam bentuk dikotomi dan check list. Metode analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian: tidak ada hubungan antara sosial budaya dengan pengambilan keputusan memilih penolong persalinan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lhoknga Aceh Besar tahun 2014 (p-value 0,437), pengetahuan (p-value 1,000), dukungan keluarga (p-value 0,699) dan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan (p-value 0,236), namun ada hubungan sikap dengan pengambilan keputusan memilih penolong persalinan (p-value 0,055). Disarankan kepada ibu hamil agar dapat mencari informasi mengenai persalinan sehingga dapat memilih tindakan tepat terkait persalinan agar keselamatan serta kesehatan ibu dan bayi terjamin.Banda Ace

    Minder voetzoollaesies via management

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    De afgelopen jaren is er veel onderzoek verricht naar de mogelijkheden om via management op het vleeskuikenbedrijf voetzoollaesies te verminderen. In dit artikel wordt een overzicht gegeven van een aantal managementmaatregelen die een vleeskuikenhouder kan treffen om de kans op het optreden van voetzoollaesies te verkleine