22 research outputs found

    Neural nets for complex scenes understanding: simulation of a visual system with several cortical areas

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    Our study tries to combine scattered results in image processing, artificial intelligence, psychology, or neurobiology to improve our understanding of the cerebellar cortex and to realize systems that overstem the limitations of present systems . Our system emulates a little robot with a single eye . Its « brain » has several cortical areas . It is able to learn a given number of objects . We distinguish two sets of neural networks . The first one performs low level processing and extracts characteristic points . The second one processes a state space transformation of the input picture, tries to recognize the learning abjects and proposes a reconstruction to confirm the recognition .Dans cet article, nous présentons un systÚme général d'interprétation d'images, basé sur des concepts neurobiologiques et psychologiques. L'ensemble des traitements est réalisé à l'aide de réseaux de neurones. Ce systÚme est une sorte de robot simulé capable d'agir dans son environnement afin de reconnaßtre des objets déjà appris. L'un de ses principaux attraits est qu'il permet une communication simple entre les traitements de haut et de bas niveau. Enfin et surtout, il a été conçu pour montrer que l'on n'a pas besoin d'avoir des régions bien fermées ou des contours parfaits pour réaliser une bonne interprétatio

    A mixed system of interpretation: neural networks/expert-system applied to aerial images

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    In this paper, we propose a complete system of analysis of images, which includes the whole sequence of treatments front the low level until the interpretation ƀ It uses neural networks as well as a rule-based system ƀ We show that the implementation of an expert-system gives useful information for the conception of the neural nets ƀ The mixed realisation allows us to use at best the specificities of each approach ƀ We also show how to make a neural network learn locally contradictory configurations.Dans cet article, nous proposons un systĂšme complet d'analyse d'images comprenant toute la chaĂźne de traitements depuis le bas-niveau jusqu'Ă  l'interprĂ©tation. Il utilise Ă  la fois un rĂ©seau de neurones et un systĂšme Ă  base de rĂšgles. Nous montrons que la mise en oeuvre d'un systĂšme-expert fournit des informations prĂ©cieuses pour la conception des rĂ©seaux. La rĂ©alisation mixte permet d'utiliser au mieux les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de chacune des approches. Nous montrons Ă©galement comment faire apprendre des configurations localement contradictoires Ă  un rĂ©seau de neurone

    Climatic and palaeoceanographic changes during the Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) 2 inferred from clay mineralogy and stable isotope (C-O) geochemistry (NW Europe)

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Available online 17 January 2017The Early Jurassic was broadly a greenhouse climate period that was punctuated by short warm and cold climatic events, positive and negative excursions of carbon isotopes, and episodes of enhanced organic matter burial. Clay minerals from Pliensbachian sediments recovered from two boreholes in the Paris Basin, are used here as proxies of detrital supplies, runoff conditions, and palaeoceanographic changes. The combined use of these minerals with ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT stable isotope data (C-O) from bulk carbonates and organic matter allows palaeoclimatic reconstructions to be refined for the Pliensbachian. Kaolinite/illite ratio is discussed as a reliable proxy of the hydrological cycle and runoff from landmasses. Three periods of enhanced runoff are recognised within the Pliensbachian. The first one at the SinemurianPliensbachian transition shows a significant increase of kaolinite concomitant with the negative carbon isotope excursion at the so-called Sinemurian Pliensbachian Boundary Event (SPBE). The Early/Late Pliensbachian transition was also characterised by more humid conditions. This warm interval is associated with a major change in oceanic circulation during the Davoei Zone, likely triggered by sea-level rise; the newly created palaeogeography, notably the flooding of the London-Brabant Massif, allowed boreal detrital supplies, including kaolinite and chlorite, to be exported to the Paris Basin. The last event of enhanced runoff occurred during the late Pliensbachian (Subdonosus Subzone of the Margaritatus Zone), which occurred also during a warm period, favouring organic matter production and preservation. Our study highlights the major role of the London Brabant Massif in influencing oceanic circulation of the NW European area, as a topographic barrier (emerged lands) during periods of lowstand sea-level and its flooding during period of high sea-level. This massif was the unique source of smectite in the Paris Basin. Two episodes of smectite-rich sedimentation (‘smectite events’), coincide with regressive intervals, indicating emersion of the London Brabant Massif and thus suggesting that an amplitude of sea-level change high enough to be linked to glacio-eustasy. This mechanism is consistent with sedimentological and geochemical evidences of continental ice growth notably during the Latest Pliensbachian (Spinatum Zone), and possibly during the Early Pliensbachian (late Jamesoni/early Ibex Zones).The study was supported by the “Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des DĂ©chets Radioactifs” (Andra––French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency)

    La segmentation d'images couleur a partir d'un nouveau detecteur de contours

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    Le travail présenté propose une généralisation de la segmentation aux images couleur dans (e cadre de l'approche frontiÚre. Un nouveau détecteur de contours chromatique est proposé

    Contour closing with local operator

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    This paper presents a new method to close extracted contours in digitalized pictures . This method use "chamfer array" . A theoretical study results in the definition of an efficient and simple operator . Breaks of 3 to 10 pixels are closed after two to three applications of the operator. We propose an hardware implementation of this one .On propose une méthode locale de fermeture de contour basée sur l'utilisation des distances de «chamfer

    Comparaison de méthodes de segmentation d'images

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    Nous prĂ©sentons la synthĂšse des travaux de comparaison effectuĂ©s depuis 5 ans dans le cadre du GDR 134. Nous utilisons des paramĂštres issus de ceux de Fram et Deutch pour comparer les extracteurs de contour et une distance issue de la mesure de Vinet pour comparer les images de rĂ©gions. Les rĂ©sultats de dĂ©tecteurs de contour (dĂ©rivatifs, markoviens, etc.) et de mĂ©thodes de segmentation rĂ©gion (seuillage, pyramides de graphes, etc.) sont ainsi comparĂ©s quantitativement sur des images de synthĂšse et qualitativement sur la mĂȘme image mĂ©dicale L'article comporte enfin une analyse comparative originale des rĂ©sultats

    Fermeture de contours et vision préattentive

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    En analyse d'images, la fermeture de contours est un traitement de bas-niveau dont le rĂŽle est d'apporter une information pertinente aux traitements ultĂ©rieurs Ă  l'extraction de contours. Plusieurs mĂ©thodes sont prĂ©sentĂ©es et caractĂ©risĂ©es en fonction de ces traitements ultĂ©rieurs qui peuvent ĂȘtre la segmentation, la reconnaissance des formes, etc

    Reconstruction tridimensionnelle des bùtiments par une méthode de stéréovision fondée sur la géométrie projective

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    Dans cet article, nous exposons les différentes étapes permettant à un systÚme d'analyse d'images de reconstruire en 3D des bùtiments à partir d'une paire d'images stéréoscopiques. AprÚs la modélisation géométrique des deux prises de vues, on identifie chaque objet par les projections de ses sommets sur une image, l'image OUEST par exemple. Ils représentent les intersections des portions de contours considérées comme des segments de droite, leurs homologues dans l'image EST étant calculés par une transformation affine qui est une approximation d'une homographie. Une fois l'appariement effectué, on détermine les positions 3-D des points appariés ainsi que les plans correspondant aux différentes facettes des objets

    The balloon flights in the tropics of the hibiscus project

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    HIBISCUS is a project for studying the dynamics, microphysics and chemistry of the Tropical Tropopause Layer based on balloon measurements. Thirteen heavy sondes and 18 short duration balloons of different types have been used for local process studies. Eight superpressure (BP) and 3 Infra Red Montgolfier (MIR) long duration balloons have been flown for extending the investigations at global scale around the world. Overall the campaign has been very successful operationally as well as scientifically. The paper provides a description of the balloons, the instruments and the strategy used for meeting at best the goals of the project