150 research outputs found

    Thalamotemporal impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy: A combined MRI analysis of structure, integrity and connectivity

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    Objective Thalamic abnormality in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE ) is well known from imaging studies, but evidence is lacking regarding connectivity profiles of the thalamus and their involvement in the disease process. We used a novel multisequence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI ) protocol to elucidate the relationship between mesial temporal and thalamic pathology in TLE . Methods For 23 patients with TLE and 23 healthy controls, we performed T 1‐weighted (for analysis of tissue structure), diffusion tensor imaging (tissue connectivity), and T 1 and T 2 relaxation (tissue integrity) MRI across the whole brain. We used connectivity‐based segmentation to determine connectivity patterns of thalamus to ipsilateral cortical regions (occipital, parietal, prefrontal, postcentral, precentral, and temporal). We subsequently determined volumes, mean tractography streamlines, and mean T 1 and T 2 relaxometry values for each thalamic segment preferentially connecting to a given cortical region, and of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Results As expected, patients had significant volume reduction and increased T 2 relaxation time in ipsilateral hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. There was bilateral volume loss, mean streamline reduction, and T 2 increase of the thalamic segment preferentially connected to temporal lobe, corresponding to anterior, dorsomedial, and pulvinar thalamic regions, with no evidence of significant change in any other thalamic segments. Left and right thalamotemporal segment volume and T 2 were significantly correlated with volume and T 2 of ipsilateral (epileptogenic), but not contralateral (nonepileptogenic), mesial temporal structures. Significance These convergent and robust data indicate that thalamic abnormality in TLE is restricted to the area of the thalamus that is preferentially connected to the epileptogenic temporal lobe. The degree of thalamic pathology is related to the extent of mesial temporal lobe damage in TLE

    Thalamic volume reduction in drug-naive patients with new-onset genetic generalized epilepsy

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    OBJECTIVE: Patients with genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE) have subtle morphologic abnormalities of the brain revealed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly in the thalamus. However, it is unclear whether morphologic abnormalities of the brain in GGE are a consequence of repeated seizures over the duration of the disease, or are a consequence of treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), or are independent of these factors. Therefore, we measured brain morphometry in a cohort of AED-naive patients with GGE at disease onset. We hypothesize that drug-naive patients at disease onset have gray matter changes compared to age-matched healthy controls. METHODS: We performed quantitative measures of gray matter volume in the thalamus, putamen, caudate, pallidum, hippocampus, precuneus, prefrontal cortex, precentral cortex, and cingulate in 29 AED-naive patients with new-onset GGE and compared them to 32 age-matched healthy controls. We subsequently compared the shape of any brain structures found to differ in gray matter volume between the groups. RESULTS: The thalamus was the only structure to show reduced gray matter volume in AED-naive patients with new-onset GGE compared to healthy controls. Shape analysis revealed that the thalamus showed deflation, which was not uniformly distributed, but particularly affected a circumferential strip involving anterior, superior, posterior, and inferior regions with sparing of medial and lateral regions. SIGNIFICANCE: Structural abnormalities in the thalamus are present at the initial onset of GGE in AED-naive patients, suggesting that thalamic structural abnormality is an intrinsic feature of GGE and not a consequence of AEDs or disease duration

    An intelligent assistant for exploratory data analysis

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    In this paper we present an account of the main features of SNOUT, an intelligent assistant for exploratory data analysis (EDA) of social science survey data that incorporates a range of data mining techniques. EDA has much in common with existing data mining techniques: its main objective is to help an investigator reach an understanding of the important relationships ina data set rather than simply develop predictive models for selectd variables. Brief descriptions of a number of novel techniques developed for use in SNOUT are presented. These include heuristic variable level inference and classification, automatic category formation, the use of similarity trees to identify groups of related variables, interactive decision tree construction and model selection using a genetic algorithm

    Thalamic volume reduction in drug-naive patients with new-onset genetic generalized epilepsy.

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    OBJECTIVE: Patients with genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE) have subtle morphologic abnormalities of the brain revealed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly in the thalamus. However, it is unclear whether morphologic abnormalities of the brain in GGE are a consequence of repeated seizures over the duration of the disease, or are a consequence of treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), or are independent of these factors. Therefore, we measured brain morphometry in a cohort of AED-naive patients with GGE at disease onset. We hypothesize that drug-naive patients at disease onset have gray matter changes compared to age-matched healthy controls. METHODS: We performed quantitative measures of gray matter volume in the thalamus, putamen, caudate, pallidum, hippocampus, precuneus, prefrontal cortex, precentral cortex, and cingulate in 29 AED-naive patients with new-onset GGE and compared them to 32 age-matched healthy controls. We subsequently compared the shape of any brain structures found to differ in gray matter volume between the groups. RESULTS: The thalamus was the only structure to show reduced gray matter volume in AED-naive patients with new-onset GGE compared to healthy controls. Shape analysis revealed that the thalamus showed deflation, which was not uniformly distributed, but particularly affected a circumferential strip involving anterior, superior, posterior, and inferior regions with sparing of medial and lateral regions. SIGNIFICANCE: Structural abnormalities in the thalamus are present at the initial onset of GGE in AED-naive patients, suggesting that thalamic structural abnormality is an intrinsic feature of GGE and not a consequence of AEDs or disease duration

    Motor system hyperconnectivity in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: a cognitive functional magnetic resonance imaging study

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    Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy is the most frequent idiopathic generalized epilepsy syndrome. It is characterized by predominant myoclonic jerks of upper limbs, often provoked by cognitive activities, and typically responsive to treatment with sodium valproate. Neurophysiological, neuropsychological and imaging studies in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy have consistently pointed towards subtle abnormalities in the medial frontal lobes. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging with an executive frontal lobe paradigm, we investigated cortical activation patterns and interaction between cortical regions in 30 patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and 26 healthy controls. With increasing cognitive demand, patients showed increasing coactivation of the primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area. This effect was stronger in patients still suffering from seizures, and was not seen in healthy controls. Patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy showed increased functional connectivity between the motor system and frontoparietal cognitive networks. Furthermore, we found impaired deactivation of the default mode network during cognitive tasks with persistent activation in medial frontal and central regions in patients. Coactivation in the motor cortex and supplementary motor area with increasing cognitive load and increased functional coupling between the motor system and cognitive networks provide an explanation how cognitive effort can cause myoclonic jerks in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. The supplementary motor area represents the anatomical link between these two functional systems, and our findings may be the functional correlate of previously described structural abnormalities in the medial frontal lobe in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

    Structural changes in the temporal lobe and piriform cortex in frontal lobe epilepsy

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    Background: Neuronal networks involved in seizure generation, maintenance and spread of epileptic activity comprise cortico-subcortical circuits. Although epileptic foci vary in location across focal epilepsy syndromes, there is evidence for common structures in the epileptogenic networks. We recently reported evidence from functional neuroimaging for a unique area in the piriform cortex, common to focal epilepsies in humans, which might play a role in modulating seizure activity.In this study, we aimed to identify common areas of structural abnormalities in patients with frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE). Methods: T1-weighted MRI scans of 43 FLE patients and 25 healthy controls were analysed using voxel based morphometry. Differences in regional grey matter volume were examined across the whole brain, and correlated with age at epilepsy onset, duration and frequency of seizures. Results: We detected areas of increased grey matter volume in the piriform cortex, amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus bilaterally, as well as left mid temporal gyrus of patients relative to controls, which did not correlate with any of the clinical variables tested. No common areas of atrophy were detected across the FLE group. Conclusions: Structural abnormalities within the piriform cortex and adjacent structures of patients with FLE provide further evidence for the involvement of this area in the epileptogenic network of focal epilepsies. Lack of correlation with duration or age of onset of epilepsy suggests that this area of abnormality is not a consequence of seizure activity. © 2014 The Authors

    Parental age effects on neonatal white matter development.

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    OBJECTIVE: Advanced paternal age is associated with poor offspring developmental outcome. Though an increase in paternal age-related germline mutations may affect offspring white matter development, outcome differences could also be due to psychosocial factors. Here we investigate possible cerebral changes prior to strong environmental influences using brain MRI in a cohort of healthy term-born neonates. METHODS: We used structural and diffusion MRI images acquired soon after birth from a cohort (n = 275) of healthy term-born neonates. Images were analysed using a customised tract based spatial statistics (TBSS) processing pipeline. Neurodevelopmental assessment using the Bayley-III scales was offered to all participants at age 18 months. For statistical analysis neonates were compared in two groups, representing the upper quartile (paternal age ≥38 years) and lower three quartiles. The same method was used to assess associations with maternal age. RESULTS: In infants with older fathers (≥38 years), fractional anisotropy, a marker of white matter organisation, was significantly reduced in three early maturing anatomical locations (the corticospinal tract, the corpus callosum, and the optic radiation). Fractional anisotropy in these locations correlated positively with Bayley-III cognitive composite score at 18 months in the advanced paternal age group. A small but significant reduction in total brain volume was also observed in in the infants of older fathers. No significant associations were found between advanced maternal age and neonatal imaging. CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiological association between advanced paternal age and offspring outcome is extremely robust. We have for the first time demonstrated a neuroimaging phenotype of advanced paternal age before sustained parental interaction that correlates with later outcome

    Development of microstructural and morphological cortical profiles in the neonatal brain

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    Interruptions to neurodevelopment during the perinatal period may have long-lasting consequences. However, to be able to investigate deviations in the foundation of proper connectivity and functional circuits, we need a measure of how this architecture evolves in the typically developing brain. To this end, in a cohort of 241 term-born infants, we used magnetic resonance imaging to estimate cortical profiles based on morphometry and microstructure over the perinatal period (37-44 weeks postmenstrual age, PMA). Using the covariance of these profiles as a measure of inter-areal network similarity (morphometric similarity networks; MSN), we clustered these networks into distinct modules. The resulting modules were consistent and symmetric, and corresponded to known functional distinctions, including sensory-motor, limbic, and association regions, and were spatially mapped onto known cytoarchitectonic tissue classes. Posterior regions became more morphometrically similar with increasing age, while peri-cingulate and medial temporal regions became more dissimilar. Network strength was associated with age: Within-network similarity increased over age suggesting emerging network distinction. These changes in cortical network architecture over an 8-week period are consistent with, and likely underpin, the highly dynamic processes occurring during this critical period. The resulting cortical profiles might provide normative reference to investigate atypical early brain development