1,362 research outputs found

    A new Lower Silurian fossil locality in the northeastern Mascarene-Nerepis Belt, southern New Brunswick

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    A new fossil locality from the northeastern part of the Mascarene-Nerepis Belt, previously mapped as "Ordovician or Silurian", gives a precise Liandoverian C5 age. It occurs In a sedimentary sequence that underlies, and in part is laterally equivalent to, volcanic rocks of the Long Reach Formation. It establishes an approximate upper age limit to the Queen Brook Formation and is about the same age as the oldest fossiliferous rocks (Back Bay and Quoddy Formations) in the southwestern Mascarene-Nerepis Belt. RÉSUMÉ Un nouveau site fossilifère, daté avec précision com me Liandovérien C5, a été découvert dans la partie nord-est de la zone Mascarene-Nerepis autrefois cartographiée comme "Ordovicien ou Silurien". Le site fait partie d'une séquence de roches sédimentares qui sont récouvertes par des roches volcaniques appartenant à la Formation de Long Reach, et auxquelles elles sont également en partie équivalentes. Cette découverte précise la limite supérieure de L’âge de la Formation de Queen Brook et correspond à peu près à L’âge des plus anciennes roches fossilifères (Formations de Back Bay et de Quoddy) de la partie sud-ouest de la zone Mascarene-Nerepis. [Traduit par le journal


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    Twenty cyclists completed four trials at 50% of maximal effort. Trials were performed at four different lateral widths (0, 20mm, 25mm, and 30mm) by adding a Kneesaverâ„¢ pedal spacer between the crank arm and pedal. Each trial lasted five minutes, during which analysis of expired air took place, as well as video analysis for digitizing purposes. The aim of the study was to determine if changing this lateral pedal width affected oxygen consumption and if lateral pedal width changed Q-angle in the cyclists. Statistically width did not affect Q-angle or oxygen consumption, however a significant, but small correlation was found between Q-angle and oxygen consumption

    Significant differences in incubation times in sheep infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy result from variation at codon 141 in the PRNP gene

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    The susceptibility of sheep to prion infection is linked to variation in the PRNP gene, which encodes the prion protein. Common polymorphisms occur at codons 136, 154 and 171. Sheep which are homozygous for the A<sub>136</sub>R<sub>154</sub>Q<sub>171</sub> allele are the most susceptible to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The effect of other polymorphisms on BSE susceptibility is unknown. We orally infected ARQ/ARQ Cheviot sheep with equal amounts of BSE brain homogenate and a range of incubation periods was observed. When we segregated sheep according to the amino acid (L or F) encoded at codon 141 of the PRNP gene, the shortest incubation period was observed in LL141 sheep, whilst incubation periods in FF<sub>141</sub> and LF<sub>141</sub> sheep were significantly longer. No statistically significant differences existed in the expression of total prion protein or the disease-associated isoform in BSE-infected sheep within each genotype subgroup. This suggested that the amino acid encoded at codon 141 probably affects incubation times through direct effects on protein misfolding rates

    Understanding the Spectral Energy Distributions of the Galactic Star Forming Regions IRAS 18314-0720, 18355-0532 & 18316-0602

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    Embedded Young Stellar Objects (YSO) in dense interstellar clouds is treated self-consistently to understand their spectral energy distributions (SED). Radiative transfer calculations in spherical geometry involving the dust as well as the gas component, have been carried out to explain observations covering a wide spectral range encompassing near-infrared to radio continuum wavelengths. Various geometric and physical details of the YSOs are determined from this modelling scheme. In order to assess the effectiveness of this self-consistent scheme, three young Galactic star forming regions associated with IRAS 18314-0720, 18355-0532 and 18316-0602 have been modelled as test cases. They cover a large range of luminosity (≈\approx 40). The modelling of their SEDs has led to information about various details of these sources, e.g. embedded energy source, cloud structure & size, density distribution, composition & abundance of dust grains etc. In all three cases, the best fit model corresponds to the uniform density distribution.Comment: AAMS style manuscript with 3 tables (in a separate file) and 4 figures. To appear in Journal of Astronophysics & Astronom

    The evolution of interdependence in a four-way mealybug symbiosis

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    Mealybugs are insects that maintain intracellular bacterial symbionts to supplement their nutrientpoor plant sap diets. Some mealybugs have a single betaproteobacterial endosymbiont, a Candidatus Tremblaya species (hereafter Tremblaya) that alone provides the insect with its required nutrients. Other mealybugs have two nutritional endosymbionts that together provide these nutrients, where Tremblaya has gained a gammaproteobacterial partner that resides in the cytoplasm of Tremblaya. Previous work had established that Pseudococcus longispinus mealybugs maintain not one but two species of gammaproteobacterial endosymbionts along with Tremblaya. Preliminary genomic analyses suggested that these two gammaproteobacterial endosymbionts have large genomes with features consistent with a relatively recent origin as insect endosymbionts, but the patterns of genomic complementarity between members of the symbiosis and their relative cellular locations were unknown. Here, using long-read sequencing and various types of microscopy, we show that the two gammaproteobacterial symbionts of P. longispinus are mixed together within Tremblaya cells, and that their genomes are somewhat reduced in size compared to their closest non-endosymbiotic relatives. Both gammaproteobacterial genomes contain thousands of pseudogenes, consistent with a relatively recent shift from a free-living to endosymbiotic lifestyle. Biosynthetic pathways of key metabolites are partitioned in complex interdependent patterns among the two gammaproteobacterial genomes, the Tremblaya genome, and horizontally acquired bacterial genes that are encoded on the mealybug nuclear genome. Although these two gammaproteobacterial endosymbionts have been acquired recently in evolutionary time, they have already evolved co-dependencies with each other, Tremblaya, and their insect host

    A nilpotent IP polynomial multiple recurrence theorem

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    We generalize the IP-polynomial Szemer\'edi theorem due to Bergelson and McCutcheon and the nilpotent Szemer\'edi theorem due to Leibman. Important tools in our proof include a generalization of Leibman's result that polynomial mappings into a nilpotent group form a group and a multiparameter version of the nilpotent Hales-Jewett theorem due to Bergelson and Leibman.Comment: v4: switch to TeXlive 2016 and biblate

    In-flight scale/distortion calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope fixed-head star trackers

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    This paper describes an in-flight scale and distortion calibration procedure that has been developed for the Ball Aerospace Systems Division Fixed-Head Star Trackers (FHST's) used on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The FHST is a magnetically focused and deflected imaging sensor that is designed to track stars as faint as m(sub v) = 5.7 over an 8 degree by 8 degree field of view. Raw FHST position measurements are accurate to approximately 200 arcseconds, but this can be improved to 10-15 arcseconds by processing the raw measurements through calibration polynomials that correct for flat field, temperature intensity, and magnetic field effects. The coefficients for these polynomials were initially determined using ground test data. On HST the use of three FHST's is an integral part of the preliminary attitude update procedures required before the acquisition of guide stars for science observations. To this end, FHST-based attitude determination having single-axis errors no worse than 22 arcseconds (1 sigma) is required. In early 1991 it became evident that one of the HST FHST's was experiencing a significant change in its optical scale. By mid-1993 the size of this error had grown to a point that, if not corrected, it would correspond to a maximum position error on the order of 100 arcseconds. Subsequent investigations demonstrated that substantial, uncompensated cubic distortion effects had also developed, the maximum contribution to position errors from the cubic terms being on the order of 30 arcseconds. To ensure accurate FHST-based attitude updates, procedures have been developed to redetermine the FHST scale and distortion calibration coefficients based on in-flight data gathered during normal HST operations. These scale and distortion calibrations have proven very effective operationally, and procedures are in place to monitor FHST calibration changes on a continuing basis

    A new scheme of radiation transfer in H II regions including transient heating of grains

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    A new scheme of radiation transfer for understanding infrared spectra of H II regions, has been developed. This scheme considers non-equilibrium processes (e. g. transient heating of the very small grains, VSG; and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, PAH) also, in addition to the equilibrium thermal emission from normal dust grains (BG). The spherically symmetric interstellar dust cloud is segmented into a large number of "onion skin" shells in order to implement the non-equilibrium processes. The scheme attempts to fit the observed SED originating from the dust component, by exploring the following parameters : (i) geometrical details of the dust cloud, (ii) PAH size and abundance, (iii) composition of normal grains (BG), (iv) radial distribution of all dust (BG, VSG & PAH). The scheme has been applied to a set of five compact H II regions (IRAS 18116- 1646, 18162-2048, 19442+2427, 22308+5812 & 18434-0242) whose spectra are available with adequate spectral resolution. The best fit models and inferences about the parameters for these sources are presented.Comment: 16 pages total including 3 tables and 2 figure
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