7,216 research outputs found

    Development of sputtered techniques for thrust chambers, task 1

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    Filler materials proposed for use in the sputter fabrication regeneratively cooled thrust chambers were evaluated. Low melting castable alloys, CERROBEND. CERROCAST, and CERROTRU, slurry applied SERMETEL 481 and flame-sprayed aluminum were investigated as filler materials. Sputter deposition from a cylindrical cathode inverted magnestron was used to apply an OFHC copper closeout layer to filled OFHC copper ribbed-wall cylindrical substrates. The sputtered closeout layer structure was evaluated with respect to filler material contamination, predeposition machining and finishing operations, and deposition parameters. The application of aluminum by flame-spraying resulted in excessiver filler porosity. Though the outgassing from this porosity was found to be detrimental to the closeout layer structure, bond strengths in excess of 10,500 psi were achieved. Removal of the aluminum from the grooves was readily accomplished by leaching in a 7.0 molar solution of sodium hydroxide at 353 K. Of the other filler materials evaluated, CERROTRU was found to be the most suitable material with respect to completely filling the ribbed-wall cylinders and vacuum system compatibility. However, bond contamination resulted in low closeout layer bond strength with the CERROTRU filler. CERROBEND, CERROCAST, and SERMETEL 481 were found to be unacceptable as filler materials

    Crowded-Field Astrometry with the Space Interferometry Mission - I. Estimating the Single-Measurement Astrometric Bias Arising from Confusion

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    The accuracy of position measurements on stellar targets with the future Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) will be limited not only by photon noise and by the properties of the instrument (design, stability, etc.) and the overall measurement program (observing strategy, reduction methods, etc.), but also by the presence of other "confusing" stars in the field of view (FOV). We use a simple "phasor" model as an aid to understanding the main effects of this "confusion bias" in single observations with SIM. This analytic model has been implemented numerically in a computer code and applied to a selection of typical SIM target fields drawn from some of the Key Projects already accepted for the Mission. We expect that less than 1% of all SIM targets will be vulnerable to confusion bias; we show that for the present SIM design, confusion may be a concern if the surface density of field stars exceeds 0.4 star/arcsec^2. We have developed a software tool as an aid to ascertaining the possible presence of confusion bias in single observations of any arbitrary field. Some a priori knowledge of the locations and spectral energy distributions of the few brightest stars in the FOV is helpful in establishing the possible presence of confusion bias, but the information is in general not likely to be available with sufficient accuracy to permit its removal. We discuss several ways of reducing the likelihood of confusion bias in crowded fields. Finally, several limitations of the present semi-analytic approach are reviewed, and their effects on the present results are estimated. The simple model presented here provides a good physical understanding of how confusion arises in a single SIM observation, and has sufficient precision to establish the likelihood of a bias in most cases.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figures, 1 table; to appear in December 2007 issue of PAS

    Development of sputtered techniques for thrust chambers

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    Procedures for closing out coolant passages in regeneratively cooled thrust chambers by triode sputtering, using post and hollow Cu-0.15 percent Zr cathodes are described. The effects of aluminum composite filler materials, substrate preparation, sputter cleaning, substrate bias current density and system geometry on closeout layer bond strength and structure are evaluated. High strength closeout layers were sputtered over aluminum fillers. The tensile strength and microstructure of continuously sputtered Cu-0.15 percent Zr deposits were determined. These continuous sputtered deposits were as thick as 0.75 cm. Tensile strengths were consistently twice as great as the strength of the material in wrought form

    Development of sputtered techniques for thrust chambers

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    Techniques and materials were developed and evaluated for the fabrication and coating of advanced, long life, regeneratively cooled thrust chambers. Materials were analyzed as fillers for sputter application of OFHC copper as a closeout layer to channeled inner structures; of the materials evaluated, aluminum was found to provide the highest bond strength and to be the most desirable for chamber fabrication. The structures and properties were investigated of thick sputtered OFHC copper, 0.15 Zr-Cu, Al2O3,-Cu, and SiC-Cu. Layered structures of OFHC copper and 0.15 Zr-Cu were investigated as means of improving chamber inner wall fatigue life. The evaluation of sputtered Ti-5Al-2.5Sn, NASA IIb-11, aluminum and Al2O3-Al alloys as high strength chamber outer jackets was performed. Techniques for refurbishing degraded thrust chambers with OFHC copper and coating thrust chambers with protective ZrO2 and graded ZrO2-copper thermal barrier coatings were developed

    Initial Development and Verification of a Precise Orbit Determination Filter for the APEX CubeSat Mission

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    Current research for the Advanced Propulsion Experiment (APEX) at Missouri University of Science and Technology is focused on precise orbit and parameter determination to verify the performance of the Multi-Mode Ionic Monopropellant thruster payload. A batch filter to process dual-frequency GPS pseudoranges using the International GNSS Service precise position, clock, and phase center data products was developed. The filter estimates the dynamic states of the vehicle in conjunction with the coefficients of drag and solar radiation pressure, a constant average thrust magnitude, and the time biases of the GNSS receiver clock at each measurement epoch. Furthermore, it considers uncertainty in the vehicle attitude and mass measurement. The framework is extended to support examination of other parameters of interest. The statistical consistency of the filter is verified using a Monte Carlo analysis. The filter dynamics and measurement models are verified using AGI’s Systems Tool Kit and initial results of verification using NASA ICESat mission data are presented

    Department of Food and Agriculture

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    Department of Food and Agriculture

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    Airglow observations of dynamical (wind shear-induced) instabilities over Adelaide, Australia, associated with atmospheric gravity waves

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    While several observations have been made in recent years of instability features in airglow images of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs), such measurements are still rare. To date, these features are characterized by appearing to be aligned perpendicular to the AGW wave fronts. Multi-instrument observations confirm the theoretical prediction that such features are caused by convective instabilities where the AGW-induced temperature variation causes the total lapse rate to exceed the adiabatic lapse rate. In February 2000, airglow observations were obtained at Buckland Park, Australia, which showed instability features with a different characteristic. These images showed small-scale (less than 10 km horizontal wavelength) features aligned parallel to the larger scale AGW wave fronts. These features were only seen in OH images, not in O2A images, indicating that they originate below 90 km altitude. Simultaneous MF radar wind data reveal the presence of a mean wind shear which, during the period of the small-scale features, was aligned nearly in the direction of AGW propagation. In addition, the larger scale AGW approached a critical level near 90 km altitude. While the wind shear itself is not large enough to cause an instability, an analysis of the data suggests that the small-scale features are the result of a dynamic (wind shear-induced) instability in the 87–90 km altitude region. The instability was due to a combination of the background wind shear and the large shear induced by the passage of the larger scale AGW as it approached the critical level.J. H. Hecht, R. L. Walterscheid and R. A. Vincen
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