20 research outputs found

    Adult Prevalence of Epilepsy in Spain: EPIBERIA, a Population-Based Study

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    Background. This study assesses the lifetime and active prevalence of epilepsy in Spain in people older than 18 years. Methods. EPIBERIA is a population-based epidemiological study of epilepsy prevalence using data from three representative Spanish regions (health districts in Zaragoza, Almería, and Seville) between 2012 and 2013. The study consisted of two phases: screening and confirmation. Participants completed a previously validated questionnaire (EPIBERIA questionnaire) over the telephone. Results. A total of 1741 valid questionnaires were obtained, including 261 (14.99%) raising a suspicion of epilepsy. Of these suspected cases, 216 (82.75%) agreed to participate in phase 2. Of the phase 2 participants, 22 met the International League Against Epilepsy’s diagnostic criteria for epilepsy. The estimated lifetime prevalence, adjusted by age and sex per 1,000 people, was 14.87 (95% CI: 9.8–21.9). Active prevalence was 5.79 (95% CI: 2.8–10.6). No significant age, sex, or regional differences in prevalence were detected. Conclusions. EPIBERIA provides the most accurate estimate of epilepsy prevalence in the Mediterranean region based on its original methodology and its adherence to ILAE recommendations. We highlight that the lifetime prevalence and inactive epilepsy prevalence figures observed here were compared to other epidemiological studies

    Preventing disease through opportunistic, rapid engagement by primary care teams using behaviour change counselling (PRE-EMPT): protocol for a general practice-based cluster randomised trial

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    BACKGROUND: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet are the key modifiable factors contributing to premature morbidity and mortality in the developed world. Brief interventions in health care consultations can be effective in changing single health behaviours. General Practice holds considerable potential for primary prevention through modifying patients' multiple risk behaviours, but feasible, acceptable and effective interventions are poorly developed, and uptake by practitioners is low. Through a process of theoretical development, modeling and exploratory trials, we have developed an intervention called Behaviour Change Counselling (BCC) derived from Motivational Interviewing (MI). This paper describes the protocol for an evaluation of a training intervention (the Talking Lifestyles Programme) which will enable practitioners to routinely use BCC during consultations for the above four risk behaviours. METHODS/DESIGN: This cluster randomised controlled efficacy trial (RCT) will evaluate the outcomes and costs of this training intervention for General Practitioners (GPs) and nurses. Training methods will include: a practice-based seminar, online self-directed learning, and reflecting on video recorded and simulated consultations. The intervention will be evaluated in 29 practices in Wales, UK; two clinicians will take part (one GP and one nurse) from each practice. In intervention practices both clinicians will receive training. The aim is to recruit 2000 patients into the study with an expected 30% drop out. The primary outcome will be the proportion of patients making changes in one or more of the four behaviours at three months. Results will be compared for patients seeing clinicians trained in BCC with patients seeing non-BCC trained clinicians. Economic and process evaluations will also be conducted. DISCUSSION: Opportunistic engagement by health professionals potentially represents a cost effective medical intervention. This study integrates an existing, innovative intervention method with an innovative training model to enable clinicians to routinely use BCC, providing them with new tools to encourage and support people to make healthier choices. This trial will evaluate effectiveness in primary care and determine costs of the intervention

    Ayudas a los músculos respiratorios durante un episodio de aspiración en un enfermo con distrofia muscular de Duchenne

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    Presentamos el caso de un enfermo afectado de distrofia muscular de Duchenne con buena función bulbar, pero con disminución importante de la capacidad vital forzada (9%) y del pico de flujo de tos espontáneo (2,35 l/s) que le obligaba a mantener ventilación no invasiva (VNI) continua (ventilador volumétrico, mascarilla nasal nocturna y pieza bucal en vigilia) y a utilizar ayudas manuales para la tos mediante insuflaciones con ambú y compresión torácica espiratoria (pico de flujo de tos asistida tras máxima capacidad de insuflación de 4,33 l/s). El paciente presentó una aspiración importante de material digestivo que se resolvió gracias a la asociación de las ayudas manuales para la tos proporcionadas por su cuidadora principal y a la VNI. En un segundo momento, la VNI con una boquilla sellada como conexión a un ventilador volumétrico permitió realizar una broncoscopia bajo sedación, en la que se comprobó que no había material retenido. Este caso es un ejemplo de la utilidad potencial del manejo cualificado de los problemas respiratorios en algunas enfermedades neuromusculares

    Drug-resistant epilepsy: Current recommendations for diagnosis and treatment in Spain

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    Introduction: Drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) is a top-priority social health problem which requires early individual treatment due to its dramatic repercussions for the patient and society. Development: The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) has recently defined DRE as that in which the seizures are not controlled after having correctly taken two appropriate and well tolerated anti-epileptic drugs, with lack of control being understood as the appearance of seizures within one year or in a period less than three times the inter-seizure interval before starting treatment. This International Society recommends a rapid and detailed assessment of all patients in an Epilepsy Unit. A Clinical Epilepsy Unit (CEU) is understood as a group of professionals who, acting in collaboration, have the diagnosis and treatment of the patient with epilepsy as their primary objective. CEUs in Spain may be stratified into different levels depending on the activity carried out in each of them. The specific epilepsy clinic is considered the fundamental type of CEU and includes the necessary figure of an expert in epilepsy. Prolonged video-monitoring is performed in medical CEUs. In medical-surgical CEUs epilepsy surgery with varying degrees of difficulty is also performed. Conclusions: All CEUs must cooperate with consensus protocols, and there must be a two-way flow between them. Stratification of CEUs increases efficacy and efficiency, due to there being a sufficient number of them to ensure easy access by all patients with epilepsy. Resumen: Introducción: La epilepsia resistente a fármacos antiepilépticos (ERF) constituye un problema socio-sanitario de primer nivel, que debe ser individualizado precozmente por sus dramáticas repercusiones individuales y colectivas. Desarrollo: Recientemente, la Liga Internacional Contra la Epilepsia ha definido la ERF como aquella en la que no se controlen las crisis tras haber tomado de forma adecuada dos fármacos antiepilépticos apropiados y bien tolerados, entendiendo como falta de control la aparición de crisis en un año o en un tiempo inferior a tres veces el intervalo entre crisis que mostraba antes de iniciar el tratamiento. Esta sociedad internacional recomienda en todo paciente con ERF una evaluación rápida y detallada en una unidad de epilepsia. Se entiende como Unidad Clínica de Epilepsia (UCE) el conjunto de profesionales que actuando en colaboración tienen como objetivo primario el diagnóstico y tratamiento del paciente con epilepsia. Las UCE en España pueden ser estratificadas en distintos niveles, dependiendo de la actividad que se desarrolle en cada una de ellas. La consulta específica de epilepsia se considera como el germen de toda UCE, siendo necesaria la figura del experto en epilepsia. En las UCE médicas se realiza la monitorización vídeo-EEG prolongada. En las UCE médico-quirúrgicas además se realiza cirugía de epilepsia de dificultad diversa. Conclusiones: Todas las UCE deben cooperar con protocolos consensuados, debiendo existir un flujo bidireccional entre ellas. La estratificación de las UCE permite una alta eficacia y eficiencia, debiendo existir el suficiente número que garantice el fácil acceso de todos los pacientes con epilepsia. Keywords: Epilepsy, Refractory epilepsy, Drug resistant epilepsy, Epilepsy centre, Epilepsy speciality care, Video-EEG monitoring, Epilepsy monitoring unit, Epilepsy surgery, Palabras clave: Epilepsia, Epilepsia refractaria, Epilepsia resistente a fármacos antiepilépticos, Centros de epilepsia, Consulta específica de epilepsia, Monitorización vídeo-EEG, Monitorización de la epilepsia, Cirugía de epilepsi

    Consensus-recommended diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for drug-resistant epilepsy in Spain (Consenso RATE-España)

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    Objective: To ascertain the opinions of an Epilepsy Expert Group and prepare a consensus document on the definition of drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) according to the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the different healthcare levels for the patient with epilepsy in Spain. Materials and methods: The study was conducted using the Delphi method, by means of successive rounds of questionnaires. A scientific committee prepared a preliminary document and fourteen associated questions, which were sent by e-mail to the panel of experts. They included items related to the concept of DRE, health care levels and the route between these levels for patients with DRE. Results: A total of 41 experts answered the questionnaire. They agreed regarding the necessity and applicability of the DRE definition according to the ILAE, the need for an expert panel on epilepsy, specialist epilepsy clinics, and clinical epilepsy units stratified depending on the level of activities they carried out. There was moderate consensus on the resources and activity of the clinical units of reference and there was no consensus on the referral of patients who have suffered an epileptic seizure to an epilepsy clinic. Conclusions: The expert panel agreed with the definition of DRE according to the ILAE and on referring patients with DRE for a detailed study in an epilepsy clinic or epilepsy clinical unit. They highlighted the need for video-EEG monitoring in the study of patients with DRE and the need to propose other forms of treatment in selected patients. Resumen: Objetivo: Conocer la opinión de un colectivo de expertos en epilepsia y elaborar un consenso sobre la definición de epilepsia resistente a fármacos (ERF) según la Liga Internacional Contra la Epilepsia (ILAE) y los distintos niveles asistenciales al paciente con ERF en España. Material y métodos: El estudio fue realizado utilizando el método Delphi, mediante dos rondas sucesivas de cuestionarios. Un comité científico confeccionó un documento preliminar y catorce preguntas relacionadas y fueron remitidos por correo electrónico al panel de expertos. Se incluían ítems relacionados con el concepto de ERF, niveles asistenciales e itinerario entre dichos niveles de los pacientes con ERF. Resultados: Contestaron el cuestionario 41 expertos. Se alcanzó acuerdo sobre la necesidad y aplicabilidad de la definición de ERF según la ILAE, necesidad de la existencia del experto en epilepsia, consulta específica de epilepsia y unidades clínicas de epilepsia con diversa estratificación, según la graduación de actividades que se realicen. Existió moderado consenso con la dotación y actividad de las unidades clínicas de referencia y no hubo consenso sobre la remisión de pacientes que han presentado una crisis epiléptica a una consulta de epilepsia. Conclusiones: El panel de expertos estuvo de acuerdo con la definición de ERF según la ILAE y en remitir a todo paciente con ERF a un estudio pormenorizado a una consulta de epilepsia o unidad clínica de epilepsia. Se resalta la necesidad de la monitorización vídeo-EEG en el estudio del paciente con ERF y el proponer otras formas terapéuticas en pacientes seleccionados. Keywords: Epilepsy, Delphi method, Consensus, Refractory epilepsy, Drug resistant epilepsy, Epilepsy centre, Epilepsy specialty care, Video-EEG monitoring, Epilepsy monitoring unit, Epilepsy surgery, Palabras clave: Epilepsia, Método Delphi, Consenso, Epilepsia refractaria, Epilepsia resistente a fármacos antiepilépticos, Centros de epilepsia, Consulta específica de epilepsia, Monitorización vídeo-EEG, Monitorización de la epilepsia, Cirugía de epilepsi

    Consenso de las Recomendaciones de Actuación diagnóstica y Terapéutica sobre Epilepsia resistente a fármacos antiepilépticos en España (Consenso RATE-España)

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    Resumen: Objetivo: Conocer la opinión de un colectivo de expertos en epilepsia y elaborar un consenso sobre la definición de epilepsia resistente a fármacos (ERF) según la Liga Internacional Contra la Epilepsia (ILAE) y los distintos niveles asistenciales al paciente con ERF en España. Material y métodos: El estudio fue realizado utilizando el método Delphi, mediante dos rondas sucesivas de cuestionarios. Un comité científico confeccionó un documento preliminar y catorce preguntas relacionadas y fueron remitidos por correo electrónico al panel de expertos. Se incluían ítems relacionados con el concepto de ERF, niveles asistenciales e itinerario entre dichos niveles de los pacientes con ERF. Resultados: Contestaron el cuestionario 41 expertos. Se alcanzó acuerdo sobre la necesidad y aplicabilidad de la definición de ERF según la ILAE, necesidad de la existencia del experto en epilepsia, consulta específica de epilepsia y unidades clínicas de epilepsia con diversa estratificación, según la graduación de actividades que se realicen. Existió moderado consenso con la dotación y actividad de las unidades clínicas de referencia y no hubo consenso sobre la remisión de pacientes que han presentado una crisis epiléptica a una consulta de epilepsia. Conclusiones: El panel de expertos estuvo de acuerdo con la definición de ERF según la ILAE y en remitir a todo paciente con ERF a un estudio pormenorizado a una consulta de epilepsia o unidad clínica de epilepsia. Se resalta la necesidad de la monitorización vídeo-EEG en el estudio del paciente con ERF y el proponer otras formas terapéuticas en pacientes seleccionados. Abstract: Objective: To ascertain the opinions of an Epilepsy Expert Group and prepare a consensus document on the definition of drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) according to the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the different healthcare levels for the patient with epilepsy in Spain. Material y methods: The study was conducted using the Delphi method, by means of successive rounds of questionnaires. A scientific committee prepared a preliminary document and fourteen associated questions, which were sent by e-mail to the panel of experts. They included items related to the concept of DRE, health care levels and the route between these levels for patients with DRE. Results: A total of 41 experts answered the questionnaire. They agreed regarding the necessity and applicability of the DRE definition according to the ILAE, the need for an expert panel on epilepsy, specialist epilepsy clinics, and clinical epilepsy units stratified depending on the level of activities they carried out. There was moderate consensus on the resources and activity of the clinical units of reference and there was no consensus on the referral of patients who have suffered an epileptic seizure to an epilepsy clinic. Conclusions: The expert panel agreed with the definition of DRE according to the ILAE and on referring patients with DRE for a detailed study in an epilepsy clinic or epilepsy clinical unit. They highlighted the need for video-EEG monitoring in the study of patients with DRE and the need to propose other forms of treatment in selected patients. Palabras clave: Epilepsia, Método Delphi, Consenso, Epilepsia refractaria, Epilepsia resistente a fármacos antiepilépticos, Centros de epilepsia, Consulta específica de epilepsia, Monitorización vídeo-EEG, Monitorización de la epilepsia, Cirugía de epilepsia, Keywords: Epilepsy, Delphi method, Consensus, Refractory epilepsy, Drug resistant epilepsy, Epilepsy center, Epilepsy specialty care, Video-EEG monitoring, Epilepsy monitoring unit, Epilepsy surger