2,092 research outputs found

    Optimum Quantum Error Recovery using Semidefinite Programming

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    Quantum error correction (QEC) is an essential element of physical quantum information processing systems. Most QEC efforts focus on extending classical error correction schemes to the quantum regime. The input to a noisy system is embedded in a coded subspace, and error recovery is performed via an operation designed to perfectly correct for a set of errors, presumably a large subset of the physical noise process. In this paper, we examine the choice of recovery operation. Rather than seeking perfect correction on a subset of errors, we seek a recovery operation to maximize the entanglement fidelity for a given input state and noise model. In this way, the recovery operation is optimum for the given encoding and noise process. This optimization is shown to be calculable via a semidefinite program (SDP), a well-established form of convex optimization with efficient algorithms for its solution. The error recovery operation may also be interpreted as a combining operation following a quantum spreading channel, thus providing a quantum analogy to the classical diversity combining operation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum information processing via a lossy bus

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    We describe a method to perform two qubit measurements and logic operations on pairs of qubits which each interact with a harmonic oscillator degree of freedom (the \emph{bus}), but do not directly interact with one another. Our scheme uses only weak interactions between the qubit and the bus, homodyne measurements, and single qubit operations. In contrast to earlier schemes, the technique presented here is extremely robust to photon loss in the bus mode, and can function with high fidelity even when the rate of photon loss is comparable to the strength of the qubit-bus coupling.Comment: Added more discussion on effects of noise. Typos correcte

    Classical Rules in Quantum Games

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    We consider two aspects of quantum game theory: the extent to which the quantum solution solves the original classical game, and to what extent the new solution can be obtained in a classical model.Comment: The previous title, "Quantum games are no fun (yet)", was too whimsical for Physical Review. This is a comment on most, but not all, papers on quantum game theor

    Quantum theory of the charge stability diagram of semiconductor double quantum dot systems

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    We complete our recently introduced theoretical framework treating the double quantum dot system with a generalized form of Hubbard model. The effects of all quantum parameters involved in our model on the charge stability diagram are discussed in detail. A general formulation of the microscopic theory is presented, and truncating at one orbital per site, we study the implication of different choices of the model confinement potential on the Hubbard parameters as well as the charge stability diagram. We calculate the charge stability diagram keeping three orbitals per site and find that the effect of additional higher-lying orbitals on the subspace with lowest-energy orbitals only can be regarded as a small renormalization of Hubbard parameters, thereby justifying our practice of keeping only the lowest-orbital in all other calculations. The role of the harmonic oscillator frequency in the implementation of the Gaussian model potential is discussed, and the effect of an external magnetic field is identified to be similar to choosing a more localized electron wave function in microscopic calculations. The full matrix form of the Hamiltonian including all possible exchange terms, and several peculiar charge stability diagrams due to unphysical parameters are presented in the appendix, thus emphasizing the critical importance of a reliable microscopic model in obtaining the system parameters defining the Hamiltonian.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Magnetic qubits as hardware for quantum computers

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    We propose two potential realisations for quantum bits based on nanometre scale magnetic particles of large spin S and high anisotropy molecular clusters. In case (1) the bit-value basis states |0> and |1> are the ground and first excited spin states Sz = S and S-1, separated by an energy gap given by the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency. In case (2), when there is significant tunnelling through the anisotropy barrier, the qubit states correspond to the symmetric, |0>, and antisymmetric, |1>, combinations of the two-fold degenerate ground state Sz = +- S. In each case the temperature of operation must be low compared to the energy gap, \Delta, between the states |0> and |1>. The gap \Delta in case (2) can be controlled with an external magnetic field perpendicular to the easy axis of the molecular cluster. The states of different molecular clusters and magnetic particles may be entangled by connecting them by superconducting lines with Josephson switches, leading to the potential for quantum computing hardware.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Structured Near-Optimal Channel-Adapted Quantum Error Correction

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    We present a class of numerical algorithms which adapt a quantum error correction scheme to a channel model. Given an encoding and a channel model, it was previously shown that the quantum operation that maximizes the average entanglement fidelity may be calculated by a semidefinite program (SDP), which is a convex optimization. While optimal, this recovery operation is computationally difficult for long codes. Furthermore, the optimal recovery operation has no structure beyond the completely positive trace preserving (CPTP) constraint. We derive methods to generate structured channel-adapted error recovery operations. Specifically, each recovery operation begins with a projective error syndrome measurement. The algorithms to compute the structured recovery operations are more scalable than the SDP and yield recovery operations with an intuitive physical form. Using Lagrange duality, we derive performance bounds to certify near-optimality.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures Update: typos corrected in Appendi

    Reversible quantum teleportation in an optical lattice

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    We propose a protocol, based on entanglement procedures recently suggested by [D. Jaksch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1975 (1999)], which allows the teleportation of an unknown state of a neutral atom in an optical lattice to another atom in another site of the lattice, without any irreversible detection.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum correlation games

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    A new approach to play games quantum mechanically is proposed. We consider two players who perform measurements in an EPR-type setting. The payoff relations are defined as functions of correlations, i.e. without reference to classical or quantum mechanics. Classical bi-matrix games are reproduced if the input states are classical and perfectly anti-correlated, that is, for a classical correlation game. However, for a quantum correlation game, with an entangled singlet state as input, qualitatively different solutions are obtained. For example, the Prisoners' Dilemma acquires a Nash equilibrium if both players apply a mixed strategy. It appears to be conceptually impossible to reproduce the properties of quantum correlation games within the framework of classical games

    Quasi-deterministic generation of entangled atoms in a cavity

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    We present a scheme to generate a maximally entangled state of two three-level atoms in a cavity. The success or failure of the generation of the desired entangled state can be determined by detecting the polarization of the photon leaking out of the cavity. With the use of an automatic feedback, the success probability of the scheme can be made to approach unity.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Thermally assisted adiabatic quantum computation

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    We study the effect of a thermal environment on adiabatic quantum computation using the Bloch-Redfield formalism. We show that in certain cases the environment can enhance the performance in two different ways: (i) by introducing a time scale for thermal mixing near the anticrossing that is smaller than the adiabatic time scale, and (ii) by relaxation after the anticrossing. The former can enhance the scaling of computation when the environment is superohmic, while the latter can only provide a prefactor enhancement. We apply our method to the case of adiabatic Grover search and show that performance better than classical is possible with a superohmic environment, with no a priori knowledge of the energy spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Final version to appear in PR
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