373 research outputs found

    Performance and parasitosis in heifers grazing mixed with sows

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of mixed grazing with first season heifers and pregnant sows on animal performance, gastro-intestinal helminths, pasture quality and sward structure during three grazing seasons. This presentation will focus on results from 1999, primarily regarding performance and parasitosis in heifers. There have been no earlier reports on such mixed grazing systems. Three grazing systems were studied in replicate: 1) Heifers grazing alone; 2) sows grazing alone; 3) heifers grazing together with sows. The heifers were inoculated with low doses of infective O.ostertagi larvae at turn-out. Continuous grazing was practised in paddocks regulated in size according to herbage allowance. Individual weight gain, faecal egg output and serum pepsinogen concentrations - as indicator of O.ostertagi infection - were measured fortnightly. The sward structure and quality were greatly influenced by the applied grazing system. The average daily gain of the heifers was significantly higher (P=0.0006) when grazing together with sows (1,121±45 g/day, n=16) than when grazing alone (869±48 g/day, n=14). The mean pepsinogen concentrations were elevated in the heifers grazing alone. It is concluded, that weight gains were significantly better and infection levels with O.ostertagi were significantly reduced in heifers grazing together with sows

    Microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1: the inducible synthase for prostaglandin E(2)

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    Microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) is an inducible enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of prostaglandin (PG)H(2 )to PGE(2). Proinflammatory stimuli markedly increase levels of mPGES-1 expression both in vivo and in vitro. mPGES-1 knockout studies and animal models of inflammatory arthritis also provide a strong basis for the contribution of mPGES-1 in the increased local production of PGE(2 )observed in inflammatory arthritis. The focus of this article is to review some recent advances in our understanding of mechanisms specific to the regulation of inducible mPGES-1 in inflammatory arthritis

    Myeloid dendritic cells display downregulation of C-type lectin receptors and aberrant lectin uptake in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Abstract Introduction There is a growing body of evidence implicating aberrant dendritic cell function as a crucial component in the immunopathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the phagocytic capacity and expression of receptors involved in pathogen recognition and self-nonself discrimination on myeloid dendritic cells from patients with lupus. Methods Unstimulated or stimulated monocyte-derived dendritic cells were obtained from lupus patients and healthy control individuals, and expression of C-type lectin receptors (mannose receptor and dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-grabbing nonintegrin), complement-receptor 3 and Fcγ receptors was determined by flow cytometry. Dextran uptake by lupus and control dendritic cells was also assessed by flow cytometry. Serum IFNγ was quantified by ELISA, and uptake of microbial products was measured using fluorescently labeled zymosan. Results When compared with dendritic cells from healthy control individuals, unstimulated and stimulated lupus dendritic cells displayed significantly decreased dextran uptake and mannose receptor and dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-grabbing nonintegrin expression. Decreased expression of the mannose receptor was associated with high serum IFNγ levels, but not with maturation status or medications. Diminished dextran uptake and mannose receptor expression correlated with lupus disease activity. There were no differences between control and lupus dendritic cells in the expression of other pattern recognition receptors or in the capacity to uptake zymosan particles Conclusions Lupus dendritic cells have diminished endocytic capacity, which correlates with decreased mannose receptor expression. While this phenomenon appears primarily intrinsic to dendritic cells, modulation by serum factors such as IFNγ could play a role. These abnormalities may be relevant to the aberrant immune homeostasis and the increased susceptibility to infections described in lupus.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112498/1/13075_2008_Article_2366.pd

    Determination of left ventricular wall thickness and muscle mass by intravenous digital subtractionangiocardiography: validation of the method

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    Left ventricular (LV) wall thickness and muscle mass are important measures of LV hypertrophy. In 24 patients LV end-diastolic wall thickness and muscle mass were determined (two observers) by digital subtraction angiocardiography (DSA) and conventional LV angiocardiography (LVA). Wall thickness was determined over the anterolateral wall of the left ventricle according to the technique of Rackley (method 1) or by planimetry (method 2). Seventeen patients were studied at rest and seven during dynamic exercise. Wall thickness correlated well between LVA and DSA; the best correlations were obtained by a combined subtraction mode using either method 1 or 2 (method 1, r≥0-80; method2, r≥0. 75). The standard error of estimate of the mean (SEE) was slightly lower for method 2 (≤ 10%) than for method 1 (≤ 13%). DSA significantly overestimated wall thickness by 5-7% with method 1 and underestimated by 12-14% with method 2. Muscle mass correlated well between LVA and DSA; the SEE was ≤ 15% for method 1 and≤ 12% for method 2. Overestimation of muscle mass by DSA was 7-11% with method 1 and underestimation was 13-15% with method 2.It is concluded that LV wall thickness can be determined accurately by DSA with an SEE ranging between 10 and 13%. Determination of LV muscle mass is slightly less accurate and the SEE is slightly larger ranging between 13 to 17%. With method 1, wall thickness and muscle mass were over estimated and with method 2 underestimate

    The role of aldosterone blockade in murine lupus nephritis

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    Abstract Background The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of aldosterone receptor blockade on the immunopathogenesis and progression of nephritis in the (NZB × NZW) F1 murine lupus model. Methods Female NZB/W F1 mice (11 weeks old) were treated daily with 25 or 50 mg/kg oral spironolactone or vehicle. Proteinuria, renal function, and serum autoantibody levels were monitored. Renal histopathology, immune complex deposition, and immunohistochemistry were analyzed at various time points. Targeted microarray analysis was performed on renal tissue, with subsequent real-time PCR analysis of several differentially expressed genes. Results Treatment with spironolactone was well tolerated by the mice throughout the course of their disease progression, with no significant differences in azotemia or serum potassium levels between vehicle-treated and spironolactone-treated animals. By 36 weeks of age, fewer spironolactone-treated mice developed nephrotic range proteinuria as compared with the control mice (control 70.8%, 25 mg/kg spironolactone 51.3%, and 50 mg/kg spironolactone 48.6%). Compared with control mice, mice treated with 25 mg/kg spironolactone had significantly lower serum anti-single-stranded DNA levels (2,042 μg/ml versus 1,036 μg/ml; P = 0.03) and anti-double-stranded DNA levels (3,433 μg/ml versus 614 μg/ml; P = 0.05). Spironolactone-treated mice exhibited decreased histopathologic evidence of inflammation and tissue damage, as compared with control mice. Additionally, spironolactone treatment resulted in decreased expression in the kidney of several inflammatory and proapoptotic genes, including those encoding interferon-γ, B lymphocyte stimulator (BlyS), tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL), tumor necrosis factor related weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), and Fas ligand. Conclusion Aldosterone receptor blockade is safe and well tolerated in progressive murine lupus nephritis, and it results in decreased levels of clinical proteinuria, lower serum levels of autoantibodies, and decreased kidney damage. It appears to modulate inflammatory changes during the progression of glomerulonephritis and may also have a previously undescribed role in attenuating apoptosishttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112839/1/13075_2007_Article_2203.pd

    Rapid proliferation of pandemic research: implications for dual-use risks

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the world’s vulnerability to biological catastrophe and elicited unprecedented scientific efforts. Some of this work and its derivatives, however, present dual-use risks (i.e., potential harm from misapplication of beneficial research) that have largely gone unaddressed. For instance, gain-of-function studies and reverse genetics protocols may facilitate the engineering of concerning SARS-CoV-2 variants and other pathogens. The risk of accidental or deliberate release of dangerous pathogens may be increased by large-scale collection and characterization of zoonotic viruses undertaken in an effort to understand what enables animal-to-human transmission. These concerns are exacerbated by the rise of preprint publishing that circumvents a late-stage opportunity for dual-use oversight. To prevent the next global health emergency, we must avoid inadvertently increasing the threat of future biological events. This requires a nuanced and proactive approach to dual-use evaluation throughout the research life cycle, including the conception, funding, conduct, and dissemination of research

    Observations on mass production of <i>Calicophoron microbothrium</i> metacercariae from experimentally and naturally infected <i>Bulinus tropicus</i>

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    In an attempt to establish an ideal method for mass production of Calicophoron microbothrium metacercariae, a study was carried out to compare the shedding capacities of Bulinus tropicus naturally and experimentally infected with C. microbothrium. A total of 906 F1 B. tropicus between 4 and 5 weeks old were each experimentally infected with two C. microbothrium miracidia and monitored for 12 weeks. The infected snails were fed on dried lettuce and fish flakes and were kept in 1 l plastic aquaria housed in a snail room where temperature, light and humidity were controlled. Seventy-four percent of the experimentally infected snails died during the prepatent period and of the remaining, only 13.2 % developed patent infection, while 12.5 % were refractory. Snail growth rate was poor and the average shedding rate was 20 cercariae per snail per day. Compared to the experimentally infected snails, 2 200 adult B. tropicus, collected from the field and naturally infected with C. microbothrium, yielded high numbers of metacercariae. Eighty-four percent of the snails died within 7 weeks of the study with peak mortality occurring from the 2nd to the 4th week of infection and coinciding with an overall decrease in the number of cercariae shed

    Performance and parasitosis in heifers grazing mixed with sows

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    Summary The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of mixed grazing with first season heifers and pregnant sows on animal performance, gastro-intestinal helminths, pasture quality and sward structure during three grazing seasons. This presentation will focus on results from 1999, primarily regarding performance and parasitosis in heifers. There have been no earlier reports on such mixed grazing systems. Three grazing systems were studied in replicate: 1) Heifers grazing alone; 2) sows grazing alone; 3) heifers grazing together with sows. The heifers were inoculated with low doses of infective O.ostertagi larvae at turn-out. Continuous grazing was practised in paddocks regulated in size according to herbage allowance. Individual weight gain, faecal egg output and serum pepsinogen concentrations -as indicator of O.ostertagi infection -were measured fortnightly. The sward structure and quality were greatly influenced by the applied grazing system. The average daily gain of the heifers was significantly higher (P=0.0006) when grazing together with sows (1,121±45 g/day, n=16) than when grazing alone (869±48 g/day, n=14). The mean pepsinogen concentrations were elevated in the heifers grazing alone. It is concluded, that weight gains were significantly better and infection levels with O.ostertagi were significantly reduced in heifers grazing together with sows. Introduction Outdoor pig production is increasing, especially in connection with organic farming. When sows with nose-ring graze alone, experience shows that the sward gets dirty and stemmy, and the sows destroy the sward in spots. It is well known that mixed grazing with sheep and cattle usually improves the utilization of the pasture and reduces parasite infectio

    Extraction of cocoa proanthocyanidins and their fractionation by sequential centrifugal partition chromatography and gel permeation chromatography

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Cocoa beans contain secondary metabolites ranging from simple alkaloids to complex polyphenols with most of them believed to possess significant health benefits. The increasing interest in these health effects has prompted the need to develop techniques for their extraction, fractionation, separation, and analysis. This work provides an update on analytical procedures with a focus on establishing a gentle extraction technique. Cocoa beans were finely ground to an average particle size of <100 μm, defatted at 20°C using n-hexane, and extracted three times with 50 % aqueous acetone at 50°C. Determination of the total phenolic content was done using the Folin-Ciocalteu assay, the concentration of individual polyphenols was analyzed by electrospray ionization high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (ESI-HPLC/MS). Fractions of bioactive compounds were separated by combining sequential centrifugal partition chromatography (SCPC) and gel permeation column chromatography using Sephadex LH-20. For SCPC, a two-phase solvent system consisting of ethyl acetate/n-butanol/water (4:1:5, v/v/v) was successfully applied for the separation of theobromine, caffeine, and representatives of the two main phenolic compound classes flavan-3-ols and flavonols. Gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 using a stepwise elution sequence with aqueous acetone has been shown for effectively separating individual flavan-3-ols. Separation was obtained for (-)-epicatechin, proanthocyanidin dimer B2, trimer C1, and tetramer cinnamtannin A2. The purity of alkaloids and phenolic compounds was determined by HPLC analysis and their chemical identity was confirmed by mass spectrometry