2,266 research outputs found

    Can Streamer Blobs prevent the Buildup of the Interplanetetary Magnetic Field?

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    Coronal Mass Ejections continuously drag closed magnetic field lines away from the Sun, adding new flux to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). We propose that the outward-moving blobs that have been observed in helmet streamers are evidence of ongoing, small-scale reconnection in streamer current sheets, which may play an important role in the prevention of an indefinite buildup of the IMF. Reconnection between two open field lines from both sides of a streamer current sheet creates a new closed field line, which becomes part of the helmet, and a disconnected field line, which moves outward. The blobs are formed by plasma from the streamer that is swept up in the trough of the outward moving field line. We show that this mechanism is supported by observations from SOHO/LASCO. Additionally, we propose a thorough statistical study to quantify the contribution of blob formation to the reduction of the IMF, and indicate how this mechanism may be verified by observations with SOHO/UVCS and the proposed NASA STEREO and ESA Polar Orbiter missions.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; accepted by The Astrophysical Journal Letters; uses AASTe

    On the Cause of Supra-Arcade Downflows in Solar Flares

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    A model of supra-arcade downflows (SADs), dark low density regions also known as tadpoles that propagate sunward during solar flares, is presented. It is argued that the regions of low density are flow channels carved by sunward-directed outflow jets from reconnection. The solar corona is stratified, so the flare site is populated by a lower density plasma than that in the underlying arcade. As the jets penetrate the arcade, they carve out regions of depleted plasma density which appear as SADs. The present interpretation differs from previous models in that reconnection is localized in space but not in time. Reconnection is continuous in time to explain why SADs are not filled in from behind as they would if they were caused by isolated descending flux tubes or the wakes behind them due to temporally bursty reconnection. Reconnection is localized in space because outflow jets in standard two-dimensional reconnection models expand in the normal (inflow) direction with distance from the reconnection site, which would not produce thin SADs as seen in observations. On the contrary, outflow jets in spatially localized three-dimensional reconnection with an out-of-plane (guide) magnetic field expand primarily in the out-of-plane direction and remain collimated in the normal direction, which is consistent with observed SADs being thin. Two-dimensional proof-of-principle simulations of reconnection with an out-of-plane (guide) magnetic field confirm the creation of SAD-like depletion regions and the necessity of density stratification. Three-dimensional simulations confirm that localized reconnection remains collimated.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Astrophysical Journal Letters in August, 2013. This version is the accepted versio

    Surface plasmon resonance imaging detection of silver nanoparticle-tagged immunoglobulin

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below. Copyright @ 2011 The Royal Society.The detection sensitivity of silver nanoparticle (AgNP)-tagged goat immunoglobulin G (gIgG) microarrays was investigated by studying surface plasmon resonance (SPR) images captured in the visible wavelength range with the help of a Kretchmann-configured optical coupling set-up. The functionalization of anti-gIgG molecules on the AgNP surface was studied using transmission electron microscopy, photon correlation measurements and UV–visible absorption spectroscopy. A value of 1.3 × 107 M−1 was obtained for the antibody–antigen binding constant by monitoring the binding events at a particular resonance wavelength. The detection limit of this SPR imaging instrument is 6.66 nM of gIgG achieved through signal enhancement by a factor of larger than 4 owing to nanoparticle tagging with the antibody.The European Commissio

    Exploring a New Population of Compact Objects: X-ray and IR Observations of the Galactic Centre

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    I describe the IR and X-ray observational campaign we have undertaken for the purpose of determining the nature of the faint discrete X-ray source population discovered by Chandra in the Galactic Center (GC). Data obtained for this project includes a deep Chandra survey of the Galactic Bulge; deep, high resolution IR imaging from VLT/ISAAC, CTIO/ISPI, and the UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey (GPS); and IR spectroscopy from VLT/ISAAC and IRTF/SpeX. By cross-correlating the GC X-ray imaging from Chandra with our IR surveys, we identify candidate counterparts to the X-ray sources via astrometry. Using a detailed IR extinction map, we are deriving magnitudes and colors for all the candidates. Having thus established a target list, we will use the multi-object IR spectrograph FLAMINGOS-2 on Gemini-South to carry out a spectroscopic survey of the candidate counterparts, to search for emission line signatures which are a hallmark of accreting binaries. By determining the nature of these X-ray sources, this FLAMINGOS-2 Galactic Center Survey will have a dramatic impact on our knowledge of the Galactic accreting binary population.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of The Second Kolkata Conference on Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe'', ed. S. Charkrabarti, Kolkata, India; AIP Conf. Serie

    The Path to Buried Treasure: Paving the Way to the FLAMINGOS-2 Galactic Center Survey with IR and X-ray Observations

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    I describe the IR and X-ray campaign we have undertaken to determine the nature of the faint discrete X-ray source population discovered by Chandra in the Galactic Center. These results will provide the input to the FLAMINGOS-2 Galactic Center Survey (F2GCS). With FLAMINGOS-2's multi-object IR spectrograph we will obtain 1000s of IR spectra of candidate X-ray source counterparts, allowing us to efficiently identify the nature of these sources, and thus dramatically increase the number of known X-ray binaries and CVs in the Milky Way.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of 'A Population Explosion: The Nature and Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments', 28 Oct - 2 Nov, St. Pete Beach, FL; eds. R.M. Bandyopadhyay, S. Wachter, D. Gelino, C.R. Gelino; AIP Conference Proceedings Serie

    Acceleration of Solar Wind Ions by Nearby Interplanetary Shocks: Comparison of Monte Carlo Simulations with Ulysses Observations

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    The most stringent test of theoretical models of the first-order Fermi mechanism at collisionless astrophysical shocks is a comparison of the theoretical predictions with observational data on particle populations. Such comparisons have yielded good agreement between observations at the quasi-parallel portion of the Earth's bow shock and three theoretical approaches, including Monte Carlo kinetic simulations. This paper extends such model testing to the realm of oblique interplanetary shocks: here observations of proton and alpha particle distributions made by the SWICS ion mass spectrometer on Ulysses at nearby interplanetary shocks are compared with test particle Monte Carlo simulation predictions of accelerated populations. The plasma parameters used in the simulation are obtained from measurements of solar wind particles and the magnetic field upstream of individual shocks. Good agreement between downstream spectral measurements and the simulation predictions are obtained for two shocks by allowing the the ratio of the mean-free scattering length to the ionic gyroradius, to vary in an optimization of the fit to the data. Generally small values of this ratio are obtained, corresponding to the case of strong scattering. The acceleration process appears to be roughly independent of the mass or charge of the species.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, AASTeX format, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, February 20, 199

    Properties of High-Latitude CME-Driven Disturbances During Ulysses Second Northern Polar Passage

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    Ulysses observed five coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their associated disturbances while the spacecraft was immersed in the polar coronal hole (CH) flow above 70° N in late 2001. Of these CMEs, two were very fast (\u3e850 km s−1) driving strong shocks in the wind ahead, and two others were over-expanding. The two fast CMEs were observed leaving the Sun by LASCO/SOHO, and were observed in the ecliptic by Genesis and ACE. These were large events, spanning at least from the northern heliospheric pole to the ecliptic. One-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations indicate that these could be described as overpressured CMEs launched from the Sun at speeds initially faster than ambient, but then decelerating to the ambient solar wind speed as they propagated outward. The two over-expanding CMEs mark their first occurrence since Ulysses’ first orbit when such CMEs were only observed in polar CH flow

    Peer observation of teaching: A decoupled process

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    This article details the findings of research into the academic teaching staff experience of peer observation of their teaching practice. Peer observation is commonly used as a tool to enhance a teacher’s continuing professional development. Research participants acknowledged its ability to help develop their teaching practice, but they also reported that it could operate superficially as a tick box exercise, that its outcomes were frequently decoupled from formal staff development processes, and that its purpose and usefulness therefore seemed unclear. This article argues that the presence of decoupling reinforces the need to account for structural factors that can interact with peer observation of teaching to ensure it is a meaningful exercise for all teaching staff. It concludes that the published academic literature is perhaps guilty of overplaying the role of personal choice and individual tutor characteristics when addressing the complex issue that is staff disengagement with peer observation of teaching

    Sensing directional forces in levitated optomechanics

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    Optomechanical devices are being harnessed as sensors of ultraweak forces for applications ranging from inertial sensing to the search for the elusive dark matter; For the latter, the focus is on detection of either higher energy single recoils or ultralight, narrowband sources; a directional signal is expected. However, the possibility of searching for a directional broadband signal need not be excluded; with this and other applications in mind, we apply a stochastic signal with a well defined direction, Κ\Psi, to a trapped and cooled levitated nanosphere. We find that cross-correlation power spectra offer a calibration-free distinctive signature of the presence of a directional force, and its orientation quadrant, unlike normal power spectral densities (PSDs). With calibration we are able to accurately measure the angle Κ\Psi, akin to a force compass in a plane
