7,572 research outputs found

    Estructura y evolución geodinámica del extremo noreste del margen continental catalán durante el Neógeno

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    The neogene structure and geodynamic evolution of the continental margin between the Cape Bagur and the Cape Creus, has heen studied by means of multichannel seismic profiles. This structure is explained in a regional geodynarnic framework: the opening of the Western Mediterranean and the changes of the relative motion between the European and Afncan plates (NNE in the Latest Oligocene and NO in the Tortonian age). Major margin structures consist of a set of structural highs, grabens and semigrabens infilled by Neogene-Quaternary sediments, whose thicknesses range from 400 m near the coast to 4.000 m in the continental slope. This structures are associated to NE-SW to N-S and NWSE to WNW-ESE fault systems. The NE-SW to N-S system produces the structural configuration of the continental margin and the KW-SE to WNW-ESE is associated to the main basins: Rosas and Bagur. Three main units have been differenciated in the seismic profiles overlying a pre-Neogene basement: the two lowest units (Oligocene?- Lower Miocene and Middle-Upper Miocene units) are associated with the development of neogene deposits, whilst the third consist of post-Messinian deposits (Plio-Quaternary unit). The proposed geodynamic evolution of the area includes two stages: (1) latest Oligocene-Burdigalian rifting where extensión was accomodated by NE-SW normal faults and NW-SE transfer faults related to the Burdigalian drifting, (2) Tortonian to Present stage characterized by the blocking of the NE-SW faults and the extensional development of the NW-SE fault trend. Each stage involves a basin geometry and a style of faulting

    Force dipoles and stable local defects on fluid vesicles

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    An exact description is provided of an almost spherical fluid vesicle with a fixed area and a fixed enclosed volume locally deformed by external normal forces bringing two nearby points on the surface together symmetrically. The conformal invariance of the two-dimensional bending energy is used to identify the distribution of energy as well as the stress established in the vesicle. While these states are local minima of the energy, this energy is degenerate; there is a zero mode in the energy fluctuation spectrum, associated with area and volume preserving conformal transformations, which breaks the symmetry between the two points. The volume constraint fixes the distance SS, measured along the surface, between the two points; if it is relaxed, a second zero mode appears, reflecting the independence of the energy on SS; in the absence of this constraint a pathway opens for the membrane to slip out of the defect. Logarithmic curvature singularities in the surface geometry at the points of contact signal the presence of external forces. The magnitude of these forces varies inversely with SS and so diverges as the points merge; the corresponding torques vanish in these defects. The geometry behaves near each of the singularities as a biharmonic monopole, in the region between them as a surface of constant mean curvature, and in distant regions as a biharmonic quadrupole. Comparison of the distribution of stress with the quadratic approximation in the height functions points to shortcomings of the latter representation. Radial tension is accompanied by lateral compression, both near the singularities and far away, with a crossover from tension to compression occurring in the region between them.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Expansion velocity of a one-dimensional, two-component Fermi gas during the sudden expansion in the ballistic regime

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    We show that in the sudden expansion of a spin-balanced two-component Fermi gas into an empty optical lattice induced by releasing particles from a trap, over a wide parameter regime, the radius RnR_n of the particle cloud grows linearly in time. This allow us to define the expansion velocity VexV_{ex} from Rn=VextR_n=V_{ex}t. The goal of this work is to clarify the dependence of the expansion velocity on the initial conditions which we establish from time-dependent density matrix renormalization group simulations, both for a box trap and a harmonic trap. As a prominent result, the presence of a Mott-insulating region leaves clear fingerprints in the expansion velocity. Our predictions can be verified in experiments with ultra-cold atoms.Comment: 8 pages 10 figures, version as published with minor stylistic change

    Turbulent Control of the Star Formation Efficiency

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    Supersonic turbulence plays a dual role in molecular clouds: On one hand, it contributes to the global support of the clouds, while on the other it promotes the formation of small-scale density fluctuations, identifiable with clumps and cores. Within these, the local Jeans length \Ljc is reduced, and collapse ensues if \Ljc becomes smaller than the clump size and the magnetic support is insufficient (i.e., the core is ``magnetically supercritical''); otherwise, the clumps do not collapse and are expected to re-expand and disperse on a few free-fall times. This case may correspond to a fraction of the observed starless cores. The star formation efficiency (SFE, the fraction of the cloud's mass that ends up in collapsed objects) is smaller than unity because the mass contained in collapsing clumps is smaller than the total cloud mass. However, in non-magnetic numerical simulations with realistic Mach numbers and turbulence driving scales, the SFE is still larger than observational estimates. The presence of a magnetic field, even if magnetically supercritical, appears to further reduce the SFE, but by reducing the probability of core formation rather than by delaying the collapse of individual cores, as was formerly thought. Precise quantification of these effects as a function of global cloud parameters is still needed.Comment: Invited review for the conference "IMF@50: the Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later", to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, eds. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, and H. Zinnecke

    Spin configuration in a frustrated ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic thin film system

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    We have studied the magnetic configuration in ultrathin antiferromagnetic Mn films grown around monoatomic steps on an Fe(001) surface by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and ab-initio-parametrized self-consistent real-space tight binding calculations in which the spin quantization axis is independent for each site thus allowing noncollinear magnetism. Mn grown on Fe(001) presents a layered antiferromagnetic structure. In the regions where the Mn films overgrows Fe steps the magnetization of the surface layer is reversed across the steps. Around these defects a frustration of the antiferromagnetic order occurs. Due to the weakened magnetic coupling at the central Mn layers, the amount of frustration is smaller than in Cr and the width of the wall induced by the step does not change with the thickness, at least for coverages up to seven monolayers.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Towards the characterization of individual users through Web analytics

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    We perform an analysis of the way individual users navigate in the Web. We focus primarily in the temporal patterns of they return to a given page. The return probability as a function of time as well as the distribution of time intervals between consecutive visits are measured and found to be independent of the level of activity of single users. The results indicate a rich variety of individual behaviors and seem to preclude the possibility of defining a characteristic frequency for each user in his/her visits to a single site.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Proceeding of Complex'0

    Density and reproductive characteristics of female brown bears in the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain

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    Here we present annual nearest-neighbour distances (as a proxy of density) between females with cubs-of-the-year (hereafter FCOY) and reproductive characteristics of brown bears Ursus arctos in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain), from 1989 to 2017. FCOY nearest-neighbour distances and reproduction parameters of 19 focal females followed over several consecutive years (from 2004 to 2017) were obtained from bears inhabiting the western sector of the Cantabrian Mountains, where most of the bear population resides. In contrast, general reproductive characteristics were studied in the whole Cantabrian Mountains (western and eastern sectors together) on a sample of 362 litter sizes and 695 cubs. Mean nearest-neighbour distance between FCOY was 2559 ± 1222 m (range = 1305–4757 m). Mean litter size was significantly larger in the west (1.8 ± 0.2 cubs) than in the east (1.3 ± 0.6 cubs). Mean litter size for the whole of the Cantabrian Mountains was 1.6 ± 0.3 cubs. Litter sizes of one, two and three cubs represented 33.4, 56.1 and 10.5% of observed family groups, respectively. Interannual variations in litter size were not significant for both the western and the eastern areas. Mean cub mortality was 0.2 ± 0.5 cubs and did not vary among years. Cub mortality per litter size was 3.9% for one cub, 69.2% for two cubs and 26.9% for three cubs. Mean reproductive rate of the 19 focal females was 1.5 ± 0.6 cubs (n = 58 litters). Litter size of focal FCOY did not differ from the litter size obtained from systematic observations in the whole Cantabrian Mountains. During this period, cub mortality occurred in 24.1% of the 58 litters. Females usually bred every second year (average litter interval = 2.2 years). The estimated reproductive rate for the bear population was 0.7 young born/year/reproductive adult female

    Periodically modulated geometric and electronic structure of graphene on Ru(0001)

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    We report here on a method to fabricate and characterize highly perfect, periodically rippled graphene monolayers and islands, epitaxially grown on single crystal metallic substrates under controlled UHV conditions. The periodicity of the ripples is dictated by the difference in lattice parameters of graphene and substrate, and, thus, it is adjustable. We characterize its perfection at the atomic scale by means of STM and determine its electronic structure in the real space by local tunnelling spectroscopy. There are periodic variations in the geometric and electronic structure of the graphene monolayer. We observe inhomogeneities in the charge distribution, i.e a larger occupied Density Of States at the higher parts of the ripples. Periodically rippled graphene might represent the physical realization of an ordered array of coupled graphene quantum dots. The data show, however, that for rippled graphene on Ru(0001) both the low and the high parts of the ripples are metallic. The fabrication of periodically rippled graphene layers with controllable characteristic length and different bonding interactions with the substrate will allow a systematic experimental test of this fundamental problem.Comment: 12 pages. Contribution to the topical issue on graphene of Semiconductor Science and Technolog