280 research outputs found

    Measuring Mutual Dependence Between State Repressive Actions

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    This study explores the relationships between state violations of different human rights. Though most quantitative studies in international relations treat different types of repressive behaviors as either independent or arising from the same underlying process, significant insights are gained by conceptualizing different human rights violations as separate but dependent processes. We present a theoretical framework for conceptualizing the mechanisms relating human rights practices and produce a novel measurement strategy based on network analysis for exploring these relationships. We illustrate high levels of complementarity between most human rights practices. Substitution effects, in contrast, are occasionally substantial but relatively rare. Finally, using empirically informed Monte Carlo analyses, we present predictions regarding likely sequences of rights violations resulting in extreme violations of different physical integrity rights

    The relationship between mirror-touch synaesthesia and empathy: new evidence and a new screening tool

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    People with mirror-touch synaesthesia (MTS) report experiencing tactile sensations on their own body when seeing another person being touched. Although this has been associated with heightened empathy and emotion perception, this finding has recently been disputed. Here, we conduct two experiments to explore this relationship further. In Study 1, we develop a new screening measure for MTS. We show that MTS is related to vicarious experiences more generally (including to itch and pain), but is not a simple exaggerated version of normality. For example, people with MTS report videos of scratching as ‘touch’ rather than ‘itchiness’ and have localized sensations when watching others in pain. In Study 2, we show that MTS is related to increased emotional empathy to others and better ability to read facial expressions of emotion, but other measures of empathy are normal-to-low. In terms of theoretical models, we propose that this is more consistent with a qualitative difference in the ability to selectively inhibit the other and attending to the self, which leads to heightened activity in shared self-other representations (including a mirror system for touch, but also includes other kinds of vicarious experience)

    Aleph System Seminar, de ExLibris, en Chipre

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    Sección: Noticias. Noticias externasDel 8 al 11 de Abril tuve la ocasión de asistir al Aleph System Seminar que cada dos años organiza la empresa productora de Aleph, ExLibris, que este año se ha celebrado en la ciudad chipriota de Limassol, en lugar de Tel-Aviv, como habitualmente, debido a razones obvias de seguridadN

    Temperature dependent magnetization dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles

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    Recent experimental and theoretical studies show that the switching behavior of magnetic nanoparticles can be well controlled by external time-dependent magnetic fields. In this work, we inspect theoretically the influence of the temperature and the magnetic anisotropy on the spin-dynamics and the switching properties of single domain magnetic nanoparticles (Stoner-particles). Our theoretical tools are the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation extended as to deal with finite temperatures within a Langevine framework. Physical quantities of interest are the minimum field amplitudes required for switching and the corresponding reversal times of the nanoparticle's magnetic moment. In particular, we contrast the cases of static and time-dependent external fields and analyze the influence of damping for a uniaxial and a cubic anisotropy.Comment: accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Heat bounds and the blowtorch theorem

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    We study driven systems with possible population inversion and we give optimal bounds on the relative occupations in terms of released heat. A precise meaning to Landauer's blowtorch theorem (1975) is obtained stating that nonequilibrium occupations are essentially modified by kinetic effects. Towards very low temperatures we apply a Freidlin-Wentzel type analysis for continuous time Markov jump processes. It leads to a definition of dominant states in terms of both heat and escape rates.Comment: 11 pages; v2: minor changes, 1 reference adde

    Obtaining of porous composites based on hydroxyapatite and copolymers of lactide and glycolide

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    Composite materials based on biodegradable polymers and hydroxyapatite (HA) are one of the most promising materials in medical practice. Hydroxyapatite is a major mineral component of normal bone. Copolymer of lactide and glycolide (PLGA) was selected as biodegradable polymer and as a matrix of composite. Composites based on PLGA and HA with different mass ratio of components were obtained. Phase composition of obtained samples and materials during its obtaining was studied by XRD. The surface morphology of the composites was investigated by SEM. Porosity influence on the certain physical properties of the composites is shown as well

    Global existence for semilinear reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains

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    We present global existence results for solutions of reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains. Global existence results for a class of reaction-diffusion systems on fixed domains are extended to the same systems posed on spatially linear isotropically evolving domains. The results hold without any assumptions on the sign of the growth rate. The analysis is valid for many systems that commonly arise in the theory of pattern formation. We present numerical results illustrating our theoretical findings.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Compared to high and low cannabis use, moderate use is associated with fewer cognitive deficits in psychosis

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    AbstractLiterature on the relationship of cannabis use and cognition in schizophrenia provides the paradoxical view that cannabis use is sometimes linked with less severe impairment in neurocognition. This paper explored the possibility that this is a reflection of a dose related response between lifetime cannabis use and two forms of cognition, neurocognition and metacognition, in schizophrenia. It was hypothesized that three groups of patients could be differentiated, those with (1) little to no cannabis use with poor levels of cognition, (2) moderate cannabis use and relatively better levels of cognition and (3) high cannabis use with relatively poorer levels of cognition. Sixty-six adults with schizophrenia completed assessments of neurocognition, metacognition and months of lifetime cannabis use. Ak-means cluster analysis yielded three distinct groups based on these assessments. The clusters included: (1) low cannabis/poor cognition (n=34); (2) heavy cannabis/moderately impaired cognition (n=10); and (3) moderate cannabis/higher cognition (n=22). Consistent with our hypothesis, participants with high and moderate lifetime cannabis use had lesser impairment of neurocognition and metacognition compared to low lifetime cannabis use. Participants with moderate lifetime cannabis use also had lesser impairment of metacognition compared to low and heavy use. These findings suggest that a dose related relationship exists between cannabis use and cognition. Results could be due to an influence of pre-existing cognitive level on likelihood of lifetime cannabis use, or to an interaction between use and cognitive function

    Stability of cluster solutions in a cooperative consumer chain model

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.We study a cooperative consumer chain model which consists of one producer and two consumers. It is an extension of the Schnakenberg model suggested in Gierer and Meinhardt [Kybernetik (Berlin), 12:30-39, 1972] and Schnakenberg (J Theor Biol, 81:389-400, 1979) for which there is only one producer and one consumer. In this consumer chain model there is a middle component which plays a hybrid role: it acts both as consumer and as producer. It is assumed that the producer diffuses much faster than the first consumer and the first consumer much faster than the second consumer. The system also serves as a model for a sequence of irreversible autocatalytic reactions in a container which is in contact with a well-stirred reservoir. In the small diffusion limit we construct cluster solutions in an interval which have the following properties: The spatial profile of the third component is a spike. The profile for the middle component is that of two partial spikes connected by a thin transition layer. The first component in leading order is given by a Green's function. In this profile multiple scales are involved: The spikes for the middle component are on the small scale, the spike for the third on the very small scale, the width of the transition layer for the middle component is between the small and the very small scale. The first component acts on the large scale. To the best of our knowledge, this type of spiky pattern has never before been studied rigorously. It is shown that, if the feedrates are small enough, there exist two such patterns which differ by their amplitudes.We also study the stability properties of these cluster solutions. We use a rigorous analysis to investigate the linearized operator around cluster solutions which is based on nonlocal eigenvalue problems and rigorous asymptotic analysis. The following result is established: If the time-relaxation constants are small enough, one cluster solution is stable and the other one is unstable. The instability arises through large eigenvalues of order O(1). Further, there are small eigenvalues of order o(1) which do not cause any instabilities. Our approach requires some new ideas: (i) The analysis of the large eigenvalues of order O(1) leads to a novel system of nonlocal eigenvalue problems with inhomogeneous Robin boundary conditions whose stability properties have been investigated rigorously. (ii) The analysis of the small eigenvalues of order o(1) needs a careful study of the interaction of two small length scales and is based on a suitable inner/outer expansion with rigorous error analysis. It is found that the order of these small eigenvalues is given by the smallest diffusion constant ε22.RGC of Hong Kon

    Relative Entropy: Free Energy Associated with Equilibrium Fluctuations and Nonequilibrium Deviations

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    Using a one-dimensional macromolecule in aqueous solution as an illustration, we demonstrate that the relative entropy from information theory, kpkln(pk/pk)\sum_k p_k\ln(p_k/p_k^*), has a natural role in the energetics of equilibrium and nonequilibrium conformational fluctuations of the single molecule. It is identified as the free energy difference associated with a fluctuating density in equilibrium, and is associated with the distribution deviate from the equilibrium in nonequilibrium relaxation. This result can be generalized to any other isothermal macromolecular systems using the mathematical theories of large deviations and Markov processes, and at the same time provides the well-known mathematical results with an interesting physical interpretations.Comment: 5 page