7,935 research outputs found

    Atmospheric contaminant sensor. Book 2: Appendices

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    Appendices containing equipment specifications and performance test data of the atmospheric contaminant sensor for submarines are presented

    Lyophilisation of lentiviral pseudotypes for the development and distribution of virus neutralisation assay kits for rabies, Marburg and influenza viruses

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    Purpose: Some conventional serological assays can accurately quantify neutralising antibody responses raised against epitopes on virus glycoproteins, enabling mass vaccine evaluation and serosurveillance studies to take place. However, these assays often necessitate the handling of wild-type virus in expensive high biosafety laboratories, which restricts the scope of their application, particularly in resource-deprived areas. A solution to this issue is the use of lentiviral pseudotype viruses (PVs)—chimeric, replication-deficient virions that imitate the binding and entry mechanisms of their wild-type equivalents. Pseudotype virus neutralisation assays (PVNAs) bypass high biosafety requirements and yield comparable results to established assays. This study explores the potential for using lyophilisation of pseudotypes as a cost-effective, alternative means for production, distribution and storage of a PVNAbased diagnostic kit. Methods & Materials: Rabies, Marburg and H5 subtype Influenza virus pseudotypes were each suspended in cryoprotectant solutions of various molarities and subjected to freeze-drying before incubation at a variety of temperatures, humidities and time periods. Samples were then employed in antibody neutralisation assays using specific sera. Results: High levels of PV titre were retained post-lyophilisation, with acceptable levels of virus activity maintained even after medium-term storage in tropical conditions. Also, the performance of PVs in neutralisation assays was not affected by the lyophilisation process. Conclusion: These results confirm the viability of a freeze-dried PVNA-based diagnostic kit, which could considerably facilitate in-field serology for a number of clinically important viruses

    A peer-to-peer infrastructure for resilient web services

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    This work is funded by GR/M78403 “Supporting Internet Computation in Arbitrary Geographical Locations” and GR/R51872 “Reflective Application Framework for Distributed Architectures”, and by Nuffield Grant URB/01597/G “Peer-to-Peer Infrastructure for Autonomic Storage Architectures”This paper describes an infrastructure for the deployment and use of Web Services that are resilient to the failure of the nodes that host those services. The infrastructure presents a single interface that provides mechanisms for users to publish services and to find hosted services. The infrastructure supports the autonomic deployment of services and the brokerage of hosts on which services may be deployed. Once deployed, services are autonomically managed in a number of aspects including load balancing, availability, failure detection and recovery, and lifetime management. Services are published and deployed with associated metadata describing the service type. This same metadata may be used subsequently by interested parties to discover services. The infrastructure uses peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay technologies to abstract over the underlying network to deploy and locate instances of those services. It takes advantage of the P2P network to replicate directory services used to locate service instances (for using a service), Service Hosts (for deployment of services) and Autonomic Managers which manage the deployed services. The P2P overlay network is itself constructed using novel Web Services-based middleware and a variation of the Chord P2P protocol, which is self-managing.Postprin

    Different calcium sources control somatic versus dendritic SK channel activation during action potentials

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    Small-conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channels play an important role in regulating neuronal excitability. While SK channels at the soma have long been known to contribute to the medium afterhyperpolarization (mAHP), recent evidence indicate

    Redshifted 21cm Signatures Around the Highest Redshift Quasars

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    The Ly-alpha absorption spectrum of the highest redshift quasars indicates that they are surrounded by giant HII regions, a few Mpc in size. The neutral gas around these HII regions should emit 21cm radiation in excess of the Cosmic Microwave Background, and enable future radio telescopes to measure the transverse extent of these HII regions. At early times, the HII regions expand with a relativistic speed. Consequently, their measured sizes along the line-of-sight (via Ly-alpha absorption) and transverse to it (via 21 cm emission) should have different observed values due to relativistic time-delay. We show that the combined measurement of these sizes would directly constrain the neutral fraction of the surrounding intergalactic medium (IGM) as well as the quasar lifetime. Based on current number counts of luminous quasars at z>6, an instrument like LOFAR should detect >2 redshifted 21cm shells per field (with a radius of 11 degrees) around active quasars as bright as those already discovered by SDSS, and >200 relic shells of inactive quasars per field. We show that Ly-alpha photons from the quasar are unable to heat the IGM or to couple the spin and kinetic temperatures of atomic hydrogen beyond the edge of the HII region. The detection of the IGM in 21cm emission around high redshift quasars would therefore gauge the presence of a cosmic Ly-alpha background during the reionization epoch.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Exploring the Variable Sky with LINEAR. I. Photometric Recalibration with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We describe photometric recalibration of data obtained by the asteroid survey LINEAR. Although LINEAR was designed for astrometric discovery of moving objects, the data set described here contains over 5 billion photometric measurements for about 25 million objects, mostly stars. We use Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data from the overlapping ~10,000 deg^2 of sky to recalibrate LINEAR photometry and achieve errors of 0.03 mag for sources not limited by photon statistics with errors of 0.2 mag at r ~ 18. With its 200 observations per object on average, LINEAR data provide time domain information for the brightest four magnitudes of the SDSS survey. At the same time, LINEAR extends the deepest similar wide-area variability survey, the Northern Sky Variability Survey, by 3 mag. We briefly discuss the properties of about 7000 visually confirmed periodic variables, dominated by roughly equal fractions of RR Lyrae stars and eclipsing binary stars, and analyze their distribution in optical and infrared color-color diagrams. The LINEAR data set is publicly available from the SkyDOT Web site