5 research outputs found

    Late onset muscle plasticity in the whisker pad of enucleated rats

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    Blindness leads to a major reorganization of neural pathways associated with touch. Because incoming somatosensory information influences motor output, it is plausible that motor plasticity occurs in the blind. In this work, we evaluated this issue at the peripheral level in enucleated rats. Whisker muscles in enucleated rats 160 days of age or older showed increased cytochrome oxidase activity, capillary density, motor plate size, and amplitude of evoked field potentials as compared with their control counterparts. Such differences were not observed at ages 10 and 60 days, the capillary density was the exception being greater in the enucleated rat at the latter age. Interestingly, there was a trend to increased neurotrophin-3 concentrations in the whisker pads of enucleated rats throughout postnatal development. Our results show that neonatal enucleation leads to late onset plasticity of the whisker's motor system

    Molecular imaging of depressive disorders

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    This chapter summarizes findings of a large number of molecular imaging studies in the field of unipolar and bipolar depression (BD). Brain metabolism in depressed unipolar and bipolar patients is generally hypoactive in the middle frontal gyri, the pregenual and posterior anterior cingulate, the superior temporal gyrus, the insula, and the cerebellum, while hyperactivity exists in subcortical (caudate nucleus, thalamus), limbic (amygdala, anterior hippocampus), and medial and inferior frontal regions. Interestingly, after depletion of serotonin or noradrenalin/dopamine in vulnerable (recovered) major depressive disorder (MDD) patients, a similar response pattern in metabolism occurs. Findings on the pre-and postsynaptic dopaminergic system show indications that, at least in subgroups of retarded MDD patients, presynaptic dopaminergic markers may be decreased, while postsynaptic markers may be increased. The findings regarding serotonin synthesis, pre-and postsynaptic imaging can be integrated to a presumable loss of serotonin in MDD, while this remains unclear in BD. This reduction of serotonin and dopamine in MDD was recently summarized in a revised version of the monoamine hypothesis, which focuses more on a dysfunction at the level of the MAO enzyme. This should be addressed further in future studies. Nevertheless, it should be acknowledged that the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems appear adaptive; therefore, it remains difficult to distinguish state and trait abnormalities. Therefore, future longitudinal molecular imaging studies in the same subjects at different clinical mood states (preferably with different tracers and imaging modalities) are needed to clarify whether the observed changes in transporters and receptors are compensatory reactions or reflect different, potentially causal mechanisms. Several suggestions for future developments are also provided at the end of this chapter