890 research outputs found

    Pothead or pot smoker? a taxometric investigation of cannabis dependence

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    BACKGROUND: Taxometric methods were used to discern the latent structure of cannabis dependence. Such methods help determine if a construct is categorical or dimensional. Taxometric analyses (MAXEIG and MAMBAC) were conducted on data from 1,474 cannabis-using respondents to the 2001–2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). Respondents answered questions assessing DSM-IV criteria for cannabis dependence. RESULTS: Both taxometric methods provided support for a dimensional structure of cannabis dependence. CONCLUSION: Although the MAMBAC results were not entirely unequivocal, the majority of evidence favored a dimensional structure of cannabis dependence

    Analysis of Cassini radio tracking data for the construction of INPOP19a: a new estimate of the Kuiper belt mass

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    Context. Recent discoveries of new trans-Neptunian objects have greatly increased the attention by the scientific community to this relatively unknown region of the solar system. The current level of precision achieved in the description of planet orbits has transformed modern ephemerides in the most updated tools for studying the gravitational interactions between solar system bodies. In this context, the orbit of Saturn plays a primary role, especially thanks to Cassini tracking data collected during its 13-year mission around the ringed planet. Planetary ephemerides are currently mainly built using radio data, in particular with normal points derived from range and Doppler observables exchanged between ground stations and interplanetary probes. Aims. We present an analysis of Cassini navigation data aimed at producing new normal points based on the most updated knowledge of the Saturnian system developed throughout the whole mission. We provide additional points from radio science dedicated passes of Grand Finale orbits and Titan flybys. An updated version of the INPOP planetary ephemerides based upon these normal points is presented, along with a new estimate of the mass of trans-Neptunian object rings located in the 2:1 and 3:2 mean motion resonances with Neptune. Methods. We describe in detail the orbit determination process performed to construct the normal points and their associated uncertainties and how we process those points to produce a new planetary ephemeris. Results. From the analysis, we obtained 623 new normal points for Saturn with metre-level accuracy. The ephemeris INPOP19a, including this new dataset, provides an estimated mass for the trans-Neptunian object rings of (0.061  ±  0.001)M⊕

    New constraints on the location of P9 obtained with the INPOP19a planetary ephemeris

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    Context. We used the new released INPOP19a planetary ephemerides benefiting from Jupiter-updated positions by the Juno mission and reanalyzed Cassini observations. Aims. We test possible locations of the unknown planet P9. To do this, we used the perturbations it produces on the orbits of the outer planets, more specifically, on the orbit of Saturn. Methods. Two statistical criteria were used to identify possible acceptable locations of P9 according to (i) the difference in planetary positions when P9 is included compared with the propagated covariance matrix, and (ii) the χ2 likelihood of postfit residuals for ephemerides when P9 is included. Results. No significant improvement of the residuals was found for any of the simulated locations, but we provide zones that induce a significant degradation of the ephemerides. Conclusions. Based on the INPOP19a planetary ephemerides, we demonstrate that if P9 exists, it cannot be closer than 500 AU with a 5 M⊕ and no closer than 650 AU with a 10 M⊕ . We also show that there is no clear zone that would indicate the positive existence of planet P9, but there are zones for which the existence of P9 is compatible with the 3σ accuracy of the INPOP planetary ephemerides

    Comparison of Novice and Experienced Drivers Using the SEEV Model to Predict Attention Allocation at Intersections During Simulated Driving

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    We compared the eye movements of novice drivers and experienced drivers while they drove a simulated driving scenario that included a number of intersections interspersed with stretches of straight road. The intersections included non-hazard events. Cassavaugh, Bos, McDonald, Gunaratne, & Backs (2013) attempted to model attention allocation of experienced drivers using the SEEV model. Here we compared two SEEV model fits between those experienced drivers and a sample of novice drivers. The first was a simplified model and the second was a more complex intersection model. The observed eye movement data was found to be a good fit to the simplified model for both experienced (R2 = 0.88) and novice drivers (R2 = 0.30). Like the previous results of the intersection model for the experienced drivers, the fit of the observed eye movement data to the intersection model for novice drivers was poor, and was no better than fitting the data to a randomized SEEV model. We concluded based on the simplified SEEV model, fixation count and fixation variance that experienced drivers were found to be more efficient at distributing their visual search compared to novice drivers

    Evolution of INPOP planetary ephemerides and Bepi-Colombo simulations

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    We give here a detailed description of the latest INPOP planetary ephemerides INPOP20a. We test the sensitivity of the Sun oblateness determination obtained with INPOP to different models for the Sun core rotation. We also present new evaluations of possible GRT violations with the PPN parameters β\beta,γ\gamma and μ˙/μ\dot{\mu}/\mu. With a new method for selecting acceptable alternative ephemerides we provide conservative limits of about 7.16×1057.16 \times 10^{-5} and 7.49×1057.49 \times 10^{-5} for β1\beta-1 and γ1\gamma-1 respectively using the present day planetary data samples. We also present simulations of Bepi-Colombo range tracking data and their impact on planetary ephemeris construction. We show that the use of future BC range observations should improve these estimates, in particular γ\gamma. Finally, interesting perspectives for the detection of the Sun core rotation seem to be reachable thanks to the BC mission and its accurate range measurements in the GRT frame.Comment: Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 364 "Multi-scale dynamics of space objects

    Comparison of Novice and Experienced Drivers Using the SEEV Model to Predict Attention Allocation at Intersections During Simulated Driving

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    We compared the eye movements of novice drivers and experienced drivers while they drove a simulated driving scenario that included a number of intersections interspersed with stretches of straight road. The intersections included non-hazard events. Cassavaugh, Bos, McDonald, Gunaratne, & Backs (2013) attempted to model attention allocation of experienced drivers using the SEEV model. Here we compared two SEEV model fits between those experienced drivers and a sample of novice drivers. The first was a simplified model and the second was a more complex intersection model. The observed eye movement data was found to be a good fit to the simplified model for both experienced (R2 = 0.88) and novice drivers (R2 = 0.30). Like the previous results of the intersection model for the experienced drivers, the fit of the observed eye movement data to the intersection model for novice drivers was poor, and was no better than fitting the data to a randomized SEEV model. We concluded based on the simplified SEEV model, fixation count and fixation variance that experienced drivers were found to be more efficient at distributing their visual search compared to novice drivers

    Posttraumatic stress disorder in the World Mental Health Surveys

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    Background: Traumatic events are common globally; however, comprehensive population-based cross-national data on the epidemiology of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the paradigmatic trauma-related mental disorder, are lacking. Methods: Data were analyzed from 26 population surveys in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. A total of 71 083 respondents ages 18+ participated. The Composite International Diagnostic Interview assessed exposure to traumatic events as well as 30-day, 12-month, and lifetime PTSD. Respondents were also assessed for treatment in the 12 months preceding the survey. Age of onset distributions were examined by country income level. Associations of PTSD were examined with country income, world region, and respondent demographics. Results: The cross-national lifetime prevalence of PTSD was 3.9% in the total sample and 5.6% among the trauma exposed. Half of respondents with PTSD reported persistent symptoms. Treatment seeking in high-income countries (53.5%) was roughly double that in low-lower middle income (22.8%) and upper-middle income (28.7%) countries. Social disadvantage, including younger age, female sex, being unmarried, being less educated, having lower household income, and being unemployed, was associated with increased risk of lifetime PTSD among the trauma exposed. Conclusions: PTSD is prevalent cross-nationally, with half of all global cases being persistent. Only half of those with severe PTSD report receiving any treatment and only a minority receive specialty mental health care. Striking disparities in PTSD treatment exist by country income level. Increasing access to effective treatment, especially in low- and middle-income countries, remains critical for reducing the population burden of PTSD

    Improving resilience management for critical infrastructures\u2014strategies and practices across air traffic management and healthcare

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    Recent natural and man-made disasters highlight that a more resilient approach to preparing for and dealing with such events is needed. To address this challenge, the main objective of the research and innovation H2020 project DARWIN is the development of European resilience management guidelines for Critical Infrastructures (CI). Based on a systematic literature survey with a world-wide scope and prioritization of resilience concepts, the guidelines have been developed taking into account everyday operations, contingency plans, training, etc. This paper describes insights gained from the adaptation of these guidelines in the domains of Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Healthcare (HC). A collaborative and iterative process has been defined involving relevant experts and practitioners. To ensure transnational, cross-sector applicability and uptake, a Community of Crisis and Resilience Practitioners (DARWIN DCoP) has been involved. The preliminary results indicate that a big step has been taken in moving from the resilience theory to practice. organization in the creation, assessment or improvement of its own reference guidelines, procedures and practices

    The epidemiology of traumatic event exposure worldwide: results from the World Mental Health Survey Consortium

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    Background: Considerable research has documented that exposure to traumatic events has negative effects on physical and mental health. Much less research has examined the predictors of traumatic event exposure. Increased understanding of risk factors for exposure to traumatic events could be of considerable value in targeting preventive interventions and anticipating service needs. Method: General population surveys in 24 countries with a combined sample of 68 894 adult respondents across six continents assessed exposure to 29 traumatic event types. Differences in prevalence were examined with cross-tabulations. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to determine whether traumatic event types clustered into interpretable factors. Survival analysis was carried out to examine associations of sociodemographic characteristics and prior traumatic events with subsequent exposure. Results: Over 70% of respondents reported a traumatic event; 30.5% were exposed to four or more. Five types – witnessing death or serious injury, the unexpected death of a loved one, being mugged, being in a life-threatening automobile accident, and experiencing a life-threatening illness or injury – accounted for over half of all exposures. Exposure varied by country, sociodemographics and history of prior traumatic events. Being married was the most consistent protective factor. Exposure to interpersonal violence had the strongest associations with subsequent traumatic events. Conclusions: Given the near ubiquity of exposure, limited resources may best be dedicated to those that are more likely to be further exposed such as victims of interpersonal violence. Identifying mechanisms that account for the associations of prior interpersonal violence with subsequent trauma is critical to develop interventions to prevent revictimization