21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh tradisi dan nilai budaya "siri" dalam pembinaan perilaku berwawasan lingkungan (studi kasus di Kecamatan Ponre Kabupaten Bone Sulawesi Selatan) = The Influence of Tradition and The Cultural Value "Sine" in ...

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    The purpose of this study is to find out awareness condition and behavior o the community towards environment based on the Environmental Management Act 1982, and ecological principle and factors, especially the tradition and cultural values influence towards awareness, behavior, and law that play an important role in shaping the behavior with environmental vision. The research was done in Ponre District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province with 300 respondents and intensive observation of the cases under study. Besides the structured interview with the respondents, free interview with the figures, a study about authentic manu- script (LONTARA) and he local regulation dealing with the environment were also done. Data were analysed using correlation and regression statistical analysis. Results of observation and qualitative data were analysed descriptively, with emphasis on what was studied as the real facts. Results showed that : (1) the regulation on environmental issued by the local goverment was quantitatively sufficient, including the physical environment aspect as the core of the problem. But the human component and their need such as the enviromental cost for the local people was ignored(2) the shaping of behavior with environmental vision troug, ht legal approach was sufficient. Behavior and awareness of the community for environment was relatively good compared to the past, but the resultswas not yet satisfactory because of cultural value, tradition, religion, economic condition, level of education and other sociocultural factors(3) the effort of developing alternative values and behavior in this area using local tradition and values was effective and efficient. The value especially the STRI is still a guidance whether to receive or reject an idea or behavior. SIRI is still firmly uphold by the people of this area(4) from the ecological point of view, Ponre District is the core of the Bone Regency ecosystem. The population in the last 35 years tends to decline. Key word: tradition, cultural value, environment


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan withal hubungan asosiasi antara lingkungan geografi, sosial-ekonomi dan pembagian kerja secara seksual yang difokuskan pada suami istri di perdesaan. Huhungan tersebut diatnati melalui deskripsi kondisi fisiografi. aksesibilitas, sosial-ekonomi penduduk dan pola pembagian kerja suami istri serta membandingkan antar wilayah yang diteliti. Metode pendekatan mendasarkan areal differentiation dengan menggunakan lingkungan geografi sebagai landasan analisis keterkaitan antar komponennya. Lingkungan Geografi terdiri tiga ,kornponen: lingkungan fisik, manusia dan aksesibilitas. Hasil penelitian: hubungan asosiasi antara kondisi sosial-ekonomi penduduk dengan lingkungan fisik serta aksesibilitas di wilayah penelitian, terlihat cukup ftal, peran istri ternyata cukup menggembirakan, kebersamaan dalam pembagian kerja suami istri kelihatan hannonis dan nilai sosial-budaya yang diwarisi secara turun temunin tampak masih cukup kuat menjaga keharmonisan berumah-tangga

    Kadar selenium dalam lensa katarak pada perokok dan bukan perokok

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    Kadar selenium dalam lensa katarak pada perokok dan bukan perokok

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    Filsafat sains geografi

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    xiv, 481 hlm.; ilus.; 23 c

    Pangan Gizi dan Pertanian

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    viii.258 hal.;ill.;24 c

    Efisiensi Pupuk P dan Hasil Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) pada Sawah Pasir Pantai Kulonprogo yang Diberi Zeolit

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    Title : Efficiency of P Fertilizer and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) at Sandy Soil Paddy Field Kulonprogo that Added Zeolite. The aim of this research were to study the effect of Zeolite to the efficiency of P fertilizer at Sandy Soil Paddy Field Kulonprogo and to know the rate of P fertilizer that gives the highest yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) . This research was conducted at Krembangan, Panjatan, Kulonprogo from October 2006 to January 2007. This field experiment was arranged in Split Plot Design. Zeolite as a main plot consists of no Zeolite and 750 kgha-1 Zeolite. P fertilizer as sub plot consist of five levels of P fertilizer, i.e. 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 kg SP 36 ha-1. Each treatment was replicated three times so there are 30 plot treatments. Data were analyzed with F test, Kruskal-Wallis Test, DMRT and Correlation test. There is no interaction effect of P fertilizer and Zeolite to P uptake and Physiological Efficiency. Added 750 kg ha-1 Zeolite can increase P uptake 3.04 g/plant and increase efficiency of P fertilizer up to 62.99% in comparison with control. P Fertilizer has significant effect on total tiller number, weight of rice, weight of 1,000 seeds and percentage of rice empty. Until dosage that used in the experiment, response to P fertilizer is linier. P fertilizer 80 kg ha-1 gives the highest rice yield (6.12 kg/7 m2)

    Pangan, gizi dan pertanian

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    viii, 258 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 24 cm

    Pangan, gizi dan pertanian

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    vii, 258 p. : il.; 23 cm