6,865 research outputs found

    Perceptual adaptation by normally hearing listeners to a simulated "hole" in hearing

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    Simulations of cochlear implants have demonstrated that the deleterious effects of a frequency misalignment between analysis bands and characteristic frequencies at basally shifted simulated electrode locations are significantly reduced with training. However, a distortion of frequency-to-place mapping may also arise due to a region of dysfunctional neurons that creates a "hole" in the tonotopic representation. This study simulated a 10 mm hole in the mid-frequency region. Noise-band processors were created with six output bands (three apical and three basal to the hole). The spectral information that would have been represented in the hole was either dropped or reassigned to bands on either side. Such reassignment preserves information but warps the place code, which may in itself impair performance. Normally hearing subjects received three hours of training in two reassignment conditions. Speech recognition improved considerably with training. Scores were much lower in a baseline (untrained) condition where information from the hole region was dropped. A second group of subjects trained in this dropped condition did show some improvement; however, scores after training were significantly lower than in the reassignment conditions. These results are consistent with the view that speech processors should present the most informative frequency range irrespective of frequency misalignment. 0 2006 Acoustical Society of America

    Contributions of temporal encodings of voicing, voicelessness, fundamental frequency, and amplitude variation to audiovisual and auditory speech perception

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    Auditory and audio-visual speech perception was investigated using auditory signals of invariant spectral envelope that temporally encoded the presence of voiced and voiceless excitation, variations in amplitude envelope and F-0. In experiment 1, the contribution of the timing of voicing was compared in consonant identification to the additional effects of variations in F-0 and the amplitude of voiced speech. In audio-visual conditions only, amplitude variation slightly increased accuracy globally and for manner features. F-0 variation slightly increased overall accuracy and manner perception in auditory and audio-visual conditions. Experiment 2 examined consonant information derived from the presence and amplitude variation of voiceless speech in addition to that from voicing, F-0, and voiced speech amplitude. Binary indication of voiceless excitation improved accuracy overall and for voicing and manner. The amplitude variation of voiceless speech produced only a small increment in place of articulation scores. A final experiment examined audio-visual sentence perception using encodings of voiceless excitation and amplitude variation added to a signal representing voicing and F-0. There was a contribution of amplitude variation to sentence perception, but not of voiceless excitation. The timing of voiced and voiceless excitation appears to be the major temporal cues to consonant identity. (C) 1999 Acoustical Society of America. [S0001-4966(99)01410-1]

    Narrative, identity, and recovery from serious mental illness: A life history of a runner

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    In recent years, researchers have investigated the psychological effects of exercise for people with mental health problems, often by focusing on how exercise may alleviate symptoms of mental illness. In this article I take a different tack to explore the ways in which exercise contributed a sense of meaning, purpose, and identity to the life of one individual named Ben, a runner diagnosed with schizophrenia. Drawing on life history data, I conducted an analysis of narrative to explore the narrative types that underlie Ben's stories of mental illness and exercise. For Ben, serious mental illness profoundly disrupted a pre-existing athletic identity removing agency, continuity, and coherence from his life story. By returning to exercise several years later, Ben reclaimed his athletic identity and reinstated some degree of narrative agency, continuity, and coherence. While the relationships between narrative, identity, and mental health are undoubtedly complex, Ben's story suggests that exercise can contribute to recovery by being a personally meaningful activity which reinforces identity and sense of self

    Is somatic retrotransposition a parasitic or symbiotic phenomenon?

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    The extraordinary evolutionary success of transposable elements (TEs) invites us to question the nature of the co-evolutionary dynamics between TE and host. Although sometimes assumed to be wholly parasitic, TEs have penetrated and spread throughout eukaryotic genomes at a rate unparalleled by other parasites. This near-ubiquity, occurring despite the potentially deleterious effects of insertional mutagenesis, raises the possibility that a counterbalancing benefit exists for the host. Such a benefit may act at the population level to generate genomic diversity within a species and hence greater adaptability under new selective pressures, or at the level of primary gain for the individual. Recent studies have highlighted the occurrence of retrotransposition events in the germline and discovered a surprisingly high rate of mobilization in somatic cells. Here we examine the available evidence for somatic retrotransposition and discuss how this phenomenon may confer a selective advantage upon an individual or species

    Aircraft requirements for low/medium density markets

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    A study was conducted to determine the demand for and the economic factors involved in air transportation in a low and medium density market. The subjects investigated are as follows: (1) industry and market structure, (2) aircraft analysis, (3) economic analysis, (4) field surveys, and (5) computer network analysis. Graphs are included to show the economic requirements and the aircraft performance characteristics

    Orbits of Exceptional Groups, Duality and BPS States in String Theory

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    We give an invariant classification of orbits of the fundamental representations of exceptional groups E7(7)E_{7(7)} and E6(6)E_{6(6)} which classify BPS states in string and M theories toroidally compactified to d=4 and d=5. The exceptional Jordan algebra and the exceptional Freudenthal triple system and their cubic and quartic invariants play a major role in this classification. The cubic and quartic invariants correspond to the black hole entropy in d=5 and d=4, respectively. The classification of BPS states preserving different numbers of supersymmetries is in close parallel to the classification of the little groups and the orbits of timelike, lightlike and space-like vectors in Minkowski space. The orbits of BPS black holes in N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories in d=4 and d=5 with symmetric space geometries are also classified including the exceptional N=2 theory that has E7(−25)E_{7(-25)} and E6(−26)E_{6(-26)} as its symmety in the respective dimensions.Comment: New references and two tables added, a new section on the orbits of N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories in d=4 and d=5 included and some minor changes were made in other sections. 17 pages. Latex fil

    Early maladaptive schemas, styles of humor and aggression

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    The relationship between early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) and psychopathology is thought to be mediated by the use of maladaptive compensatory coping and deficits in adaptive coping. One form of coping that might be affected by EMSs is an individual’s style of humor, which can be adaptive or maladaptive. This study examined the relationships among EMS domains, styles of humor, and aggression. The EMS domain of Impaired Limits was most consistently related to aggression. Moreover, as predicted, an aggressive style of humor mediated the relationship between Impaired Limits and various aspects of aggression (i.e., verbal, physical, and hostility). In addition, self-defeating humor mediated the respective relationships between hostility and EMS domains of Impaired Limits, Disconnection, and Impaired Autonomy. Taken together, these results suggest that maladaptive humor styles may play an important role as one of the mechanisms by which early maladaptive schemas lead to later emotional and functional disturbance

    Virtual-crystal approximation that works: Locating a composition phase boundary in Pb(Zr_{1-x}Ti_3)O_3

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    We present a new method for modeling disordered solid solutions, based on the virtual crystal approximation (VCA). The VCA is a tractable way of studying configurationally disordered systems; traditionally, the potentials which represent atoms of two or more elements are averaged into a composite atomic potential. We have overcome significant shortcomings of the standard VCA by developing a potential which yields averaged atomic properties. We perform the VCA on a ferroelectric oxide, determining the energy differences between the high-temperature rhombohedral, low-temperature rhombohedral and tetragonal phases of Pb(Zr_{1-x}Ti_x)O_3 at x=0.5 and comparing these results to superlattice calculations and experiment. We then use our new method to determine the preferred structural phase at x=0.4. We find that the low-temperature rhombohedral phase becomes the ground state at x=0.4, in agreement with experimental findings.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Local Charge Excesses in Metallic Alloys: a Local Field Coherent Potential Approximation Theory

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    Electronic structure calculations performed on very large supercells have shown that the local charge excesses in metallic alloys are related through simple linear relations to the local electrostatic field resulting from distribution of charges in the whole crystal. By including local external fields in the single site Coherent Potential Approximation theory, we develop a novel theoretical scheme in which the local charge excesses for random alloys can be obtained as the responses to local external fields. Our model maintains all the computational advantages of a single site theory but allows for full charge relaxation at the impurity sites. Through applications to CuPd and CuZn alloys, we find that, as a general rule, non linear charge rearrangements occur at the impurity site as a consequence of the complex phenomena related with the electronic screening of the external potential. This nothwithstanding, we observe that linear relations hold between charge excesses and external potentials, in quantitative agreement with the mentioned supercell calculations, and well beyond the limits of linearity for any other site property.Comment: 11 pages, 1 table, 7 figure
