779 research outputs found

    Cyclic Algebras over pp-adic curves

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    In this paper we study division algebras over the function fields of curves over \Q_p. The first and main tool is to view these fields as function fields over nonsingular SS which are projective of relative dimension 1 over the pp adic ring Zp\Z_p. A previous paper showed such division algebras had index bounded by n2n^2 assuming the exponent was nn and nn was prime to pp. In this paper we consider algebras of degree (and hence exponent) qpq \not= p and show these algebras are cyclic. We also find a geometric criterion for a Brauer class to have index qq

    Invariant Fields of Symplectic and Orthogonal Groups

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    The projective orthogonal and symplectic groups POn(F)PO_n(F) and PSpn(F)PSp_n(F) have a natural action on the FF vector space V=Mn(F)...Mn(F)V' = M_n(F) \oplus ... \oplus M_n(F). Here we assume FF is an infinite field of characteristic not 2. If we assume there is more than one summand in VV', then the invariant fields F(V)POnF(V')^{PO_n} and F(V)PSpnF(V')^{PSp_n} are natural objects. They are, for example, the centers of generic algebras with the appropriate kind of involution. This paper considers the rationality properties of these fields, in the case 1,21,2 or 4 are the highest powers of 2 that divide nn. We derive rationality when nn is odd, or when 2 is the highest power, and stable rationality when 4 is the highest power. In a companion paper [ST] joint with Tignol, we prove retract rationality when 8 is the highest power of 2 dividing nn. Back in this paper, along the way, we consider two generic ways of forcing a Brauer class to be in the image of restriction.Comment: 25 page

    Generic algebras with involution of degree 8m

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    The centers of the generic central simple algebras with involution are interesting objects in the theory of central simple algebras. These fields also arise as invariant fields for linear actions of projective orthogonal or symplectic groups. In this paper, we prove that when the characteristic is not 2, these fields are retract rational, in the case the degree is 8m8m and mm is odd. We achieve this by proving the equivalent lifting property for the class of central simple algebras of degree 8m8m with involution. A companion paper ([S3]) deals with the case of mm, 2m2m and 4m4m where stronger rationality results are proven.Comment: 7 page

    Generic Galois extensions and problems in field theory

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    A promessa e as realidades de Pay for Success/Social Impact Bonds

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    This article considers proponents’ arguments for Pay for Success also known as Social Impact Bonds. Pay for Success allows banks to finance public services with potential profits tied to metrics. Pay for Success has received federal support through the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2016 and is predicted by 2020 to expand in the US to a trillion dollars. As school districts, cities, and states face debt and budget crises, Pay for Success has been advocated by philanthropists, corporate consulting firms, politicians, and investment banks on the grounds of improving accountability, cost savings, risk transfer, and market discipline. With its trailblazing history in neoliberal education, Chicago did an early experiment in Pay for Success. This article provides a conceptual analysis of the key underlying assumptions and ideologies of Pay for Success. It examines the claims of proponents and critics and sheds light on the financial and ideological motivations animating Pay for Success. The article contends that Pay for Success primarily financially benefits banks without providing the benefits that proponents promise. It concludes by considering Pay for Success in relation to broader structural economic considerations and the recent uses of public schooling to produce short-term profit for capitalists. En este artículo se consideran los argumentos de los proponentes de Pay for Success, también conocidos como Social Impact Bonds. Pay for Success permite a los bancos financiar servicios públicos con beneficios potenciales vinculados a métricas. Pagar por el Éxito ha recibido apoyo federal a través de la Ley de Todos los Sucesos Sucesivos de 2016 y está previsto para 2020 para expandirse en los EE.UU. a un billón de dólares. A medida que los distritos escolares, las ciudades y los estados se enfrentan a crisis de deuda y presupuesto, Pay for Success ha sido defendido por filántropos, empresas de consultoría corporativa, políticos y bancos de inversión con el fin de mejorar la rendición de cuentas, ahorro de costos, transferencia de riesgos y disciplina de mercado. Con su historia pionera en la educación neoliberal, Chicago hizo un experimento temprano en Pay for Success. Este artículo provee un análisis conceptual de las suposiciones e ideologías fundamentales de Pay for Success. Examina las afirmaciones de los defensores y críticos y arroja luz sobre las motivaciones financieras e ideológicas que animan a Pay for Success. El artículo sostiene que pagar por el éxito beneficia principalmente a los bancos sin proporcionar los beneficios que los proponentes prometen. Concluye considerando el Pay For Success en relación con consideraciones económicas estructurales más amplias y los usos recientes de la educación pública para producir ganancias a corto plazo para los capitalistas.Este artigo considera os argumentos dos proponentes para Pay for Success, também conhecidos como “Social Impact Bonds”. Pay for Success permite aos bancos financiar serviços públicos com lucros potenciais ligados a métricas. Pagar pelo sucesso recebeu apoio federal através da Lei de Sucesso de Todos os Estudantes de 2016 e está prevista para 2020 para expandir nos EUA para um trilhão de dólares. À medida que os distritos escolares, as cidades e os estados enfrentam crises de dívida e orçamento, Pay for Success foi defendido por filantropos, empresas de consultoria corporativa, políticos e bancos de investimento com base em melhorar a prestação de contas, redução de custos, transferência de riscos e disciplina de mercado. Com sua história pioneira na educação neoliberal, Chicago fez uma experiência inicial em Pay for Success. Este artigo fornece uma análise conceitual dos principais pressupostos subjacentes e ideologias do Pay for Success. Ele examina as reivindicações de defensores e críticos e ilumina as motivações financeiras e ideológicas que animam Pay for Success. O artigo afirma que o Pay for Success beneficia principalmente os bancos sem beneficiar dos benefícios que os proponentes prometem. Conclui considerando Pay for Success em relação a considerações econômicas estruturais mais amplas e os recentes usos da educação pública para produzir lucro a curto prazo para os capitalistas

    Norm polynomials and algebras

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    Multiplicative field invariants

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