3,922 research outputs found

    Complete bond-operator theory of the two-chain spin ladder

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    The discovery of the almost ideal, two-chain spin-ladder material (C_5H_12N)_2CuBr_4 has once again focused attention on this most fundamental problem in low-dimensional quantum magnetism. Within the bond-operator framework, three qualitative advances are introduced which extend the theory to all finite temperatures and magnetic fields in the gapped regime. This systematic description permits quantitative and parameter-free experimental comparisons, which are presented for the specific heat, and predictions for thermal renormalization of the triplet magnon excitations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Tight-binding molecular-dynamics studies of defects and disorder in covalently-bonded materials

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    Tight-binding (TB) molecular dynamics (MD) has emerged as a powerful method for investigating the atomic-scale structure of materials --- in particular the interplay between structural and electronic properties --- bridging the gap between empirical methods which, while fast and efficient, lack transferability, and ab initio approaches which, because of excessive computational workload, suffer from limitations in size and run times. In this short review article, we examine several recent applications of TBMD in the area of defects in covalently-bonded semiconductors and the amorphous phases of these materials.Comment: Invited review article for Comput. Mater. Sci. (38 pages incl. 18 fig.

    Moments of the characteristic polynomial in the three ensembles of random matrices

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    Moments of the characteristic polynomial of a random matrix taken from any of the three ensembles, orthogonal, unitary or symplectic, are given either as a determinant or a pfaffian or as a sum of determinants. For gaussian ensembles comparing the two expressions of the same moment one gets two remarkable identities, one between an n×nn\times n determinant and an m×mm\times m determinant and another between the pfaffian of a 2n×2n2n\times 2n anti-symmetric matrix and a sum of m×mm\times m determinants.Comment: tex, 1 file, 15 pages [SPhT-T01/016], published J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) 1-1

    Amorphous silicon under mechanical shear deformations: shear velocity and temperature effects

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    Mechanical shear deformations lead, in some cases, to effects similar to those resulting from ion irradiation. Here we characterize the effects of shear velocity and temperature on amorphous silicon (\aSi) modelled using classical molecular dynamics simulations based on the empirical Environment Dependent Inter-atomic Potential (EDIP). With increasing shear velocity at low temperature, we find a systematic increase in the internal strain leading to the rapid appearance of structural defects (5-fold coordinated atoms). The impacts of externally applied strain can be almost fully compensated by increasing the temperature, allowing the system to respond more rapidly to the deformation. In particular, we find opposite power-law relations between the temperature and the shear velocity and the deformation energy. The spatial distribution of defects is also found to strongly depend on temperature and strain velocity. For low temperature or high shear velocity, defects are concentrated in a few atomic layers near the center of the cell while, with increasing temperature or decreasing shear velocity, they spread slowly throughout the full simulation cell. This complex behavior can be related to the structure of the energy landscape and the existence of a continuous energy-barrier distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figure

    Public health training in Europe. Development of European masters degrees in public health.

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    BACKGROUND: Changing political and economic relations in Europe mean that there are new challenges for public health and public health training. There have been several attempts to develop training at the master's level in public health which is focused on meeting the new needs. These have failed due to being too inflexible to allow participation by schools of public health. METHODS: A project funded by the European Union involving public health trainers has developed a new approach which allows participating schools to retain their national differences and work within local rules and traditions, but which aims to introduce the European dimension into public health training. This paper reports the conclusions of this project. CONCLUSIONS: A network of schools wishing to develop European Master's degrees is being established and other schools offering good quality programmes will be able to join

    Security of two-way quantum key distribution

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    Quantum key distribution protocols typically make use of a one-way quantum channel to distribute a shared secret string to two distant users. However, protocols exploiting a two-way quantum channel have been proposed as an alternative route to the same goal, with the potential advantage of outperforming one-way protocols. Here we provide a strategy to prove security for two-way quantum key distribution protocols against the most general quantum attack possible by an eavesdropper. We utilize an entropic uncertainty relation, and only a few assumptions need to be made about the devices used in the protocol. We also show that a two-way protocol can outperform comparable one-way protocols.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Matter and knowledge

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    Montréal Trigonix inc. 201

    Assumptions in Quantum Cryptography

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    Quantum cryptography uses techniques and ideas from physics and computer science. The combination of these ideas makes the security proofs of quantum cryptography a complicated task. To prove that a quantum-cryptography protocol is secure, assumptions are made about the protocol and its devices. If these assumptions are not justified in an implementation then an eavesdropper may break the security of the protocol. Therefore, security is crucially dependent on which assumptions are made and how justified the assumptions are in an implementation of the protocol. This thesis is primarily a review that analyzes and clarifies the connection between the security proofs of quantum-cryptography protocols and their experimental implementations. In particular, we focus on quantum key distribution: the task of distributing a secret random key between two parties. We provide a comprehensive introduction to several concepts: quantum mechanics using the density operator formalism, quantum cryptography, and quantum key distribution. We define security for quantum key distribution and outline several mathematical techniques that can either be used to prove security or simplify security proofs. In addition, we analyze the assumptions made in quantum cryptography and how they may or may not be justified in implementations. Along with the review, we propose a framework that decomposes quantum-key-distribution protocols and their assumptions into several classes. Protocol classes can be used to clarify which proof techniques apply to which kinds of protocols. Assumption classes can be used to specify which assumptions are justified in implementations and which could be exploited by an eavesdropper. Two contributions of the author are discussed: the security proofs of two two-way quantum-key-distribution protocols and an intuitive proof of the data-processing inequality.Comment: PhD Thesis, 221 page

    Entanglement verification with realistic measurement devices via squashing operations

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    Many protocols and experiments in quantum information science are described in terms of simple measurements on qubits. However, in a real implementation, the exact description is more difficult, and more complicated observables are used. The question arises whether a claim of entanglement in the simplified description still holds, if the difference between the realistic and simplified models is taken into account. We show that a positive entanglement statement remains valid if a certain positive linear map connecting the two descriptions--a so-called squashing operation--exists; then lower bounds on the amount of entanglement are also possible. We apply our results to polarization measurements of photons using only threshold detectors, and derive procedures under which multi-photon events can be neglected.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure