1,739 research outputs found

    Irreducible complexity of iterated symmetric bimodal maps

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    We introduce a tree structure for the iterates of symmetric bimodal maps and identify a subset which we prove to be isomorphic to the family of unimodal maps. This subset is used as a second factor for a ∗\ast -product that we define in the space of bimodal kneading sequences. Finally, we give some properties for this product and study the *-product induced on the associated Markov shifts

    K-theory for Cuntz-Krieger algebras arising from real quadratic maps

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    We compute the KK-groups for the Cuntz-Krieger algebras OAK(fΌ)\mathcal{O}_{A_{\mathcal{K}(f_{\mu})}}, where AK(fΌ)A_{\mathcal{K}(f_{\mu})} is the Markov transition matrix arising from the \textit{kneading sequence }K(fΌ)\mathcal{K} (f_{\mu}) of the one-parameter family of real quadratic maps fΌf_{\mu}.Comment: 8 page

    SEEDS - 2014

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    Contributors include: Elbert Tavon Briggs, Raul Canas, Crystal Eidson, Joel Gallardo, Abrahim Harb, A.i. Herv, Mildred Kajah, Nergal Malham, Barry Mansfield, Rosalind Marsh, Megann Masuicca, Lazarus Miller, Kyle Anthony Moore, Stacie Polk, Eden Novak, Eric Novak, Meredyth Poulsen, Edwin Smith, Nathan Steele, Julia Talley, Brian Paul Thalhammer, Joseph Tinaglia, Tasha Vos, Nick Walsh, Stefan Wojtan, Yarlexolnikovhttps://neiudc.neiu.edu/seeds/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Order and chaos: interactive computational activities for the classroom

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    It has long been believed that typical students learn better through contemporary approaches to questions originated by physics problems that allow experiments. This belief motivated us to develop interactive computational didactic materials about contemporaneous mathematics that can be used both in the classroom and in mathematics clubs in school. Dynamical Systems, the study of how physical systems evolve with time, inspired the activities developed. They share a key goal of understanding the order/chaos relationship in natural phenomena, human behaviour and social systems. Another goal to achieve is to give mathematics an experimental/laboratorial component, which rarely is present. In fact, all the interactive computational didactic materials developed include simulations and the capability to generate wonderful pictures, from which students can enjoy the beauty of mathematics.The first author was supported by the Centre of Research in Mathematics and Applications, University of Évora, through the FCT Pluriannual Funding Program. The second author was supported by FEDER Funds through "Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade – COMPETE" and by Portuguese Funds through FCT -"Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia", within the Project PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011

    Conference scene : Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Days : educational activities on pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine

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    The Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Days are high-profile international educational scientific meetings discussing pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. Here, we provide an overview of the scientific lectures and the topics discussed during the 4th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Day, held in Cagliari, Italy, on 7 October 2011, and the 5th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Day, that was held in Msida, Malta, on 3 December 2011. The scientific programs of both events included scientific and company lectures on pharmacogenomics, bioinformatics and personalized medicine by local and international speakers from Europe and the USA.peer-reviewe

    Bowen–Franks groups of reducible bimodal subshifts of finite type

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    AbstractWe study the Bowen–Franks groups of subshifts of finite type associated with reducible bimodal periodic kneading sequences pairs

    International Student Mobility: An Identity Development Task?

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    Based on the review of literature on internationalization of education and on identity formation pro cesses in young adults, this cross - sectional study aims to investigate to which extent self - perceived dimensions of identity are associated to the main moti vations to study abroad. The participants in this study were 429 international university students of different nationalities. Findings revealed that the motivation to study abroa d for personal growth is strongly associated to the commitment and in - depth e xploration identity processes, whereas the motivation to study abroad with the aim of changing life style and enlarging job opportunities is positively associated with reconsideration of commitment and in - depth exploration. Furthermore, identity achieved s tudents showed the highest motivation to s tudy abroad for personal growth, while the motivation to study abroad to positively change life - styles and work conditions is strongly associated with the positive facet of identity crisis, which is otherwise calle d searching - moratorium status. Based on these results, the present survey provides useful questions and hypothesis for future researc

    A jazida da Idade do bronze final da Tapada da Ajuda

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    Em Julho de 1982 foi localizada, no perĂ­metro da Tapada da Ajuda, uma estação prĂ©-histĂłrica, na sequĂȘncia da abertura de extenso talude de escavação executado no Ăąmbito da construção de um complexo desportivo da Associação de Estudantes do Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Face ao interesse da jazida, dela se deu imediato conhecimento ao Conselho Directivo daquele Instituto, bem como ao Departamento de Arqueologia do Instituto PortuguĂȘs do PatrimĂłnio Cultural (IPPC). Ao mesmo tempo, promoveu-se a recolha de material Ă  superfĂ­cie e no corte exposto, em que se baseou o estudo preliminar da jazida. No seguimento deste primeiro trabalho, continuado pela anĂĄlise dos materiais entretanto recolhidos por tĂ©cnicos do Departamento de Arqueologia do IPPC, a quem se agradece a sua cedĂȘncia para estudo, realizaram-se duas campanhas de escavação, em 1983 e 1984, em cujos resultados se baseia este trabalho.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Basins of attraction for a quadratic coquaternionic map

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    In this paper we consider the extension, to the algebra of coquaternions, of a complex quadratic map with a real super-attractive 8-cycle. We establish that, in addition to the real cycle, this new map has sets of non-isolated periodic points of period 8, forming four attractive 8-cycles. Here , the cycles are to be interpreted as cycles of sets and an appropriate notion of attractivity is used. Some characteristics of the basins of attraction of the five attracting 8-cycles are discussed and plots revealing the intertwined nature of these basins are shown.Research at CMAT was financed by Portuguese Funds through FCT - Funda¾c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia, within the Project UID/MAT/00013/2013. Research at NIPE has been carried out within the funding with COMPETE reference number POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-006683, with the FCT/MEC’s (Funda¾c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia, I.P.) financial support through national funding and by the ERDF through the Operational Programme on “Competitiveness and Internationalization – COMPETE 2020” under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quaternionic polynomials with multiple zeros: A numerical point of view

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    In the ring of quaternionic polynomials there is no easy solution to the problem of finding a suitable definition of multiplicity of a zero. In this paper we discuss different notions of multiple zeros available in the literature and add a computational point of view to this problem, by taking into account the behavior of the well known Newton's method in the presence of such roots.COMPETE reference number POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006683; FCT/MEC's financial support through national funding and by the ERDF through the Operational Programme on ``Competitiveness and Internationalization -- COMPETE 2020" under the PT2020 Partnership Agreementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
