3,711 research outputs found

    Apparatus for applying simulator g-forces to an arm of an aircraft simulator pilot

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    A device to be used with an aircraft simulator to apply positive and negative g forces to the pilot's arm is described. An arm harness fits around the arm which the pilot uses to operate the throttle. The device allows the harness to track intentional arm movements without exerting any restraining forces, and at the same time, applies g forces to to the pilots arm which are recorded by the aircraft simulator computer

    Application of a helicopter mathematical model to the Langley differential maneuvering simulator for use in a helicopter/fighter evasive maneuver study

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    A real time simulation study was conducted using a differential maneuvering simulator to determine and evaluate helicopter evasive maneuvers when attacked by fighter aircraft. A general helicopter mathematical model was modified to represent an H-53 helicopter. The helicopter model was compared to H-53 flight test data to determine any differences between the simulated and actual vehicles. The simulated helicopter was also subjectively validated by participating pilots. Two fighter mathematical models validated in previous studies were utilized for the attacking aircraft. The results of this simulation study have been verified in a flight test program conducted by the U. S. Air Force and were found to closely match the flight results

    Probing the electron EDM with cold molecules

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    We present progress towards a new measurement of the electron electric dipole moment using a cold supersonic beam of YbF molecules. Data are currently being taken with a sensitivity of 1027e.cm/day10^{-27}\textrm{e.cm}/\sqrt{\textrm{day}}. We therefore expect to make an improvement over the Tl experiment of Commins' group, which currently gives the most precise result. We discuss the systematic and statistical errors and comment on the future prospect of making a measurement at the level of 1029e.cm/day10^{-29}\textrm{e.cm}/\sqrt{\textrm{day}}.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of ICAP 200

    Coherent State Approach to Quantum Clocks

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    The ``problem of time'' has been a pressing issue in quantum gravity for some time. To help understand this problem, Rovelli proposed a model of a two harmonic oscillators system where one of the oscillators can be thought of as a ``clock'' for the other oscillator thus giving a natural time reference frame for the system. Recently, the author has constructed an explicit form for the coherent states on the reduced phase space of this system in terms of Klauder's projection operator approach. In this paper, by using coherent state representations and other tools from coherent state quantization, I investigate the construction of gauge invariant operators on this reduced phase space, and the ability to use a quantum oscillator as a ``clock.''Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Flight test evaluation of an RAF high altitude partial pressure protective assembly

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    A partial pressure suit was evaluated during tests in an F-104 and F-15 as a protective garment for emergency descents. The garment is an pressure jerkin and modified anti-g suit combined with an oronasal mask. The garment can be donned and doffed at the aircraft to minimize thermal buildup. The oronasal mask was favored by the pilots due to its immobility on the face during high g-loading. The garment was chosen to provide optimum dexterity for the pilot, which is not available in a full pressure suit, while protecting the pilot at altitudes up to 18,288 meters, during a cabin decompression, and subsequent aircraft descent. During cabin decompressions in the F-104 and F-15, cabin pressure altitude was measured at various aircraft angles of attack, Mach numbers, and altitudes to determine the effect of the aerodynamic slipstream on the cabin altitude

    Space station automation of common module power management and distribution

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    The purpose is to automate a breadboard level Power Management and Distribution (PMAD) system which possesses many functional characteristics of a specified Space Station power system. The automation system was built upon 20 kHz ac source with redundancy of the power buses. There are two power distribution control units which furnish power to six load centers which in turn enable load circuits based upon a system generated schedule. The progress in building this specified autonomous system is described. Automation of Space Station Module PMAD was accomplished by segmenting the complete task in the following four independent tasks: (1) develop a detailed approach for PMAD automation; (2) define the software and hardware elements of automation; (3) develop the automation system for the PMAD breadboard; and (4) select an appropriate host processing environment

    A comparison of A-level performance in economics and business studies: how much more difficult is economics?

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    This paper uses ALIS data to compare academic performance in two subjects often viewed as relatively close substitutes for one another at A-level. The important role of GCSE achievement is confirmed for both subjects. There is evidence of strong gender effects and variation in outcomes across Examination Boards. A counterfactual exercise suggests that if the sample of Business Studies candidates had studied Economics nearly 40% of those who obtained a grade C or better in the former subject would not have done so in the latter. The opposite exercise uggests that 12% more Economics candidates would have achieved a grade C or better if they had taken Business Studies. In order to render a Business Studies A-level grade comparable to an Economics one in terms of relative difficulty, we estimate that a downward adjustment of 1.5 UCAS points should be applied to the former subject. This adjustment is lower than that suggested by correction factors based on conventional subject pair analysis for these two subjects

    Aurora-A expressing tumour cells are deficient for homology-directed DNA double strand-break repair and sensitive to PARP inhibition.

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    The protein kinase Aurora-A is a major regulator of the cell cycle that orchestrates mitotic entry and is required for the assembly of a functional mitotic spindle. Overexpression of Aurora-A has been strongly linked with oncogenesis and this has led to considerable efforts at therapeutic targeting of the kinase activity of this protein. However, the exact mechanism by which Aurora-A promotes oncogenesis remains unclear. Here, we show that Aurora-A modulates the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Aurora-A expression inhibits RAD51 recruitment to DNA DSBs, decreases DSB repair by homologous recombination and sensitizes cancer cells to PARP inhibition. This impairment of RAD51 function requires inhibition of CHK1 by Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1). These results identify a novel function of Aurora-A in modulating the response to DNA DSB that likely contributes to carcinogenesis and suggest a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of cancers overexpressing this protein

    First Steps in Air Quality for Built Environment Practitioners

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    Air pollution is the biggest environmental risk to health. Globally, nine out of ten people live in a city that does not comply with WHO air quality standards. Within the UK, poor outdoor air quality is linked to 50,000 deaths each year. The most vulnerable are children, the elderly, or those with pre-existing medical conditions. The design of our urban infrastructure 13 including Green Infrastructure (GI) such as trees, parks, and green walls 13 determines where air pollution is produced, and how it disperses. Built environment professionals should consider air quality at all stages of urban design and development

    Pulsed beams as field probes for precision measurement

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    We describe a technique for mapping the spatial variation of static electric, static magnetic, and rf magnetic fields using a pulsed atomic or molecular beam. The method is demonstrated using a beam designed to measure the electric dipole moment of the electron. We present maps of the interaction region, showing sensitivity to (i) electric field variation of 1.5 V/cm at 3.3 kV/cm with a spatial resolution of 15 mm; (ii) magnetic field variation of 5 nT with 25 mm resolution; (iii) radio-frequency magnetic field amplitude with 15 mm resolution. This new diagnostic technique is very powerful in the context of high-precision atomic and molecular physics experiments, where pulsed beams have not hitherto found widespread application.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures. Figures heavily compressed to comply with arxiv's antediluvian file-size polic