366 research outputs found

    Local contribution of a quantum condensate to the vacuum energy density

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    We evaluate the local contribution g_[mu nu]L of coherent matter with lagrangian density L to the vacuum energy density. Focusing on the case of superconductors obeying the Ginzburg-Landau equation, we express the relativistic invariant density L in terms of low-energy quantities containing the pairs density. We discuss under which physical conditions the sign of the local contribution of the collective wave function to the vacuum energy density is positive or negative. Effects of this kind can play an important role in bringing about local changes in the amplitude of gravitational vacuum fluctuations - a phenomenon reminiscent of the Casimir effect in QED.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages. Final journal versio

    On Electric Fields in Low Temperature Superconductors

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    The manifestly Lorentz covariant Landau-Ginzburg equations coupled to Maxwell's equations are considered as a possible framework for the effective description of the interactions between low temperature superconductors and magnetic as well as electric fields. A specific experimental set-up, involving a nanoscopic superconductor and only static applied fields whose geometry is crucial however, is described, which should allow to confirm or invalidate the covariant model through the determination of the temperature dependency of the critical magnetic-electric field phase diagram and the identification of some distinctive features it should display.Comment: 14 pages (Latex) + 2 postscript figure

    Tunneling conductance of graphene ferromagnet-insulator-superconductor junctions

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    We study the transport properties of a graphene ferromagnet-insulator superconductor (FIS) junction within the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk formalism by solving spin-polarized Dirac-Bogoliubov-de-Gennes equation. We find that the retro and specular Andreev reflections in the graphene FIS junction are drastically modified in the presence of exchange interaction and that the spin-polarization (PTP_T) of tunneling current can be tuned from the positive to negative value by bias voltage (VV). In the thin-barrier limit, the conductance GG of a graphene FIS junction oscillates as a function of barrier strength χ\chi. Both the amplitude and phase of the conductance oscillation varies with the exchange energy EexE_{ex}. For Eex<EFE_{ex}<E_F (Fermi energy), the amplitude of oscillation decreases with EexE_{ex}. For Eexc>Eex>EFE_{ex}^{c}>E_{ex}>E_F, the amplitude of oscillation increases with EexE_{ex}, where Eexc=2EF+U0E_{ex}^{c}=2E_{F}+U_{0} (U0U_{0} is the applied electrostatic potential on the superconducting segment of the junction). For Eex>EexcE_{ex} > E_{ex}^{c}, the amplitude of oscillation decreases with EexE_{ex} again. Interestingly, a universal phase difference of π/2\pi/2 in χ\chi exists between the GχG-\chi curves for Eex>EFE_{ex}>E_F and Eex<EFE_{ex}<E_F. Finally, we find that the transitions between retro and specular Andreev reflections occur at eV=EFEexeV=|E_{F}-E_{ex}| and eV=Eex+EFeV=E_{ex}+E_{F}, and hence the singular behavior of the conductance near these bias voltages results from the difference in transport properties between specular and retro Andreev reflections.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Bernoulli potential in type-I and weak type-II superconductors: III. Electrostatic potential above the vortex lattice

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    The electrostatic potential above the Abrikosov vortex lattice, discussed earlier by Blatter {\em et al.} {[}PRL {\bf 77}, 566 (1996){]}, is evaluated within the Ginzburg-Landau theory. Unlike previous studies we include the surface dipole. Close to the critical temperature, the surface dipole reduces the electrostatic potential to values below a sensitivity of recent sensors. At low temperatures the surface dipole is less effective and the electrostatic potential remains observable as predicted earlier.Comment: 8 pages 5 figure

    A 43-GHz Survey in the ELAIS N2 Area

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    We describe a survey in the ELAIS N2 region with the VLA at 43.4 GHz, carried out with 1627 independent snapshot observations in D-configuration and covering about 0.5 square degrees. One certain source is detected, a previously-catalogued flat-spectrum QSO at z=2.2. A few (<5) other sources may be present at about the 3sigma level, as determined from positions of source-like deflections coinciding with blue stellar objects, or with sources from lower-frequency surveys. Independently we show how all the source-like detections identified in the data can be used with a maximum-likelihood technique to constrain the 43-GHz source counts at a level of ~7 mJy. Previous estimates of the counts at 43 GHz, based on lower-frequency counts and spectral measurements, are consistent with these constraints, although the present results are suggestive of somewhat higher surface densities at the 7 mJy level. They do not provide direct evidence of intrusion of a previously unknown source population, although the several candidate sources need examination before such a population can be ruled out.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in Mon. Not R. Astr. So

    A Note on Einstein Sasaki Metrics in D \ge 7

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    In this paper, we obtain new non-singular Einstein-Sasaki spaces in dimensions D\ge 7. The local construction involves taking a circle bundle over a (D-1)-dimensional Einstein-Kahler metric that is itself constructed as a complex line bundle over a product of Einstein-Kahler spaces. In general the resulting Einstein-Sasaki spaces are singular, but if parameters in the local solutions satisfy appropriate rationality conditions, the metrics extend smoothly onto complete and non-singular compact manifolds.Comment: Latex, 13 page

    Electrical transport measurements in the superconducting state of Bi2212 and Tl2201

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    Precise measurements of the in-plane microwave surface impedance of high-quality single crystals of Bi2212 and Tl2201 are used to probe the relaxation time of nodal quasiparticles in the d-wave superconducting state through a two-fluid analysis of the microwave conductivity. While this analysis requires us to posit a form for the frequency-dependent quasiparticle conductivity, we clearly demonstrate that the extraction of the relaxation rate is quite insensitive to the assumed shape of the quasiparticle spectrum. The robustness of the analysis is rooted in the oscillator-strength sum rule and the fact that we simultaneously measure the real and imaginary parts of the conductivity. In both Bi2212 and Tl2201 we infer a linear temperature dependence of the transport relaxation rate 1/tau and a small but finite zero-temperature intercept. The linear temperature dependence of 1/tau is in accord with expectations for weak elastic scattering in an unconventional superconductor with line nodes and a small residual density of states. The same analysis reveals an onset of inelastic scattering at higher temperatures similar to that seen in the YBCO superconductors. Finally we extrapolate the two-fluid model over a range of frequencies up to five times the measurement frequency, where the extrapolation predicts behaviour that is qualitatively similar to terahertz conductivity data on Bi2212 thin films. While relaxation rates in Bi2212 and Tl2201 are substantially higher than in YBCO there are qualitative similarities between all three materials, and the differences can likely be attributed to varying levels of static disorder. We therefore conclude that a universal picture of quasiparticle scattering in the cuprates is emerging.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Thermo-magnetic hysteretic properties resembling superconductivity in the normal state of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4

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    We have performed detailed magnetic and thermal hysteresis experiments in the normal-state magnetization of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 single crystal. Using a combination of in-field and in-zero-magnetic-field measurements at different stages of thermal history of the sample, we identified subtle effects associated with the presence of magnetic signatures which resemble those below the superconducting transition temperature (Tc=36 K) but survive up to 250 K.Comment: One file including text and figure