256 research outputs found

    The winds and coronae of early-type stars

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    The properties of the winds of hot stars as derived from radio, ultraviolet and X-ray observations is presented. Special focus is given to observations that test line driven wind theory. In this theory the wind properties are determined by the stellar effective temperature and surface gravity, but not parameters that specify the mechanical or wave fluxes from the star. Alternate explanations of the X-ray emission from the early-type stars are discussed. Evidence is given for the presence of coronal zones at the base of the stellar winds

    Grain processes in massive star formation

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    Observational evidence suggests that stars greater than 100 M(solar) exist in the Galaxy and Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), however classical star formation theory predicts stellar mass limits of only approx. 60 M(solar). A protostellar accretion flow consists of inflowing gas and dust. Grains are destroyed as they are near the central protostar creating a dust shell or cocoon. Radiation pressure acting on the grain can halt the inflow of material thereby limiting the amount of mass accumulated by the protostar. We first consider rather general constraints on the initial grain to gas ratio and mass accretion rates that permit inflow. We further constrain these results by constructing a numerical model. Radiative deceleration of grains and grain destruction processes are explicitly accounted for in an iterative solution of the radiation-hydrodynamic equations. Findings seem to suggest that star formation by spherical accretion requires rather extreme preconditioning of the grain and gas environment

    Anomalous ionization seen in the spectra of B supergiants

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    An IUE survey of B supergiants has been conducted to study the persistence with spectral type of the ultraviolet resonance lines of N V, C IV and Si IV. N V is seen as late as B2.5Ia, C IV until B6Ia and Si IV throughout the range from B1.5 to B9. This is in fairly good agreement with the Auger ionization model of Cassinelli and Olson (1979). The terminal velocities are derived for the 20 stars in the sample and it is found that the ratio v(T)/v(esc) decreases monotonically with spectral type from the value of 3.0 that it has in the O spectral range to the value 1.0 at B9Ia

    Dust in regions of massive star formation

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    It is suggested that protostars increase mass by accreting the surrounding gas and dust. Grains are destroyed as they near the central protostar creating a dust shell or cocoon. Radiation pressure acting on the grains can halt the inflow of material thereby limiting the amount of mass accumulated by the protostar. General constraints were considered on the initial dust-to-gas ratio and mass accretion rates that permit inflow. These results were constrained further by constructing a numerical model, including radiative deceleration on grains and grain destruction processes. Also the constraints on dust properties were investigated which allow the formation of massive stars. The obtained results seem to suggest that massive star formation requires rather extreme preconditioning of the grain and gas environment

    On the structure of covariant phase observables

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    We study the mathematical structure of covariant phase observables. Such an observable can alternatively be expressed as a phase matrix, as a sequence of unit vectors, as a sequence of phase states, or as an equivalent class of covariant trace-preserving operations. Covariant generalized operator measures are defined by structure matrices which form a W*-algebra with phase matrices as its subset. The properties of the Radon-Nikodym derivatives of phase probability measures are studied.Comment: 11 page

    X-ray Emission from Magnetically Torqued Disks of Oe/Be Stars

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    We focus attention on the Oe/Be stars to test the concept that the disks of these stars form by magnetic channeling of wind material toward the equator. Calculations are made of the X-rays expected from the Magnetically Torqued Disk (MTD) model for Be stars discussed by Cassinelli et al. (2002), by Maheswaran (2003), and by Brown et al. (2004). The dominant parameters in the model are the β\beta value of the velocity law, the rotation rate of the star, SoS_o, and the ratio of the magnetic field energy density to the disk gravitational energy density, γ\gamma. The model predictions are compared with the ROSATROSAT observations obtained for an O9.5 star ζ\zeta Oph from \Berghofer et al. (1996) and for 7 Be stars from Cohen et al. (1997). Extra considerations are also given here to the well studied Oe star ζ\zeta Oph for which we have ChandraChandra observations of the X-ray line profiles of the triad of He-like lines from the ion Mg XI.Comment: 28 pages with 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    New Challenges For Wind Shock Models: The Chandra Spectrum Of The Hot Star Delta Orionis

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    The Chandra spectrum of delta Ori A shows emission lines from hydrogen- and helium-like states of Si, Mg, Ne, and O, along with N VII Lyalpha and lines from ions in the range Fe XVII-Fe XXI In contrast to the broad lines seen in zeta Pup and zeta Ori (850 +/- 40 and 1000 +/- 240 km s(-1) half-width at half-maximum [HWHM], respectively), these lines are broadened to only 430 +/- 60 km s(-1) HWHM. This is much lower than the measured wind terminal velocity of 2000 km s(-1). The forbidden, intercombination, and resonance (fir) lines from He-like ions indicate that the majority of the X-ray line emission does not originate at the base of the wind, in agreement with the standard wind shock models for these objects. However, in that model the X-ray emission is distributed throughout an expanding, X-ray-absorbing wind, and it is therefore surprising that the emission lines appear relatively narrow, unshifted, and symmetric. We compare the observed line profiles to recent detailed models for X-ray line pro le generation in hot stars, but none of them offers a fully satisfactory explanation for the observed line profiles