445 research outputs found

    A Phenomenological Study of Abstinence Self-Efficacy Experiences among Residential Servant Leaders with Substance Use Disorders

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    The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to describe the abstinence self-efficacy experiences of participants in a servant leadership program at a Christian residential therapeutic community. The central research question was: What are the lived, abstinence self-efficacy experiences of participants in a servant leadership program at a Christian residential therapeutic community? A purposeful sampling method was utilized to obtain 10 participants from the servant leadership program at the site. Two theories guided this study. The first is servant leadership theory, which focuses on the importance of passionately meeting the needs of others. The second is cognitive-behavior self-efficacy theory, which refers to an individual’s belief in his/her ability to change a behavior. Findings give insight about whether servant leaders experience a greater sense of purpose that contributed to their abstinence self-efficacy. Data collection was conducted through interviews, focus groups, and letters written by participants. Data analysis included epoche, horizonalization, identifying themes, textual descriptions, imaginative variation, and synthesis. The participants indicated that participation in a servant leadership program strengthened their abstinence self-efficacy

    Hacking, Theft, and Corporate Negligence: Making the Case for Mandatory Encryption of Personal Information

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    Information is being created at an astonishing rate, and the electronic storage of personal data is at the forefront of this growth. Social security numbers, home and email addresses, and financial records are almost universally stored electronically, whether on internal servers, hard drives, or portable devices, such as flash drives and diskettes. The ubiquity of this information has undoubtedly benefitted commerce, but it has not come without drawbacks. As recent evidence suggests, personal information is increasingly vulnerable to hacking and other forms of theft, putting the consumer at serious risk of identity theft and misuse of their personal information. The time has come for a uniform standard to protect this type of data, as well as statutory liability for companies that fail to store this information properly. This Article attempts to show why current statutory and common law is inadequate to solve this problem and makes the case for creating a national standard of encryption for businesses that store personal information

    Introduction: contains Cover, Table of Contents, Letter from the Editor, and Masthead

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    The Richmond Journal of Law and Technology is proud to present its Annual Survey issue of the 2010–2011 academic year. The Journal strives to find interesting and contemporary topics that bisect technology and the law, and publish authors who provide in-depth and practical analysis of these topics to the legal community and beyond. To that end, this year’s Annual Survey is devoted exclusively to the topic of electronic discovery. In the two years since the Journal last published on this important issue, the availability of electronic information has increased exponentially, courts have continued to struggle with the 2006 Amendments to the Federal Rules, and technology-assisted document review is beginning to fundamentally alter the litigation process. The time has come to once again address the issue of e-discovery

    Inhibition of Rho kinase regulates specification of early differentiation events in P19 embryonal carcinoma stem cells

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    Background: The Rho kinase pathway plays a key role in many early cell/tissue determination events that take place in embryogenesis. Rho and its downstream effector Rho kinase (ROCK) play pivotal roles in cell migration, apoptosis (membrane blebbing), cell proliferation/cell cycle, cell-cell adhesion and gene regulation. We and others have previously demonstrated that inhibition of ROCK blocks endoderm differentiation in embryonal carcinoma stem cells, however, the effect of ROCK inhibition on mesoderm and ectoderm specification has not been fully examined. In this study, the role of ROCK within the specification and differentiation of all three germ layers was examined. Methodology/Principal Findings: P19 cells were treated with the specific ROCK inhibitor Y-27623, and increase in differentiation efficiency into neuro-ectodermal and mesodermal lineages was observed. However, as expected a dramatic decrease in early endodermal markers was observed when ROCK was inhibited. Interestingly, within these ROCK-inhibited RA treated cultures, increased levels of mesodermal or ectodermal markers were not observed, instead it was found that the pluripotent markers SSEA-1 and Oct-4 remained up-regulated similar to that seen in undifferentiated cultures. Using standard and widely accepted methods for reproducible P19 differentiation into all three germ layers, an enhancement of mesoderm and ectoderm differentiation with a concurrent loss of endoderm lineage specification was observed with Y-27632 treatment. Evidence would suggest that this effect is in part mediated through TGF-β and SMAD signaling as ROCK-inhibited cells displayed aberrant SMAD activation and did not return to a \u27ground\u27 state after the inhibition had been removed. Conclusions/Significance: Given this data and the fact that only a partial rescue of normal differentiation capacity occurred when ROCK inhibition was alleviated, the effect of ROCK inhibition on the differentiation capacity of pluripotent cell populations should be further examined to elucidate the role of the Rho-ROCK pathway in early cellular \u27fate\u27 decision making processes. Š 2011 Krawetz et al


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    The coercive properties of magnetically uniaxial liquid-phase epitaxy garnet films were investigated between 10 K and the Neel temperature (T(N) less-than-or-equal-to 500 K). Two independent methods, the results of which are nearly identical (magnetical response of oscillating domain walls and the method of coercive loops measured in a vibrating sample magnetometer), were used. Besides the usual domain-wall coercive field, H(dw), the critical coercive pressure, p(dw), was also introduced as it describes in a direct way the interactions of the domain walls with the wall-pinning traps. Both H(dw) and p(dw) were found to increase exponentially with decreasing temperature. Three different types of wall-pinning traps were identified in the sample and their strength, their rate of change with temperature, and their temperature range of activity were determined

    Inhibition of Rho Kinase Regulates Specification of Early Differentiation Events in P19 Embryonal Carcinoma Stem Cells

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    The Rho kinase pathway plays a key role in many early cell/tissue determination events that take place in embryogenesis. Rho and its downstream effector Rho kinase (ROCK) play pivotal roles in cell migration, apoptosis (membrane blebbing), cell proliferation/cell cycle, cell-cell adhesion and gene regulation. We and others have previously demonstrated that inhibition of ROCK blocks endoderm differentiation in embryonal carcinoma stem cells, however, the effect of ROCK inhibition on mesoderm and ectoderm specification has not been fully examined. In this study, the role of ROCK within the specification and differentiation of all three germ layers was examined.P19 cells were treated with the specific ROCK inhibitor Y-27623, and increase in differentiation efficiency into neuro-ectodermal and mesodermal lineages was observed. However, as expected a dramatic decrease in early endodermal markers was observed when ROCK was inhibited. Interestingly, within these ROCK-inhibited RA treated cultures, increased levels of mesodermal or ectodermal markers were not observed, instead it was found that the pluripotent markers SSEA-1 and Oct-4 remained up-regulated similar to that seen in undifferentiated cultures. Using standard and widely accepted methods for reproducible P19 differentiation into all three germ layers, an enhancement of mesoderm and ectoderm differentiation with a concurrent loss of endoderm lineage specification was observed with Y-27632 treatment. Evidence would suggest that this effect is in part mediated through TGF-β and SMAD signaling as ROCK-inhibited cells displayed aberrant SMAD activation and did not return to a 'ground' state after the inhibition had been removed.Given this data and the fact that only a partial rescue of normal differentiation capacity occurred when ROCK inhibition was alleviated, the effect of ROCK inhibition on the differentiation capacity of pluripotent cell populations should be further examined to elucidate the role of the Rho-ROCK pathway in early cellular 'fate' decision making processes

    An experimental examination of peers' influence on adolescent girls' intent to engage in maladaptive weight-related behaviors: Peers' Influence On Weight-Related Behaviors

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    Social psychological theories provide bases for understanding how social comparison processes may impact peer influence. This study examined two peer characteristics that may impact peer influence on adolescent girls’ weight-related behavior intentions: body size and popularity


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    The temperature dependence of the domain-wall coercive field of epitaxial magnetic garnets films has been investigated in the entire temperature range of the ferrimagnetic phase, and has been found to be described by a set of parametric exponents. In subsequent temperature regions different slopes were observed, with breaking points whose position was found to be sample dependent. A survey ba.ed on literature Data as well as on a large number of our own samples shows the general existence of this piecewise exponential dependence and the presence of the breaking points. This type of domain-wall coercive field temperature dependence was found in all samples in the large family of the epitaxial garnets (about 30 specimens of more than ten chemical compositionsj and also in another strongly anisotropic material (TbFeCo)
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