10,748 research outputs found

    Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of the electronic local density of states of graphite surfaces near monoatomic step edges

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    We measured the electronic local density of states (LDOS) of graphite surfaces near monoatomic step edges, which consist of either the zigzag or armchair edge, with the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) techniques. The STM data reveal that the (3×3)R30∘(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}) R 30^{\circ} and honeycomb superstructures coexist over a length scale of 3-4 nm from both the edges. By comparing with density-functional derived nonorthogonal tight-binding calculations, we show that the coexistence is due to a slight admixing of the two types of edges at the graphite surfaces. In the STS measurements, a clear peak in the LDOS at negative bias voltages from -100 to -20 mV was observed near the zigzag edges, while such a peak was not observed near the armchair edges. We concluded that this peak corresponds to the graphite "edge state" theoretically predicted by Fujita \textit{et al.} [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. {\bf 65}, 1920 (1996)] with a tight-binding model for graphene ribbons. The existence of the edge state only at the zigzag type edge was also confirmed by our first-principles calculations with different edge terminations.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    The Future of Hard and Electromagnetic Probes at RHIC

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    Potential near- and long-term physics opportunities with jets, heavy flavors and electromagnetic probes at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) are presented. Much new physics remains to be unveiled using these probes, due to their sensitivity to the initial high density stage of RHIC collisions, when quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formation is expected. Additional physics will include addressing deconfinement, chiral symmetry restoration, properties of the strongly-coupled QGP and a possible weakly-interacting QGP, color glass condensate in the initial state, and hadronization. To fully realize the physics prospects of the RHIC energy regime, new detector components must be added to existing experiments, the RHIC machine luminosity upgraded, and a possible new detector with significantly extended coverage and capabilities added.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Hard Probes 2004, International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy Nuclear Collision

    Entanglement, Haag-duality and type properties of infinite quantum spin chains

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    We consider an infinite spin chain as a bipartite system consisting of the left and right half-chain and analyze entanglement properties of pure states with respect to this splitting. In this context we show that the amount of entanglement contained in a given state is deeply related to the von Neumann type of the observable algebras associated to the half-chains. Only the type I case belongs to the usual entanglement theory which deals with density operators on tensor product Hilbert spaces, and only in this situation separable normal states exist. In all other cases the corresponding state is infinitely entangled in the sense that one copy of the system in such a state is sufficient to distill an infinite amount of maximally entangled qubit pairs. We apply this results to the critical XY model and show that its unique ground state provides a particular example for this type of entanglement.Comment: LaTeX2e, 34 pages, 1 figure (pstricks

    Absorption and J/psi Suppression in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We discuss the J/psi suppression in the framework of multiple collision models. From the analysis of the Pb-Pb NA50 data we conclude that the strength of the absorption has increased, but we find no clear evidence for the formation of the quark-gluon plasma.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Three Phases in the 3D Abelian Higgs Model with Nonlocal Gauge Interactions

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    We study the phase structure of the 3D nonlocal compact U(1) lattice gauge theory coupled with a Higgs field by means of Monte-Carlo simulations. The nonlocal interactions among gauge variables are along the temporal direction and mimic the effect of local coupling to massless particles. We found that in contrast to the 3D local abelian Higgs model which has only one phase, the present model exhibits the confinement, Higgs, and Coulomb phases separated by three second-order transition lines emanating from a triple point. This result is quite important for studies on electron fractionalization phenomena in strongly-correlated electron systems. Implications to them are discussed

    Color screening in a constituent quark model of hadronic matter

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    The effect of color screening on the formation of a heavy quark-antiquark (QQˉQ\bar{Q}) bound state--such as the J/ψJ/\psi meson--is studied using a constituent-quark model. The response of the nuclear medium to the addition of two color charges is simulated directly in terms of its quark constituents via a string-flip potential that allows for quark confinement within hadrons yet enables the hadrons to separate without generating unphysical long-range forces. Medium modifications to the properties of the heavy meson, such as its energy and its mean-square radius, are extracted by solving Schr\"odinger's equation for the QQˉQ\bar{Q} pair in the presence of a (screened) density-dependent potential. The density dependence of the heavy-quark potential is in qualitative agreement with earlier studies of its temperature dependence extracted from lattice calculations at finite temperature. In the present model it is confirmed that abrupt changes in the properties of the J/ψJ/\psi-meson in the hadronic medium ({\it plasma}), correlate strongly with the deconfining phase transition.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRC for publication, uses revtex

    Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Symmetric Stable Distributions -- Empirical Characteristic Function Approach

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    We consider goodness-of-fit tests of symmetric stable distributions based on weighted integrals of the squared distance between the empirical characteristic function of the standardized data and the characteristic function of the standard symmetric stable distribution with the characteristic exponent α\alpha estimated from the data. We treat α\alpha as an unknown parameter, but for theoretical simplicity we also consider the case that α\alpha is fixed. For estimation of parameters and the standardization of data we use maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and an equivariant integrated squared error estimator (EISE) which minimizes the weighted integral. We derive the asymptotic covariance function of the characteristic function process with parameters estimated by MLE and EISE. For the case of MLE, the eigenvalues of the covariance function are numerically evaluated and asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is obtained using complex integration. Simulation studies show that the asymptotic distribution of the test statistics is very accurate. We also present a formula of the asymptotic covariance function of the characteristic function process with parameters estimated by an efficient estimator for general distributions

    Galactic-Center Hyper-Shell Model for the North Polar Spurs

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    The bipolar-hyper shell (BHS) model for the North Polar Spurs (NPS-E, -W, and Loop I) and counter southern spurs (SPS-E and -W) is revisited based on numerical hydrodynamical simulations. Propagations of shock waves produced by energetic explosive events in the Galactic Center are examined. Distributions of soft X-ray brightness on the sky at 0.25, 0.7, and 1.5 keV in a +/-50 deg x +/-50 deg region around the Galactic Center are modeled by thermal emission from high-temperature plasma in the shock-compressed shell considering shadowing by the interstellar HI and H2 gases. The result is compared with the ROSAT wide field X-ray images in R2, 4 and 6 bands. The NPS and southern spurs are well reproduced by the simulation as shadowed dumbbell-shaped shock waves. We discuss the origin and energetics of the event in relation to the starburst and/or AGN activities in the Galactic Center. [ High resolution pdf is available at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~sofue/htdocs/2016bhs/ ]Comment: 13 pages, 20 figures; To appear in MNRA
