772 research outputs found

    The kinematics of the diffuse ionized gas in NGC 4666

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    The global properties of the interstellar medium with processes such as infall and outflow of gas and a large scale circulation of matter and its consequences for star formation and chemical enrichment are important for the understanding of galaxy evolution. In this paper we studied the kinematics and morphology of the diffuse ionized gas (DIG) in the disk and in the halo of the star forming spiral galaxy NGC 4666 to derive information about its kinematical properties. Especially, we searched for infalling and outflowing ionized gas. We determined surface brightness, radial velocity, and velocity dispersion of the warm ionized gas via high spectral resolution (R ~ 9000) Fabry-P\'erot interferometry. This allows the determination of the global velocity field and the detection of local deviations from this verlocity field. We calculated models of the DIG distribution and its kinematics for comparison with the measured data. In this way we determined fundamental parameters such as the inclination and the scale height of NGC 4666, and established the need for an additional gas component to fit our observed data. We found individual areas, especially along the minor axis, with gas components reaching into the halo which we interpret as an outflowing component of the diffuse ionized gas. As the main result of our study, we were able to determine that the vertical structure of the DIG distribution in NGC 4666 is best modeled with two components of ionized gas, a thick and a thin disk with 0.8 kpc and 0.2 kpc scale height, respectively. Therefore, the enhanced star formation in NGC 4666 drives an outflow and also maintains a thick ionized gas layer reminiscent of the Reynold's layer in the Milky Way.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Optical studies of the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC1313 X-2

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    NGC1313 X-2 was among the first ultraluminous X-ray sources discovered, and has been a frequent target of X-ray and optical observations. Using the HST/ACS multi-band observations, this source is identified with a unique counterpart within an error circle of 0\farcs2. The counterpart is a blue star on the edge of a young cluster of 107\le10^7 years amid a dominant old stellar population. Its spectral energy distribution is consistent with that for a Z=0.004 star with 8.5 MM_\odot about 5×1065\times10^6 years old, or for an O7 V star at solar metallicity. The counterpart exhibited significant variability of Δm=0.153±0.033\Delta m = 0.153\pm0.033 mag between two F555W observations separated by three months, reminiscent of the ellipsoidal variability due to the orbital motion of this ULX binary.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, scheduled for the ApJ June 10, 2007, v662n 1 issu

    Recurrent Polymicrobial Bloodstream Infections as Harbingers of a Duodenal-Inferior Vena Cava Fistula

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    This is a case of an 82-year-old patient who presented with recurrent polymicrobial bloodstream infections and no obvious undrained source of infection. She had prior double barrel iliocaval stenting for post thrombotic syndrome. The patient underwent exploratory laparotomy and primary repair of a duodenal-caval fistula with a fascia lata patch and an omental pedicle flap. No further bloodstream infections were documented after the repair. This discussion highlights an uncommon complication of IVC stenting, its presentation as well as the operative approach used to repair the fistula

    Modeling the radial abundance distribution of the transition galaxy ngc 1313

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    NGC 1313 is the most massive disk galaxy showing a flat radial abundance distribution in its interstellar gas, a behavior generally observed in magellanic and irregular galaxies. We have attempted to reproduce this flat abundance distribution using a multiphase chemical evolution model, which has been previously used sucessfully to depict other spiral galaxies along the Hubble morphological sequence. We found that it is not possible to reproduce the flat radial abundance distribution in NGC 1313, and at the same time, be consistent with observed radial distributions of other key parameters such the surface gas density and star formation profiles. We conclude that a more complicated galactic evolution model including radial flows, and possibly mass loss due to supernova explosions and winds, is necessary to explain the apparent chemical uniformity of the disk of NGC 1313Comment: 14 paginas, 4 figures, to be published in ApJ, apri

    Deep H{\alpha} Observations of NGC 253: a Very Extended and Possibly Declining Rotation Curve?

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    This study presents a deep H{\alpha} kinematical analysis of the Sculptor Group galaxy NGC253. The Fabry-Perot data were taken with the 36-cm Marseille Telescope in La Silla, Chile, using an EMCCD detector. Typical emission measures of ~0.1 cm^-6 pc are reached. The observations allow the detection of the Diffuse Ionized Gas component through [N II] emission at very large radii of 11.5', 12.8' and 19.0', on the receding side of the galaxy. No H{\alpha} emission is observed at radii larger than the neutral component (11.5'). The very extended rotation curve confirms previous results and shows signs of a significant decline, on the order of 30 per cent vmax . Using the rotation data, mass models are constructed with and without the outer [N II] data points, and similar results are found. The declining part of the rotation curve is very well modeled, and seems to be truly declining.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    A kinematic study of the irregular dwarf galaxy NGC 2366 using HI and Halpha observations

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    Abridged. Context. The metal content of dwarf galaxies and the metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium both suggest that mass loss from galaxies is a significant factor for the chemical evolution history of galaxies, in particular of dwarf galaxies. However, no clear evidence of a blow-away in local dwarf galaxies has been found so far. Aims. We therefore performed a detailed kinematic analysis of the neutral and ionised gas in the nearby star-forming irregular dwarf galaxy NGC 2366 in order to make predictions about the fate of the gas and to get a more complete picture of this galaxy. Methods. A deep Halpha image and Fabry-Perot interferometric data of NGC 2366 were obtained. They were complemented by HI synthesis data from the THINGS survey. We searched for line-splitting both in Halpha and HI by performing a Gaussian decomposition. To get an idea whether the expansion velocities are high enough for a gas blow-away, we used the pseudo-isothermal halo model, which gives us realistic values for the escape velocities of NGC 2366. The good data quality also allowed us to discuss some peculiarities of the morphology and the dynamics in NGC 2366. Results. A large red-shifted outflow north west of the giant extragalactic HII region with an expansion velocity of up to 50 km/s is found in Halpha, but not in HI. Additionally, a blue-shifted component north of the giant extragalactic HII region was detected both in Halpha and HI with an expansion velocity of up to 30 km/s. A comparison with the escape velocities of NGC 2366 reveals that the gas does not have enough kinetic energy to leave the gravitational potential.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    GHASP : An Halpha kinematic survey of spiral and irregular galaxies - VI. New Halpha data cubes for 108 galaxies

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    We present the Fabry-Perot observations obtained for a new set of 108 galaxies that completes the GHASP survey (Gassendi HAlpha survey of SPirals). The GHASP survey consists of 3D Ha data cubes for 203 spiral and irregular galaxies, covering a large range in morphological types and absolute magnitudes, for kinematics analysis. The GHASP sample is by now the largest sample of Fabry-Perot data ever published. We have derived Ha data cubes from which are computed Ha maps, radial velocity fields as well as residual velocity fields, position-velocity diagrams, rotation curves and the kinematical parameters for almost all galaxies. Original improvements in the determination of the kinematical parameters, rotation curves and their uncertainties have been implemented in the reduction procedure. This new method is based on the whole 2D velocity field and on the power spectrum of the residual velocity fieldrather than the classical method using successive crowns in the velocity field. Among the results, we point out that morphological position angles have systematically higher uncertainties than kinematical ones, especially for galaxies with low inclination. Morphological inclination of galaxies having no robust determination of their morphological position angle cannot be constrained correctly. Galaxies with high inclination show a better agreement between their kinematical inclination and their morphological inclination computed assuming a thin disk. The consistency of the velocity amplitude of our rotation curves have been checked using the Tully-Fisher relationship. Our data are in good agreement with previous determinations found in the literature. Nevertheless, galaxies with low inclination have statistically higher velocities than expected and fast rotators are less luminous than expected.Comment: accepted in MNRAS for publication, 60 pages, 25 figures, usues biblio.bib for bibliography (.bbl included in the archive), natbib.sty, epsfig.st