558 research outputs found

    Localised and delocalised plasmons in metallic nano-voids

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    Nanostructured metal films comprised of periodically arranged spherical voids are grown by electrochemical deposition through a self-assembled template. Detailed measurements of the angle- and orientation-dependent reflectivity for different sample geometries reveal the spectral dispersion of several different types of surface plasmon modes. The dependence of the energies of both delocalized Bragg and localized Mie plasmons on the void goemetry is presented, along with theoretical models to explain some of these experimental findings. Strong interactions between the different plasmon modes as well as other mixing processes are identified. Understanding such plasmonic crystals allows for the engineering of devices tailored for a wide range of sensing application

    Association between genetic polymorphisms in apoptosis-related genes and risk of cutaneous melanoma in women and men

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    The P53 Arg72Pro, MDM2 c.+309T > G, BAX c.-248G > A, and BCL2 c.-717C > A polymorphisms have variable roles in the apoptosis pathways. The P53 Arg72Pro, MDM2 c.+309T > G, BAX c.-248G > A, and BCL2 c.-717C > A polymorphisms have variable roles in the apoptosis pathways. Genomic DNA of 200 CM patients and 215 controls was analyzed by PCR-RFLP. In women, the frequencies of BAX GG (83.0% vs. 71.0%, P = 0.04), BM AA (32.0% vs. 15.0%, P = 0.003), P53 ArgArg plus BAX GG (84.9% vs. 63.2%, P = 0.01), P53 ArgArg plus BCL2 AA (37.0% vs. 13.1%, P = 0.003), BAX GG plus BCL2 AA (70.3% vs. 33.3%, P = 0.001), MDM2 GG plus BAX GG plus BCL2 AA (27.3% vs. 3.7%, P = 0.03), and P53 ArgArg plus MDM2 GG plus BAX GG plus BCL2 AA (33.3% vs. 5.6%, P = 0.04) genotypes were higher in patients than in controls. Female carriers of the respective genotypes were under 1.98 (95% CI: 1.01-3.91), 2.87 (95% CI: 1.43-5.77), 3.48 (95% CI: 1.34-9.04), 4.23 (95% CI: 1.63-10.96), 6.04 (95% CI: 2.10-17.37), 25.61 (95% CI: 1.29-507.24), and 25.69 (95% CI: 1.11-593.59)-fold increased risks for CM than others, respectively. In men, the frequencies of BCL2 CA + AA (83.0% vs. 67.6%, P = 0.01) and MDM2 TG + GG plus BCL2 CA + AA (94.2% vs. 68.3%, P = 0.003) genotypes were higher in patients than in controls. Male carriers of the respective genotypes were under 2.43 (95% CI: 1.23-4.82) and 9.22 (95% CI: 2.16-39.31)-fold increased CM risks than others, respectively. The data suggest for the first time that P53 Arg72Pro, MDM2 c.+309T > G, BAX c.-248G > A, and BCL2 c.-717C > A polymorphisms, enrolled in apoptosis pathways, constitute distinct determinants of CM in women and men742135141FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2009/12602-0; 2010/18904-

    Toposseqüência de solos cultivada com milho no estado de Sergipe.

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    O oeste de Sergipe vem se destacando na produção de milho numa extensa área de solos férteis com boas características edáficas. A potencialidade e extensão dos solos, bem como a necessidade de introdução de técnicas agrícolas e avaliação dos resultados das pesquisas ali desenvolvidas tanto para seu melhor aproveitamento agrícola, quanto para a preservação ambiental, justificam o estudo pormenorizado da área. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar uma toposseqüência de solos característica da região, cultivados com milho em regime dependente de chuvas, buscando interpretar sua dinâmica a fim de aportar subsídios para seu melhor manejo, visando a sustentabilidade dos cultivos desenvolvidos. Foram descritos e amostrados cinco perfis de solos em toposseqüência numa encosta de relevo suave ondulado. Características morfológicas, físicas e químicas foram estudadas tanto entre os horizontes do perfil, quanto entre os perfis ao longo do relevo. A variabilidade observada reflete as condições impostas pelo posicionamento dos solos na paisagem, sobretudo no que se refere às condições de infiltração de água e drenagem diferenciada

    Solos do Campo Experimental Pedro Arle em Frei Paulo - Sergipe.

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    A Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros vem desenvolvendo estudos comparativos de variedades e híbridos adaptados às condições semiáridas do Nordeste, selecionando os melhores para indicar seu cultivo e, assim, participar efetivamente do progresso da agricultura da Região. Estudar as características dos solos onde estes trabalhos estão sendo conduzidos é de fundamental importância para o planejamento de novas pesquisas, para a avaliação dos resultados obtidos e para que as informações possam ser extrapoladas para locais com condições edafoclimáticas semelhantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os solos do Campo Experimental Pedro Arle, da Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros, localizado no município de Frei Paulo, em Sergipe. Para tanto, foi estudada uma topossequência em área onde vem sendo conduzidos experimentos com milho, obtendo-se altas produtividades. Vertissolo Háplico Órtico típico e Cambissolo Háplico Ta Eutrófico vertissólico foram encontrados na parte mais elevada da topossequência. Cambissolos Háplicos Ta Eutróficos, variando entre léptico e lítico, ocupam as posições de terço médio, inferior e a baixada. As análises refletem as limitações agrícolas destes solos relacionadas à sua profundidade efetiva e sua potencialidade que está diretamente relacionada à fertilidade natural

    [evaluation Of An Educational Program For Patients With Glaucoma].

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    To analyze the results of an educational program applied to glaucoma patients; to serve as a guideline for a definitive educational program to be developed at the Glaucoma Service of the University of Campinas. Fifty glaucoma patients were given information about the disease and its treatment by an experienced nurse and answered the same questionnaire before and 2.7 months after the initial explanation. The technique of eyedrop instillation was compared before and after the educational program. There was no significant improvement concerning the knowledge of the identification of the ocular disease, the side effects, the meaning of glaucoma, the importance of treatment, the purpose of medications and the normal value of intraocular pressure. There was a significant improvement in all steps of eyedrop instillation (p < 0.01) and in knowledge regarding the importance of heredity (p < 0.001) and the purpose of perimetry (p=0.033). Although a significant improvement was observed in the technique of eyedrop instillation, the authors conclude that this plan was not complete enough for its contents fully to be understood. These findings may be secondary to the vertical teaching-learning process, which is inappropriate for the patient, and to the difficulty in comprehending the information, which is associated with low cultural and instruction levels, and to psychosocial factors related to their disease.32172-

    Multivariate Analysis Applied to Forestry Agricultural Sciences: The Model-Directed Study

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    This is a literature review that aimed to find articles that exemplify and describe the use of multivariate analysis in different fields of Forest Agricultural Sciences, considering effective practices using multivariate statistical techniques for the simultaneous processing of data. For data collection were selected for the meta-analysis of 70 technical articles of which 54 were employed in the study directed to the use of multivariate techniques applied in the areas of agricultural sciences. The results showed thatstudies directed to certain areas within the Forest Agricultural Sciences exhibit some regularity in the use of multivariate analysis, and most application analyzes were more usual as the Cluster Analysis (AA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Thus the use of multivariate analysis studies and evaluations of experiments in Agricultural Sciences proved to great value to allow greater clarity and better interpretation of dealing with complex phenomena

    Genomic variant hotspots in nelore cattle revealed by missing genotypes.

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    In order to investigate whether or not the ?missing? genotypes actually reveal genomic variant hotspots, we examined BovineHD missing genotypes from a total of 1,709 Nelore DNA samples and used sequence data from eight of them to identify putative polymorphisms flanking the assayed SNPs.PAG 2015. Pôster P0289