2,413 research outputs found

    Anomalous response of superconducting titanium nitride resonators to terahertz radiation

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    We present an experimental study of KIDs fabricated of atomic layer deposited TiN films, and characterized at radiation frequencies of 350350~GHz. The responsivity to radiation is measured and found to increase with increasing radiation powers, opposite to what is expected from theory and observed for hybrid niobium titanium nitride / aluminium (NbTiN/Al) and all-aluminium (all-Al) KIDs. The noise is found to be independent of the level of the radiation power. The noise equivalent power (NEP) improves with higher radiation powers, also opposite to what is observed and well understood for hybrid NbTiN/Al and all-Al KIDs. We suggest that an inhomogeneous state of these disordered superconductors should be used to explain these observations

    Метаморфози терміна "ідентичність" у західній філософській традиції

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    Стаття присвячена інтерпретації категорії «ідентичність» у європейській філософській традиції від Парменіда до П. Рікера. Авторка виокремлює головні чотири парадигми її тлумачення: космологічну, теоцентричну, новоєвропейську та сучасну. У статті також простежується еволюція змістовних значень слова «ідентичність» у західній та вітчизняній філософії та інших галузях гуманітарного знання.Статья посвящена интерпретации категории «идентичность» в европейской философской традиции от Парменида до П. Рикера. Автор выделяет четыре главные парадигмы её толкования: космологическую, теоцентрическую, новоевропейскую и современную. В статье также прослеживается эволюция содержательных значений слова «идентичность» в западной и отечественной философии и других областях гуманитарного знания

    One- and two-photon spectroscopy of a flux qubit coupled to a microscopic defect

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    We observed the dynamics of a superconducting flux qubit coupled to an extrinsic quantum system (EQS). The presence of the EQS is revealed by an anticrossing in the spectroscopy of the qubit. The excitation of a two-photon transition to the third excited state of the qubit-EQS system allows us to extract detailed information about the energy level structure and the coupling of the EQS. We deduce that the EQS is a two-level system, with a transverse coupling to the qubit. The transition frequency and the coupling of the EQS changed during experiments, which supports the idea that the EQS is a two-level system of microscopic origin.Comment: accepted in Physical Review

    Initiation of student participation in practice:An audio diary study of international clinical placements

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    Background: Differences in professional practice might hinder initiation of student participation during international placements, and thereby limit workplace learning. This study explores how healthcare students overcome differences in professional practice during initiation of international placements. Methods: Twelve first-year physiotherapy students recorded individual audio diaries during the first month of international clinical placement. Recordings were transcribed, anonymized, and analyzed following a template analysis approach. Team discussions focused on thematic interpretation of results. Results: Students described tackling differences in professional practice via ongoing negotiations of practice between them, local professionals, and peers. Three themes were identified as the focus of students’ orientation and adjustment efforts: professional practice, educational context, and individual approaches to learning. Healthcare students’ initiation during international placements involved a cyclical process of orientation and adjustment, supported by active participation, professional dialogue, and self-regulated learning strategies. Conclusions: Initiation of student participation during international placements can be supported by establishing a continuous dialogue between student and healthcare professionals. This dialogue helps align mutual expectations regarding scope of practice, and increase understanding of professional and educational practices. Better understanding, in turn, creates trust and favors meaningful students’ contribution to practice and patient care

    The role of BoFLC2 in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) reproductive development

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    In agricultural species that are sexually propagated or whose marketable organ is a reproductive structure, management of the flowering process is critical. Inflorescence development in cauliflower is particularly complex, presenting unique challenges for those seeking to predict and manage flowering time. In this study, an integrated physiological and molecular approach was used to clarify the environmental control of cauliflower reproductive development at the molecular level. A functional allele of BoFLC2 was identified for the first time in an annual brassica, along with an allele disrupted by a frameshift mutation (boflc2). In a segregating F2 population derived from a cross between late-flowering (BoFLC2) and early-flowering (boflc2) lines, this gene behaved in a dosage-dependent manner and accounted for up to 65% of flowering time variation. Transcription of BoFLC genes was reduced by vernalization, with the floral integrator BoFT responding inversely. Overall expression of BoFT was significantly higher in early-flowering boflc2 lines, supporting the idea that BoFLC2 plays a key role in maintaining the vegetative state. A homologue of Arabidopsis VIN3 was isolated for the first time in a brassica crop species and was up-regulated by two days of vernalization, in contrast to findings in Arabidopsis where prolonged exposure to cold was required to elicit up-regulation. The correlations observed between gene expression and flowering time in controlled-environment experiments were validated with gene expression analyses of cauliflowers grown outdoors under 'natural' vernalizing conditions, indicating potential for transcript levels of flowering genes to form the basis of predictive assays for curd initiation and flowering time