279 research outputs found

    A Contribution to the Examination of the Oral Mucosa Membrane Bioimpedance

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    U namjeri da ustanove osnovne vrijednosti bioimpedancije na zdravoj oralnoj sluznici autori su u 19 zdravih osoba uz pomoć posebno prilagođenoga mjernog uređaja mjerili vrijednosti modula i faznoga kuta bioimpedancije u deset referentnih točaka u usnoj ĆĄupljini. Mjerenje je izvrĆĄeno na deset frekvencija kvazilogaritamski rasprostranjenih u rasponu od 30 Hz do 1 MHz. Mjerenje je u svakoj točki trajalo 30 sekundi. Izmjerene vrijednosti pokazale su uočljive sličnosti distribucije rezultata za skupine mjernih točaka. Autori zaključuju da je dovoljno mjeriti na sluznici dorzuma jezika, nepca i obraza kao reprezentativnim područjima, a vrijednosti za ostala teĆŸe dostupna područja bitno se ne razlikuju od predloĆŸenih točaka. Također ja utvrđeno da se na visokim i niskim frakvencijama rezultati mjerenja grupiraju te se predlaĆŸe da se raspon frekvencija suzi na 103 do 105 Hz.Asample of 19 healthy persons were tested by means of a specially adapted measuring device in order to obtain module values and bioimpedance phase angles in ten reference points distributed along the oral mucosa. The measurements were carried out at ten approximately logarithmic frequencies set out within the range of 30 Hz to 1 MHz. Each measurement lasted 30 seconds. The results showed significant similarities on the group distribution of measuring points. This lead to the conclusion that the relevant measuring points were at lingual dorsum mucosa, hard palate and buccal mucosa, whereas the values for other less accessible regions did not significantly differ from the former. It was also found that the measuring results were concentrated at low and high frequencies. Therefore, it is advisable to narrow down the measuring range to 103 - 105 Hz

    Panel Discussion On Lipid Metabolism In Cardiovascular Disease†

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111126/1/jgs00741.pd

    Light smoking at base-line predicts a higher mortality risk to women than to men; evidence from a cohort with long follow-up

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    BACKGROUND: There is conflicting evidence as to whether smoking is more harmful to women than to men. The UK Cotton Workers’ Cohort was recruited in the 1960s and contained a high proportion of men and women smokers who were well matched in terms of age, job and length of time in job. The cohort has been followed up for 42 years. METHODS: Mortality in the cohort was analysed using an individual relative survival method and Cox regression. Whether smoking, ascertained at baseline in the 1960s, was more hazardous to women than to men was examined by estimating the relative risk ratio women to men, smokers to never smoked, for light (1–14), medium (15–24), heavy (25+ cigarettes per day) and former smoking. RESULTS: For all-cause mortality relative risk ratios were 1.35 for light smoking at baseline (95% CI 1.07-1.70), 1.15 for medium smoking (95% CI 0.89-1.49) and 1.00 for heavy smoking (95% CI 0.63-1.61). Relative risk ratios for light smoking at baseline for circulatory system disease was 1.42 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.98) and for respiratory disease was 1.89 (95% CI 0.99 to 3.63). Heights of participants provided no explanation for the gender difference. CONCLUSIONS: Light smoking at baseline was shown to be significantly more hazardous to women than to men but the effect decreased as consumption increased indicating a dose response relationship. Heavy smoking was equally hazardous to both genders. This result may help explain the conflicting evidence seen elsewhere. However gender differences in smoking cessation may provide an alternative explanation

    A reference relative time-scale as an alternative to chronological age for cohorts with long follow-up

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    Background: Epidemiologists have debated the appropriate time-scale for cohort survival studies; chronological age or time-on-study being two such time-scales. Importantly, assessment of risk factors may depend on the choice of time-scale. Recently, chronological or attained age has gained support but a case can be made for a ‘reference relative time-scale’ as an alternative which circumvents difficulties that arise with this and other scales. The reference relative time of an individual participant is the integral of a reference population hazard function between time of entry and time of exit of the individual. The objective here is to describe the reference relative time-scale, illustrate its use, make comparison with attained age by simulation and explain its relationship to modern and traditional epidemiologic methods. Results: A comparison was made between two models; a stratified Cox model with age as the time-scale versus an un-stratified Cox model using the reference relative time-scale. The illustrative comparison used a UK cohort of cotton workers, with differing ages at entry to the study, with accrual over a time period and with long follow-up. Additionally, exponential and Weibull models were fitted since the reference relative time-scale analysis need not be restricted to the Cox model. A simulation study showed that analysis using the reference relative time-scale and analysis using chronological age had very similar power to detect a significant risk factor and both were equally unbiased. Further, the analysis using the reference relative time-scale supported fully-parametric survival modelling and allowed percentile predictions and mortality curves to be constructed. Conclusions: The reference relative time-scale was a viable alternative to chronological age, led to simplification of the modelling process and possessed the defined features of a good time-scale as defined in reliability theory. The reference relative time-scale has several interpretations and provides a unifying concept that links contemporary approaches in survival and reliability analysis to the traditional epidemiologic methods of Poisson regression and standardised mortality ratios. The community of practitioners has not previously made this connection

    Mass Treatment with Azithromycin for Trachoma Control: Participation Clusters in Households

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    Trachoma, an infectious disease, continues to cause blindness. A great deal of the trachoma burden is concentrated in developing countries. The World Health Organization recommends mass treatment for entire communities in trachoma-endemic regions. In 32 Tanzanian and 48 Gambian communities with trachoma, mass treatment was directly observed following a census. Community coverage was mostly greater than 80%. Larger-than-expected proportions of households where all children were treated and where none of the children were treated were found in each country. Household clustering of treatment was higher in Tanzania compared to The Gambia. However, children who were not treated were not more likely to be infected compared to children who were treated. We found that treatment and non-treatment within communities does not occur at random but rather clusters within households. These findings impact the design of future coverage surveys and suggest that further research evaluate factors that are associated with familial non-compliance

    Anthropometric indices of Gambian children after one or three annual rounds of mass drug administration with azithromycin for trachoma control.

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    BACKGROUND: Mass drug administration (MDA) with azithromycin, carried out for the control of blinding trachoma, has been linked to reduced mortality in children. While the mechanism behind this reduction is unclear, it may be due, in part, to improved nutritional status via a potential reduction in the community burden of infectious disease. To determine whether MDA with azithromycin improves anthropometric indices at the community level, we measured the heights and weights of children aged 1 to 4 years in communities where one (single MDA arm) or three annual rounds (annual MDA arm) of azithromycin had been distributed. METHODS: Data collection took place three years after treatment in the single MDA arm and one year after the final round of treatment in the annual MDA arm. Mean height-for-age, weight-for-age and weight-for-height z scores were compared between treatment arms. RESULTS: No significant differences in mean height-for-age, weight-for-age or weight-for-height z scores were found between the annual MDA and single MDA arms, nor was there a significant reduction in prevalence of stunting, wasting or underweight between arms. CONCLUSIONS: Our data do not provide evidence that community MDA with azithromycin improved anthropometric outcomes of children in The Gambia. This may suggest reductions in mortality associated with azithromycin MDA are due to a mechanism other than improved nutritional status
