185 research outputs found

    Cultivating human beings, not human dongs: Challenging discources of self care

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    To what do we owe the project of human doings over human beings? Self-care has long been sanctioned as the root of Child and Youth Care (CYC) practitioner resilience. This argument is faulty in its individualistic and ā€œdoingā€ ways. Instead, the author proposes that we need to connect with vulnerability and love as a means to accomplish self and other-care. Critiquing contemporary discourses of self-care, the author draws on Buddhist philosophy and Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (RO-DBT) as a means to deconstruct this

    Cultivating human beings, not human doings : challenging discourses of self care

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    To what do we owe the project of human doings over human beings? Self-care has long been sanctioned as the root of Child and Youth Care (CYC) practitioner resilience. This argument is faulty in its individualistic and "doing" ways. Instead, the author proposes that we need to connect with vulnerability and love as a means to accomplish self and other-care. Critiquing contemporary discourses of self-care, the author draws on Buddhist philosophy and Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (RO-DBT) as a means to deconstruct this

    Characterization of surface decorations in Prehispanic archaeological ceramics by Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, XRD and XRF

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    Non-invasive Raman microspectroscopy, FTIR, Ī¼XRD and XRF were used to identify the materials present in the black, red, and white surface decorations in selected pottery wares from two Prehispanic archaeological sites in Northwestern (NW) Argentina (AD 900?1530). The iron manganese spinel jacobsite, MnFe2O4, was found to be the main component of two of the fired black decorations analyzed, while hematite and amorphous silicates were found to be present in the red and white fired decorations, respectively. This is the first study, to our knowledge, that firmly identifies jacobsite in black decorations in Prehispanic archaeological ceramics. In fragments recovered from one site, a carbon-based black pigment was identified while gypsum was observed in the recessed areas of decorative surface incisions. Gypsum, potassium nitrate and halite, most likely deposited during burial, were observed on the surface of some of the fragments analyzed. The results are discussed in the context of the technological processes involved and are compared to compositions previously reported for decorations in ceramic objects from NW Argentina.Fil: Centeno, Silvia A.. The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Estados UnidosFil: Williams, Veronica Isabel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de FilosofĆ­a y Letras. Instituto de ArqueologĆ­a; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĆ­ficas y TĆ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Little, Nicole C.. Museum Conservation Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Speakman, Robert J.. Museum Conservation Institute; Estados Unido

    Assessment of the impact of race and proxies of socioeconomic status on the prevalence and health outcome of peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) using the ā€œAll of Usā€ Databank

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    Background: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a form of cardiomyopathy occurring during the last month of pregnancy or within months after giving birth in women with previously normal hearts. PPCM is an idiopathic systolic dysfunction that causes a reduced left ventricle ejection fraction. The estimated incidence of PPCM worldwide is 1 diagnosis out of 2,000 live births, and the causes of PPCM remain unknown. A retrospective cohort study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania Health System by Getz et al. showed that black race and socioeconomic proxies (like neighborhood disadvantage index (NDI)) were independently associated with sustained cardiac dysfunction (Getz et al., Am Heart J 2021). This study also showed that from all the components of NDI (education, high rental occupied housing, annual income below poverty line, female headed household, adults unemployed, adults on public assistance), low education and high rental occupied housing were significantly associated with sustained cardiac dysfunction. The central aim of the present project is to assess the effect of socioeconomic proxies (including NDI, lack of access to health care and food insecurity) on the prevalence of sustained cardiac dysfunction from PPCM across the US using the ā€œAll of Usā€ databank. A secondary aim is to test the compliance of the All of Us database capacity to interrogate this potential association. Lastly, we aim to compare the results obtained from the All of Us database with the UK Biobank. Methods: The All of Us databank (Ramirez et al., Patterns 2022; The All of US Research Program, NEJM 2019) will be used to conduct a retrospective cohort study to assess how proxies of socioeconomic status may affect the incidence and prevalence of sustained cardiac dysfunction from PPCM across different ethnicities in the US. The All of Us database focuses on enrolling people in the US from diverse groups that have historically been underrepresented in medical research. Therefore, it includes a more diverse population than the population targeted in the retrospective study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania in which only black women from Philadelphia, PA, were included. To further interrogate the impact that geographic location and population ethnicity may have on the prevalence of sustained cardiac dysfunction from PPCM, the results obtained from the ā€œAll of Usā€ database will be compared against data obtained from the UK Biobank. Expected Results: We expect that the socioeconomic proxies interrogated in this study will have a significant impact on the prevalence of sustained cardiac dysfunction from PPCM. Current knowledge is limited on how socioeconomic status affects sustained cardiac dysfunction resulting from PPCM. Previous studies have been done on populations restricted to small geographic areas and did not analyze factors such as food security, access to care, or disability status. Understanding how these factors affect the incidence and prevalence of sustained cardiac dysfunction from PPCM may be used to improve prevention, early diagnosis, and management of PPCM

    Modulation of anabolic and catabolic responses via a porous polymer scaffold manufactured using thermally induced phase separation

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    We describe two studies encompassing the iterative refinement of a polymer-based rhBMP-2 delivery system for bone tissue engineering. Firstly, we compared the boneforming capacity of porous poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds produced by thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) with non-porous solvent cast poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PDLLA) used previously. Secondly, we examined the potential synergy between rhBMP-2 and local bisphosphonate in the PLGA scaffold system. In vivo ectopic bone formation studies were performed in C57BL6/J mice. Polymer scaffolds containing 0, 5, 10 or 20 Ī¼g rhBMP-2 were inserted into the dorsal musculature. At all rhBMP-2 doses, porous PLGA produced significantly higher bone volume (BV, mm) than the solid PDLLA scaffolds. Next, porous PLGA scaffolds containing 10Ī¼g rhBMP-2 Ā±0.2, or 2Ī¼g zoledronic acid (ZA) were inserted into the hind-limb musculature. Co-delivery of local 10Ī¼g rhBMP-2/2Ī¼g ZA significantly augmented bone formation compared with rhBMP-2 alone (400 % BV increase, p < 0.01). Hydroxyapatite microparticle (HAp) addition (2% w/w) to the 10Ī¼g rhBMP-2/0.2Ī¼g ZA group increased BV (200 %, p < 0.01). We propose that this was due to controlled ZA release of HAp-bound ZA. Consistent with this, elution analyses showed that HAp addition did not alter the rhBMP-2 elution, but delayed ZA release. Moreover, 2 % w/w HAp addition reduced the scaffold's compressive properties, but did not alter ease of surgical handling. In summary, our data show that refinement of the polymer selection and scaffold fabrication can enhance rhBMP-2 induced bone formation in our bone tissue engineering implant, and this can be further optimised by the local co-delivery of ZA/HAp

    Spatial control of bone formation using a porous polymer scaffold co-delivering anabolic RHBMP-2 and anti-resorptive agents

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    Current clinical delivery of recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (rhBMPs) utilises freeze-dried collagen. Despite effective new bone generation, rhBMP via collagen can be limited by significant complications due to inflammation and uncontrolled bone formation. This study aimed to produce an alternative rhBMP local delivery system to permit more controllable and superior rhBMP-induced bone formation. Cylindrical porous poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds were manufactured by thermally-induced phase separation. Scaffolds were encapsulated with anabolic rhBMP-2 (20 Ī¼g) Ā± anti-resorptive agents: zoledronic acid (5 Ī¼g ZA), ZA pre-adsorbed onto hydroxyapatite microparticles, (5 Ī¼g ZA/2 % HA) or IkappaB kinase (IKK) inhibitor (10 Ī¼g PS-1145). Scaffolds were inserted in a 6-mm critical-sized femoral defect in Wistar rats, and compared against rhBMP-2 via collagen. The regenerate region was examined at 6 weeks by 3D microCT and descriptive histology. MicroCT and histology revealed rhBMP-induced bone was more restricted in the PLGA scaffolds than collagen scaffolds (-92.3 % TV, p < 0.01). The regenerate formed by PLGA + rhBMP-2/ZA/HA showed comparable bone volume to rhBMP-2 via collagen, and bone mineral density was +9.1 % higher (p < 0.01). Local adjunct ZA/HA or PS-1145 significantly enhanced PLGA + rhBMP-induced bone formation by +78.2 % and +52.0 %, respectively (p ā‰¤ 0.01). Mechanistically, MG-63 human osteoblast-like cells showed cellular invasion and proliferation within PLGA scaffolds. In conclusion, PLGA scaffolds enabled superior spatial control of rhBMP-induced bone formation over clinically-used collagen. The PLGA scaffold has the potential to avoid uncontrollable bone formation-related safety issues and to customise bone shape by scaffold design. Moreover, local treatment with anti-resorptive agents incorporated within the scaffold further augmented rhBMP-induced bone formation

    Cartilage-Specific Knockout of the Mechanosensory Ion Channel TRPV4 Decreases Age-Related Osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive degenerative disease of articular cartilage and surrounding tissues, and is associated with both advanced age and joint injury. Biomechanical factors play a critical role in the onset and progression of OA, yet the mechanisms through which physiologic or pathologic mechanical signals are transduced into a cellular response are not well understood. Defining the role of mechanosensory pathways in cartilage during OA pathogenesis may yield novel strategies or targets for the treatment of OA. The transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) ion channel transduces mechanical loading of articular cartilage via the generation of intracellular calcium ion transients. Using tissue-specific, inducible Trpv4 gene-targeted mice, we demonstrate that loss of TRPV4-mediated cartilage mechanotransduction in adulthood reduces the severity of aging-associated OA. However, loss of chondrocyte TRPV4 did not prevent OA development following destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM). These results highlight potentially distinct roles of TRPV4-mediated cartilage mechanotransduction in age-related and post-traumatic OA, and point to a novel disease-modifying strategy to therapeutically target the TRPV4-mediated mechanotransduction pathway for the treatment of aging-associated OA

    Strengthening the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies (GRIPS): explanation and elaboration

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    The rapid and continuing progress in gene discovery for complex diseases is fuelling interest in the potential application of genetic risk models for clinical and public health practice. The number of studies assessing the predictive ability is steadily increasing, but they vary widely in completeness of reporting and apparent quality. Transparent reporting of the strengths and weaknesses of these studies is important to facilitate the accumulation of evidence on genetic risk prediction. A multidisciplinary workshop sponsored by the Human Genome Epidemiology Network developed a checklist of 25 items recommended for strengthening the reporting of Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies (GRIPS), building on the principles established by prior reporting guidelines. These recommendations aim to enhance the transparency, quality and completeness of study reporting, and thereby to improve the synthesis and application of information from multiple studies that might differ in design, conduct or analysis

    Effects of juvenile host density and food availability on adult immune response, parasite resistance and virulence in a Daphnia-parasite system

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    Host density can increase infection rates and reduce host fitness as increasing population density enhances the risk of becoming infected either through increased encounter rate or because host condition may decline. Conceivably, potential hosts could take high host density as a cue to up-regulate their defence systems. However, as host density usually covaries with food availability, it is difficult to examine the importance of host density in isolation. Thus, we performed two full-factorial experiments that varied juvenile densities of Daphnia magna (a freshwater crustacean) and food availability independently. We also included a simulated high-density treatment, where juvenile experimental animals were kept in filtered media that previously maintained Daphnia at high-density. Upon reaching adulthood, we exposed the Daphnia to their sterilizing bacterial parasite, Pasteuria ramosa, and examined how the juvenile treatments influenced the likelihood and severity of infection (Experiment I) and host immune investment (Experiment II). Neither juvenile density nor food treatments affected the likelihood of infection; however, well-fed hosts that were well-fed as juveniles produced more offspring prior to sterilization than their less well-fed counterparts. By contrast, parasite growth was independent of host juvenile resources or host density. Parasite-exposed hosts had a greater number of circulating haemocytes than controls (i.e., there was a cellular immune response), but the magnitude of immune response was not mediated by food availability or host density. These results suggest that density dependent effects on disease arise primarily through correlated changes in food availability: low food could limit parasitism and potentially curtail epidemics by reducing both the host's and parasite's reproduction as both depend on the same food

    Screening for depression in children and adolescents in primary care or non-mental health settings: a systematic review update

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    Abstract Background The transition from childhood to adolescence is associated with an increase in rates of some psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder, a debilitating mood disorder. The aim of this systematic review is to update the evidence on the benefits and harms of screening for depression in primary care and non-mental health clinic settings among children and adolescents. Methods This review is an update of a previous systematic review, for which the last search was conducted in 2017. We searched Ovid MEDLINEĀ® ALL, Embase Classic+Embase, PsycINFO, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and CINAHL on November 4, 2019, and updated on February 19, 2021. If no randomized controlled trials were found, we planned to conduct an additional search for non-randomized trials with a comparator group. For non-randomized trials, we applied a non-randomized controlled trial filter and searched the same databases except for Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from January 2015 to February 2021. We also conducted a targeted search of the gray literature for unpublished documents. Title and abstract, and full-text screening were completed independently by pairs of reviewers. Results In this review update, we were unable to find any randomized controlled studies that satisfied our eligibility criteria and evaluated the potential benefits and harms of screening for depression in children and adolescents. Additionally, a search for non-randomized trials yielded no studies that met the inclusion criteria. Conclusions The findings of this review indicate a lack of available evidence regarding the potential benefits and harms of screening for depression in children and adolescents. This absence of evidence emphasizes the necessity for well-conducted clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of depression screening among children and adolescents in primary care and non-mental health clinic settings. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42020150373
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