1,596 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a deformable body in a fast flowing soap film

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    We study the behavior of an elastic loop embedded in a flowing soap film. This deformable loop is wetted into the film and is held fixed at a single point against the oncoming flow. We interpret this system as a two-dimensional flexible body interacting in a two-dimensional flow. This coupled fluid-structure system shows bistability, with both stationary and oscillatory states. In its stationary state, the loop remains essentially motionless and its wake is a von K\'arm\'an vortex street. In its oscillatory state, the loop sheds two vortex dipoles, or more complicated vortical structures, within each oscillation period. We find that the oscillation frequency of the loop is linearly proportional to the flow velocity, and that the measured Strouhal numbers can be separated based on wake structure

    Fast-slow asymptotic for semi-analytical ignition criteria in FitzHugh-Nagumo system

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    We study the problem of initiation of excitation waves in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. Our approach follows earlier works and is based on the idea of approximating the boundary between basins of attraction of propagating waves and of the resting state as the stable manifold of a critical solution. Here, we obtain analytical expressions for the essential ingredients of the theory by singular perturbation using two small parameters, the separation of time scales of the activator and inhibitor, and the threshold in the activator's kinetics. This results in a closed analytical expression for the strength-duration curve.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, as accepted to Chaos on 2017/06/2

    Statistical characterization of the forces on spheres in an upflow of air

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    The dynamics of a sphere fluidized in a nearly-levitating upflow of air were previously found to be identical to those of a Brownian particle in a two-dimensional harmonic trap, consistent with a Langevin equation [Ojha {\it et al.}, Nature {\bf 427}, 521 (2004)]. The random forcing, the drag, and the trapping potential represent different aspects of the interaction of the sphere with the air flow. In this paper we vary the experimental conditions for a single sphere, and report on how the force terms in the Langevin equation scale with air flow speed, sphere radius, sphere density, and system size. We also report on the effective interaction potential between two spheres in an upflow of air.Comment: 7 pages, experimen

    Crossover from 2D to 3D in a weakly interacting Fermi gas

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    We have studied the transition from two to three dimensions in a low temperature weakly interacting 6^6Li Fermi gas. Below a critical atom number, N2DN_{2D}, only the lowest transverse vibrational state of a highly anisotropic oblate trapping potential is occupied and the gas is two-dimensional. Above N2DN_{2D} the Fermi gas enters the quasi-2D regime where shell structure associated with the filling of individual transverse oscillator states is apparent. This dimensional crossover is demonstrated through measurements of the cloud size and aspect ratio versus atom number.Comment: Replaced with published manuscrip

    Superheating fields of superconductors: Asymptotic analysis and numerical results

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    The superheated Meissner state in type-I superconductors is studied both analytically and numerically within the framework of Ginzburg-Landau theory. Using the method of matched asymptotic expansions we have developed a systematic expansion for the solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations in the limit of small κ\kappa, and have determined the maximum superheating field HshH_{\rm sh} for the existence of the metastable, superheated Meissner state as an expansion in powers of κ1/2\kappa^{1/2}. Our numerical solutions of these equations agree quite well with the asymptotic solutions for κ<0.5\kappa<0.5. The same asymptotic methods are also used to study the stability of the solutions, as well as a modified version of the Ginzburg-Landau equations which incorporates nonlocal electrodynamics. Finally, we compare our numerical results for the superheating field for large-κ\kappa against recent asymptotic results for large-κ\kappa, and again find a close agreement. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of the method of matched asymptotic expansions for dealing with problems in inhomogeneous superconductivity involving boundary layers.Comment: 14 pages, 8 uuencoded figures, Revtex 3.

    A complex ray-tracing tool for high-frequency mean-field flow interaction effects in jets

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    This paper presents a complex ray-tracing tool for the calculation of high-frequency Green’s functions in 3D mean field jet flows. For a generic problem, the ray solution suffers from three main deficiencies: multiplicity of solutions, singularities at caustics, and the determining of complex solutions. The purpose of this paper is to generalize, combine and apply existing stationary media methods to moving media scenarios. Multiplicities are dealt with using an equivalent two-point boundary-value problem, whilst non-uniformities at caustics are corrected using diffraction catastrophes. Complex rays are found using a combination of imaginary perturbations, an assumption of caustic stability, and analytic continuation of the receiver curve. To demonstrate this method, the ray tool is compared against a high-frequency modal solution of Lilley’s equation for an off-axis point source. This solution is representative of high-frequency source positions in real jets and is rich in caustic structures. A full utilization of the ray tool is shown to provide excellent results<br/

    Scaling of avian primary feather length

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    The evolution of the avian wing has long fascinated biologists, yet almost no work includes the length of primary feathers in consideration of overall wing length variation. Here we show that the length of the longest primary feather () contributing to overall wing length scales with negative allometry against total arm (ta = humerus+ulna+manus). The scaling exponent varied slightly, although not significantly so, depending on whether a species level analysis was used or phylogeny was controlled for using independent contrasts: . The scaling exponent was not significantly different from that predicted (0.86) by earlier work. It appears that there is a general trend for the primary feathers of birds to contribute proportionally less, and ta proportionally more, to overall wingspan as this dimension increases. Wingspan in birds is constrained close to mass (M1/3) because of optimisation for lift production, which limits opportunities for exterior morphological change. Within the wing, variations in underlying bone and feather lengths nevertheless may, in altering the joint positions, permit a range of different flight styles by facilitating variation in upstroke kinematics

    Stability of the selfsimilar dynamics of a vortex filament

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    In this paper we continue our investigation about selfsimilar solutions of the vortex filament equation, also known as the binormal flow (BF) or the localized induction equation (LIE). Our main result is the stability of the selfsimilar dynamics of small pertubations of a given selfsimilar solution. The proof relies on finding precise asymptotics in space and time for the tangent and the normal vectors of the perturbations. A main ingredient in the proof is the control of the evolution of weighted norms for a cubic 1-D Schr\"odinger equation, connected to the binormal flow by Hasimoto's transform.Comment: revised version, 36 page

    Local Causal States and Discrete Coherent Structures

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    Coherent structures form spontaneously in nonlinear spatiotemporal systems and are found at all spatial scales in natural phenomena from laboratory hydrodynamic flows and chemical reactions to ocean, atmosphere, and planetary climate dynamics. Phenomenologically, they appear as key components that organize the macroscopic behaviors in such systems. Despite a century of effort, they have eluded rigorous analysis and empirical prediction, with progress being made only recently. As a step in this, we present a formal theory of coherent structures in fully-discrete dynamical field theories. It builds on the notion of structure introduced by computational mechanics, generalizing it to a local spatiotemporal setting. The analysis' main tool employs the \localstates, which are used to uncover a system's hidden spatiotemporal symmetries and which identify coherent structures as spatially-localized deviations from those symmetries. The approach is behavior-driven in the sense that it does not rely on directly analyzing spatiotemporal equations of motion, rather it considers only the spatiotemporal fields a system generates. As such, it offers an unsupervised approach to discover and describe coherent structures. We illustrate the approach by analyzing coherent structures generated by elementary cellular automata, comparing the results with an earlier, dynamic-invariant-set approach that decomposes fields into domains, particles, and particle interactions.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/dcs.ht